Bloom Day At The Semi Garden

This bloom day (thanks, Carol of May Dreams) we are going to take a little trip up the interstate to offspring *Semi’s garden. She lives with her husband and offspring LTB,  not LBJ,  age three, in a new subdivision. The house and garden are five years young. She likes to sow seeds onto bare soil and let nature do the work. These volunteer cosmos are a good example of her successes. She planted threw the seeds in the bed she calls the daylily farm, all her beds are farms of various sorts, after dumping mushroom compost from the nearby mushroom farm, an actual farm, on a section of land near her garage the first spring after moving in. No tilling, turf removal or weeding was done in preparation. The Fairegarden clan calls this method of gardening Semi School. You will learn more about the tenets of this type of gardening throughout this post.Not all of her plants are from seed. This Echinacea ‘Summer Sky’thrives under her benign neglect, as do most other perennials, tree and shrubs. The underlying philosophy of the Semi School is doing next to nothing to tend or care for your garden. She finely honed this school of thought while living in the house where I now reside. Plants were added to the landscape each time we would visit the house she shared with her sister Chickenpoet while they attended college here. Weeds were pulled, mulch was added, the grass was cut and watering was done on these trips. All four of the Fairegarden offspring contributed to the planting of the large hemlock and pyracantha rows that line the chain link fence at the back of the property, among other trees and shrubs. Potential boyfriends of Semi were tested by whether they could dig a decent hole to plant a tree.  Some failed this test.  When we moved to Texas the visits were fewer and the weeds grew so tall that we received a letter of warning from the city to take action or else.An attempt was made to get more garden maintenance from Semi and the parade of roommates after Chickenpoet moved out. Great garden clean ups would occur with each of my visits. As the overgrowth was trimmed and the weeds were pulled we were always surprised to see that all the original plantings were not only alive but prospering underneath the rubble.  The garden was always in the same state of dishevelment when we would arrive after the fifteen hour drive from Texas.  Sigh.  I know for a fact that in addition to doing nothing whatsoever to tend the garden, there were beverage cans, make up cases and assorted articles of clothing found as mulch around the flowers.  I witnessed some stomach ailments along with people unconscious on the plants after a Hallowe’en party that I attended in costume at a nearby friend’s house so as not to draw attention to the fact that I was someone’s mother who was also attending this party.  A real eye opener that party was for me. I had just weeded and divided those Autumn Joy sedums too.  Maybe it was fertilizer.  Shown above is a cactus flowered dahlia just now starting to bloom.Moving forward in time we now can see that there were garden lessons being learned from living in a house with a garden growing in spite of the lack of effort on the part of the occupants. Semi has a real feel for roses. She can grow all types, even hybrid teas which are a tending nightmare. Shown above is a climber, Queen Elizabeth that grows on a fence in some of the worst soil I have ever seen. The digging is done with a pickaxe. There is no spraying, pruning, feeding or watering done.  Weeding?  HA to weeding!This antique rose on her mailbox is Landmark.Rainbow Knockout is showing interesting coloration.Gaillardia ‘Lemons and Oranges’ continues to be a standout as are all the gaillardias. They are plants that self sow and tolerate the drought we are experiencing with aplomb. They are fine candidates for graduation from the Semi School.This year a new bed was made, again by dumping mushroom compost over the sparse lawn with nothing else done, and all of her seed collection, purchased and saved was thrown around there. I can remember when the pure white marigold was highly sought after by the large seed companies. Interest has been lost in the lowly marigolds of late as fancier flowers caught the attention of the gardening public. This white is quite lovely and a cooling relief to the miasma of color at Semi’s place.Now for some long views, the mailbox farm by the street is narrow. She is on a cul de sac with a pie shaped lot that was one of the largest available when they selected it. Ground had not even been broken for the small subdivision when they bought the house. The builders do not treat the soil kindly as they build these houses very quickly. Bits of lumber, block, brick, nails and lunch bags can be unearthed when digging a hole to plant. But a nice topcoat of mushroom compost will cover all sins.  There are bulbs galore in this bed seen by the public and many blooming flowers.Right at curbside is a zinnia that either returned or self seeded, it is not known which, along with one of many mums that have grown to giant proportions since the initial planting the first year. Seed heads of scabiosa dot the terrain along with celosia volunteers.There is a steep slope that occupies half of the back yard. Luckily there is also a large flat section that reaches back to the farthest corner for a play area for young gardeners, budding baseball stars and golf pros. A large bouquet of muhly grass seed heads were strewn about on the hillside and have become blooming size. They will produce more seed and more blooming size plants over time. Time is on the side of the Semi School followers.There is a project going on that defies the logic of the Semi School. In the beginning, dogwood seedlings have been plucked from the fairegarden, along with many, many other things, and transplanted to the hill at Semi’s. A few have died but some have sent their roots into this solid red clay. As the gulleys got larger and roots were exposed of the added quince and forsythia the need for a wall was apparent. Rocks collected by Semi’s father in law from their acreage in middle Tennessee have been used to put together a structure that will help hold the soil in place. Semi and I have been working very hard to get this built. She is the muscle, I am the mason and LTB helps out by sitting on our lap and filling buckets with soil for backfill that he has dug with his small shovel. The idea for the steps going up diagonally came to me in a dream. Moving those huge and heavy pieces was a lesson in perserverance.Our help in the transport is the sturdy wagon of LTB. Mulch will be added to the wall beds and Semi has replanted the daylilies, iris and Husker red penstemons that were moved to make way for the wall and steps.
Those of you with grown offspring that have their own gardens will know what it is like to want to help them with your expertise, but not insert your own vision into what should be their creation. Semi and I have very different ways of doing things, not just gardening but all things. Our minds work differently. But we share many things, and the sharing of the love of gardening and being able to garden side by side with her is one of my greatest joys. Thanks, Semi.
*The name of Semi was chosen by my lovely daughter with a lovely real name as the blog name for herself after one of my first posts describing the taming of the property with the (lack of) help by my semi-adult offspring. The use of the word Semi appealed to her greatly and she has made it her own. She has a sense of humor that finds tremendous hilarity in the tiniest of things. It is truly a gift to laugh hysterically at nothing at all, the clan marvels at her.

