Leaf Man Trough And Fungi

december-9-2008-013Something unexpected has happened.december-9-2008-014Along with the expected.december-9-2008-0121In the failed round hypertufa, where most of the sides fell off when it was unmolded, where a leaf man sculpture sits on the remaining edge, there is a surprise survivor. A group of succulents were planted last spring, as annuals, to join the hardy Thymus ‘Heigh-Ho Silver’. The aloe and other unknowns are mush, but looky at the Echeveria x imbricata, (is that what this is?). He is still firm after countless well below freezing nights. Might he make it all the way to the return of the warmth?december-9-2008-060-3Is this a lichen flowering on this azalea? Or just a different type of lichen? All the rest of them look like the one on the upper stem to the right in the photo. The entire shrub is now and has been for over five years encased in this stuff, only the new growth is sans lichen. It blooms reliably, I think it is Girard’s Rose. Added: Lichens colonize a wide range of exposed surfaces of limbs, stumps, fence posts, soil, rocks, and other living and nonliving objects. Lichens are firmly attached to these hard surfaces. They are most numerous on limbs and trunks of large mature trees and shrubs in full sun, particularly those plants with badly thinned canopies. Most lichens will not thrive on heavily shaded twigs and branches of healthy woody plants. Few lichens are found in areas with high levels of ozone, sulfur dioxide, acid rain, and other common air pollutants; consequently, lichens are a good indicator of air quality. The lichen shown above are two different forms, folicose form, which produce leaflike folds above the limb and fruiticose lichens, which produce highly branched structures with hair or fingerlike projections. This information with identifying photos was found at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System site. december-9-2008-042This clump of fungi is growing at the base of a deciduous azalea, should I be worried about that? Chuck?december-9-2008-0401Nearby is a similar looking clump growing in amongst the emerging Arum italicum ‘Marmoratum’ foliage. The rotting roots of Ferngully lie beneath both.december-9-2008-043-5This is just a gratuitous macro of Redbor kale.december-9-2008-077-2Almost afraid to jinx the health of the row of hemlocks at the back of the property along the chain link fence, the tiny cones, barely an inch in length are getting us in the mood for the holidays. One thing in the hemlocks favor is that there are no other trees of that type for miles around that might be hosting the dreaded insect that is killing whole forests of native hemlocks in the wild. Protection charms abound here to keep them safe. It is hoped.
There really was a point to this post, although it might not be readily apparent. We are trying out adding our name to the photos, to keep them safe from *borrowers*. It seems like a good idea and it was fun going through the fonts and colors. The colors will change to show up with each shot, but the font is pleasing for now.  The size I am not sure about.  I know this is not the same as a watermark copyright, do I need that or is this enough to discourage copiers? Opinions out there?

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33 Responses to Leaf Man Trough And Fungi

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I really like the photo on your header now frances. You are makeing lots of great photos. The lichen is great. I just read on another blog about something that looks like this growing in the wilds of Ohio.

    Hi Lisa, thanks so much. I spent a whole day on the forums at wordpress to figure out how to make better use of the whole width of the space for the photos and really like the size better. The lichens are plentiful here and I love the way they stand out in the winter garden. It was fun to do the research and see all the photos out there.

  2. Gail says:

    Frances, what a fun post…I love lichens and fungi and I can get a nice look see with your photos….which are pretty excellent. I knew you would figure out how to put your name on your photos! Now how about a tutorial for the rest of us! Did the rain make it over the mountain? I know we got over 2 inches…it will be a sticky mess in my clay soil for a few days! No gardening. Have a good day! Gail

    Hi Gail, good morning to you. It is indeed raining in sheets right now, and has done so since last night, hooray. To put my name on the photos, there was a tab on the photo program that I use, Image Expert 2000, that is how old it is!, that says add text. So simple, why did I not see it before? But it is not the copyright watermark, I am waiting to see if anyone comments about what that is and if I should think about doing it. Thanks about the photos, the lichen love the camera and pose so nicely.

  3. Joy says:

    Frances .. these are amazing photos ! It is a good thing to mark them however you can .. so they are not borrowed.
    I love these plants and what a great job you did having them, and photographing them in such vivid detail .. fantastic job girl !
    Well