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37 Responses to Bloom Day At The Semi Garden

  1. joco says:

    It’s in the genes, obviously 🙂

    Hi Joco, thanks for visiting and welcome. Your bloom day post is wonderful, the photos show berries in a way I have never seen before.

    We wonder about the love of gardening being genetic or environmental or both and even posted about it a while back. Being able to garden with the offspring is one of my greatest joys though.


  2. Shirl says:

    Wow Frances, thanks for sharing your daughter’s garden with us 🙂

    I love the colour she has got going on there! Hands-up though – it was the rocks that really grabbed my attention here. No, I’m not sad really I’m not 😉

    Hi Shirl, thanks. I had been wanting to write about Semi’s garden and this seemed like a good time to share it. When we get that hillside mulched and planted it should be spectacular. Before we could not even stand there without sliding down the clay, wet or dry.

    I hope that you are not sad, your garden and the bloom day post about it are magnificent. A Must See!


    ps, the early readers must have read this post with all the typos and misspellings. I read these drafts so many times and somehow miss the errors and spellchecker does too. ;-> Hope all are fixed and it is readable finally. ;->

  3. Tyra says:

    Echinacea’Summer sky’very pretty is it pink and orange/apricot?/ LOL Tyra

    Hi Tyra, the colors of that echinacea are a pale wash of those colors. It is quite lovely and changes as the flowers age. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Ah, yes, gardening of sorts is in the Semi’s genes, but it is showing a different form. Thanks for sharing her garden with us for bloom day!

    HA Carol, very astute observation! You should see the insides of our houses! Or maybe not, but they are quite different in housekeeping methods also. Thanks for putting this showcase on, it is a highlight of everyone’s month.

  5. That looks like a semi-pretty garden. Nah, just kidding, it looks great, different from yours, but lovely all the same. It must be fun to share your gardening passion with your daughter.

    Happy GBBD, Frances!

    Hi YE, it is a pretty garden, just different from mine like you say. I keep thinking I can whip it into shape and have spent many hours on it myself, but it is her garden not mine. It grows beautifully with so little maintenance. I didn’t show the little piece that we call my garden, a one square foot patch by the driveway that I keep weeded and maintained, our little joke, to ease my sense of orderliness when visiting. Building the wall is something I have enjoyed and might have to keep weeded also, staking a claim there too. We travel there weekly so it is easy to help out.

  6. Gail says:

    Frances, I have never managed to post here first or pick your post first! I would have to get up much earlier! Good morning! A wonderful post that does honor to Semi and her hard working gardener mom! I feel certain that Semi would enjoy my own version of, how did you phrase it, miasma of color! I love her garden and still think her son “LBJ” is a adorable! Frances, the wall is wonderful with those dream steps! Thank you for sharing her garden with us Gail

    Hi Gail, it is hard to beat the Europeans where it is evening there when my posts go up LOL. Maybe set your alarm clock for 4:45 AM like ours is. Semi would love your garden and you hers. Not that your styles are the same or anything, but she is in full sun all over, not a mature tree anywhere as is the case with some new subdivisions, unlike your forest. We may have to start calling him LBJ! HA. Thanks as always for being a loyal reader. ;->

  7. linda says:

    Good morning Frances! Semi’s garden is wonderful. Multi-generational gardening is such a joy to share.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your account of the beginnings of Fairegarden, peppered as it is with your unique perspective and infectious sense of humor.

    Hi Linda, thanks and good morning to you. The stories surrounding the house and the offspring are full of humor. We all laugh now if not when these things were happening. ;->

  8. Racquel says:

    What a lovely gift you have passed down to your offspring Frances. Even if their way of gardening is different than yours, Semi obviously has a green thumb because her plants seem to be thriving inspite of everything. 🙂

    Hi Racquel, thanks. I do think that the definition of green thumb, as opposed to hard work, is having things grow for you with no effort. She has that for sure.

  9. mothernaturesgarden says:

    You need something to do in your spare time. 😉

    Hi Donna, ain’t that the truth! LOL I really would love to spend about a week cleaning up her garden, and have even done so, when she was pregnant, but that sort of thing has to be kept up, like housework. Weeds grow back, especially if they have been allowed to go to seed like hers have. The best plan is to let the shrubs and perennials grow and mature and shade out the weeds, I just have to be able to stand it while that happens. It doesn’t bother her at all. ;->

  10. Marnie says:

    I know my taste and style of gardening has changed a dozen times over the years. I expect hers will too. Just as long as she keeps that love of flowers.

    Hi Marnie, I think you are right. This is less of a style than a necessity with a full time demanding career and wife and motherhood. There are just not enough hours in the day. As LTB grows older she will be able to spend more time in the garden. When she gets to be my age, she will have lots more time on her hands. I don’t know how people can garden at all with full time jobs, households to run and children under foot, let alone blog. My hats off to all who do that so well.

  11. skeeter says:

    Semi is so smart, all those times mom was weeding while she way playing party girl. LOL.. I guess when she became a homeowner, things changed but rest assured, she has learned much from mom and all her hard work in the gardens. The hillside is looking great and one day will be filled with beautiful colors for sure! I have never noticed muhly grass before your great postings but am seeing it in many places now! Thanks for bringing that pink beauty to my attention. Amazing the things we dont notice until someone points them out to us… Great photos of Semi gardens. You must be a proud mama. And grandmamma too as LTB is pulling that red wagon while learning and following the path of grand footsteps… ..

    Hi Skeeter, yes back in those old days I was the only one working in the garden while the young ones were asleep. I have always been an early riser, not as early as now, and need something to do while waiting for others to awake. Why not garden? So glad you are finding some muhly grass to admire, it is such a glorious plant. I am proud of Semi and her garden. It is looking better all the time. Her roses are spectacular.

  12. Shibaguyz says:

    LOVE the rock terrace! Can’t wait to see what your Semi (that’s a crack up, btw) does with it and how it fills out. Thanks for sharing!

    Hi Guyz, thanks. Isn’t her name a hoot? I will post an after photo once the hillside gets mulched and planted. It is visible from the street too. I think some muhly grass is called for. ;->

  13. What a wonderful story & tribute! I wish my mom could appreciate me for myself as you appreciate Semi for herself. (Actually, I think you & mom are 2 of a kind & I think Semi & I are kindred spirits, although I don’t even try to grow fussy Roses.) We definitely share a color palette.

    Hi MMD, thanks. I agree complelely when we met in Austin and we spoke of being organized. I don’t know how those like you and Semi get anything done, and yet you do a fabulous job. It would drive me nuts. I have given up trying to get Semi to be more organized, her brain does not work like that. She is like The Financier, not me, although we both do love to garden, we have different approaches to it.

  14. Chloe.M says:

    A truly lovely story. Yours is always the FIRST blog I read every morning.

    And love the stonwork!


    Hi Chloe, what a wonderful compliment, thanks so much! Having gorgeous stones to work with makes wall building so much easier. The first batch he brought were just to be used to line the gardens. The last group he knew we were stacking it for walls so looked for flatter and consistent thickness and larger. This is a fortune in stone and labor that she is getting for free. ;->

  15. Brenda Kula says:

    I wish I had that kind of luck by “scattering seeds.” I don’t even seem to have luck actually planting them! Seeds have not worked out well for me so far. I love the blooms. So pretty. And so enjoyed reading this post!

    Hi Brenda, me too. The only seed scattering that gets results like that around my garden are the ones scattered by the plants themselves. Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Kathleen says:

    Whatever her method, it’s working for her. I say its the end results that count and hers are beautiful. My Mom and I have a similar relationship to what you describe with your daughter. We’re just different. I also did not appreciate gardening, weeding, etc., until I became a homeowner myself. I think everything I detested in childhood was rooted inside despite my lack of interest at the time. I think my parents planted the “seed” so to speak, just as you have done and gave me the gift of appreciating nature and the joys of gardening. I think I’ll throw a few seeds out this fall and see if I have any of her luck!!

    Hi Kathleen, thanks for telling us about your experience with that special *seed*. My other daughter, Chickenpoet is a gardener also, but hated it growing up because I MADE her pick the nastursiums! LOL Let’s all throw out some seeds!

  17. I love this Semi story! 🙂 Her garden flowers are beautiful and to think she subscribes to the idea of survival of the fittest plants! One grown son is an archaeologist who is traveling all the time on projects (was in Crete all summer and now in Pennsylvania). He loves to garden and lands here between his projects as he has no need for a place of his own yet. Talk about being able to dig holes! An archaeologist can dig a perfect, round, deep hole faster than you can get the plant out of the pot! Cameron

    Hi Cameron, wow! The perfect profession to perfect your digging! It makes perfect sense. He sounds like a wonderful son and a someday to be gardener too. Thanks for sharing with us.

  18. hayefield says:

    Clearly, there’s a lot to be said for the Semi School of Gardening. You can go to all kinds of effort to make nice, fluffy beds, and the darn plants seed into the dry, hard-packed paths anyway, so you may as well skip the hard work, I guess. (It also helps a lot to have someone assist with the occasional cleanup!) I really enjoyed seeing the pictures and hearing the story of the garden (just a little too much information on the college days, though, Frances). Thanks for sharing!

    Hi Nan, you are so right. Maybe we are trying too hard sometimes. ;-> But your garden is a testament to doing things right, your plants are enjoying that tender loving care you give the soil with the gifts from your boys. Sorry about those college days stories, and that was the sanitized version!

  19. Lovely to see the wonderful colours of the blooms in Semi’s garden. I particularly like the Echinacea ‘Summer Sky’

    Hi Karen, thanks. I have a couple of those same echinaceas in my garden and they are brown as burnt toast right now. lol

  20. A lovely post, Frances. what a beautiful ‘volunteer’ Cosmos. I love the last sentence you wrote – laughter is a great gift!

    Hi Happy, thanks. With a name like happy you must share that same trait. ;->

  21. Rose says:

    Semi’s approach to gardening may not be traditional, but it’s obviously working! Such an enjoyable post to read–I chuckled at the boyfriend test. My older daughter once dated a football player who spaded up my first flowerbed for me as well as move lots of heavy furniture. Alas, they broke up, but new–and permanent, I think–boyfriend is willing to be put to such tests as well:)

    Frances, I have to tell you–one of the first posts of yours I read was about someone’s chickens, and I thought Semi and Chickenpoet were the names of the chickens! Thanks for not making fun of me at the time:) Very clever blog names; I’ll have to think of something more original for mine than Daughter #1.

    Hi Rose, thanks for a thorough comment. The kids all chose their own names, I would have never come up with what they settled on. Maybe you might ask #1 who she wants to be. ;-> The boyfriend tests were always fun. We still talk about the one who came over to jack up the car and change a tire. Chickenpoet and I were impressed by that strength. My two boys who were a few years younger than the girls liked the boyfriends that would play basketball or soccer with them. There was one that even took them golfing, big plus points for him. Although he lost favor in the end. Oh those kids and the stories involved with them. We could go on all night. LOL

  22. rusty says:

    Beautiful garden, you are lucky that your offsping loves gardening. I haven’t found anyone in my family other then my father that loves gardening. Sometime it can be a bit lonely thank god for my blog.

    Hi Rusty, thanks. I am so sorry that you lack gardening relatives. Keep extolling the virtues of gardening and maybe someone will come around to your way of thinking. Semi has always loved the garden, but her sister Chickenpoet wanted nothing to do with it. Now she is as obsessive about it as we are. Be patient. And I also thank God for the bloggers! ;->

  23. Kathy says:

    Isn’t it aggravating to have your cherished tenets of orderliness and What Must Be Done disproved by your own flesh and blood? We parents of grown children walk a very fine line between intruding and joining in the fun. Sounds like you’re keeping your balance.

    Hi Kathy, so nice to see you here. You should know about adult children’s ways if anyone does! Semi’s lack of order reaches out to all parts of her living, we won’t speak of her house inside. ;-> Or car. It has taken some years to be able to ignore what I see when visiting the various offspring, but it makes for such a happier visit to simply keep my mouth shut. One thing blogging has taught me is how to find something nice to say in any situation!

  24. Kim says:

    Frances, I really liked this peep into Semi’s garden and her story. I can relate to her gardening journey – it wasn’t much fun at all when it was my mother’s garden, but now that I have my own, I can’t keep my hands out of the dirt. Although we don’t live near each other, I hope my mother gets even half the pleasure from gardening with me (when we’re together) that you get from gardening with Semi, and I hope you and Semi have many happy years gardening together. I can say, from a daughter’s perspective, that gardening is one of my most favorite things to share with my mom, so I know Semi loves gardening with you. And I can also say she’s lucky to have you!

    HI Kim, thanks for telling your story. I realize now that when the kids have their own garden they look at you and your garden differently. We become equals as fellow tenders of the land rather than a parent child relationship. It is most gratifying. I am very lucky in so many ways, and the sharing of gardening with the offspring is very high on that list.

  25. semi says:

    Thank you for including my garden in the bloom day. Your pictures make it look so nice. I do enjoy our gardening together. I know it is hard on you sometimes with my randomness and all. Those stories make me laugh (go figure) but I think the tree being thrown from the back of the van would have been worthy. What a sight!! Thank you for always being such an inspiration to us all!! Love semi-(I don’t think I will ever feel 100% adult so it fits)

    Hello my dear Semi, thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. The tree and the van is a priceless story and might have to be a post of its own. As I often say about those stories, you can’t make this stuff up! I think always being a semi adult is a perfect way to go through life. We must all keep the child within us alive and well. You do a fantastic job of that.
    Love, Frances

  26. semi says:

    That’s a comment from LTB-He said it was flower

    Hello there LTB, thank you for gracing the page with your comment. Well done.
    Love, Frances

  27. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Such an amusing narrative Frances. Lovely blooms too.

    Hi Lisa, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write. There are so many stories to tell.

  28. This is a lovely, motherly post, Frances, and how cool that you can visit with Semi and help make the wonderful wall and steps. You seem to live the ideal distance from your children! Far enough so you don’t make each other crazy, but close enough to get there in less than a day and without having to fly. Dang, I’m jealous!

    What I find amusing is that some Austin horticultural experts would approve of Semi’s gardening practices over your traditional neat style! They advise us to put compost on top of the soil around the plant rather than dig it in; plant in unamended native soil; and dig ugly rough planting holes, since ugly holes make better roots than neat round ones ;-]

    The Halloween party story took me back to when my two oldest were in college at the same time, renting a house with some friends. Their Halloween party was such a success it ended up on the evening news.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

    Hi Annie, I was going to say thanks and go from there until I read about your party on the evening news! That’s a good one. I’ll bet you have some stories to tell also. Those rental houses are the stuff of legend. It just so happened that we OWNED the house and live in it now. Friends of the offspring from those years sometimes come by to visit and are amazed at the transformation. ;-> I agree that we live the ideal distance from Semi, forty five minutes door to door. At one point there was a house for sale in their neighborhood that we considered moving into, but that is way too close. It would ruin our relationship or my sanity or both! That is funny about the Semi school being touted by hort experts. But it works and it so much easier. Thanks for a great comment.

  29. Jean says:

    I love Semi’s style of gardening and envy that she can just throw things out there and hope for the best. I’m afraid I’m not that trusting or something! You have some great photos and the cosmos is especially lovely. Thanks for the tour.

    Hi Jean, thanks. I don’t have the kind of results she has either and have tried!

  30. Titania says:

    Great Frances to be part in a direct indirect way, helping with semis garden project. The garden blooms and looks a happy place. My 3 daughters, all have a garden and love gardening; but also different ideas than I have! We all appreciate each others gardens and enjoy getting new ideas, seed and cuttings from each other. Thank you Frances for this nice family story.

    Hi Titania, thanks. So nice to hear of your gardening relationship with your daughters. Respect for differences is what makes our world a more civilized place, in all things.

  31. chuck b. says:

    Loved that you sneaked around the party in costume. Too funny. What a devious mother you were (are?). My parents would have been HORRIFIED by some of the parties I attended in college (none of them thrown by me, just attended by me).

    I very much regret not having any Cosmos in my garden this year.

    Hi Chuck, what an experience that party was. Semi and her friends talked me into going since I was here visiting. They had some things for me to wear, a black cape and some black high heeled boots. I had brought a black leotard that I wear as long underwear. Perfect. We used lots of make up and colored hair spray and no one would ever have recognized me as Semi’s mother. I was dancing in the big mass trying to ignore the craziness going on around me. Semi would try and defend me from some male dancers that got too close, pushing them and saying “That’s my mom!” Luckily the music was so loud they couldn’t hear her. I didn’t want to freak anyone out. Memories for a lifetime. I may have been the only sober one there. The cosmos were great this year for her.

  32. karinSkara says:

    It must be fun to share your gardening passion with your daughter.
    The hillside is looking great. I love rocks too. Enjoy getting new ideas.
    I really Love seeing the pictures in your Blogg.
    Karin //

    Hi Karin, thanks and welcome. It is fun to share this passion, we always have something to talk about! Glad you were able to get some ideas. Slopes can be difficult.

  33. How much flowers you still can put your eyes on,here in our garden the must of them is gone.
    We work in our garden now to protect the not so hardy plants for the winter.
    I´m glad that I can go to your blog if I still want to look at some nice flowers.

    Hi Ken, thanks. I hope you are well. We will still have blooming plants for a couple of months, even if there are not as many. In the winter we always have the orchids in the greenhouse that are blooming, such a luxury. We may have to cover some of the fall sown veggies. They already have chicken wire to protect from the digging squirrels, a bigger problem than the cold weather.;->

  34. joey says:

    Delightful post, Frances. Gardening with children and my ‘grandboys’ is the best. I’ve shared much through the years, delighted to see my plants painted on a different canvas.

    Hi Joey, thanks so much. I like that way of putting it “my plants painted on a different canvas”, so apt. Gardening is such a wonderful way to spend time with loved ones, relaxed conversation and being outside, ahhh.

  35. Patsi says:

    Lots of Mums,Zinnias and everything else.
    I’m envious. Interesting using the word canvas…the work of a gardener is a form of art as with the painter and his canvas. The love of creating something beautiful.

    Hi Patsi, thanks. Joey evoked a wonderful image with the painting of the garden, didn’t she? Gardening is a pursuit worthy of the effort.

  36. Frances, it looks like your daughter got your gardening gene. It must be fun to share the love with her. Lovely photos and garden.

    Hi Sarah, thanks, if there is such a thing as a gardening gene, she has it. She does not have the time that I do to devote to it, but she loves gardening as much as I do. It is great fun to work with her and just talk about plants. It brings us closer together.

  37. Bonnie says:

    I love the idea of just throwing the seeds and seeing what happens. My 4 year old and I have been doing it with the dried zinnia heads and the garlic chives. I am already seeing small seedlings taking root.

    Hi Bonnie, welcome to the alternative universe. ;-> What a wonderful way to encourage a young gardener than for them to see immediate results from the simple act of throwing out seeds.

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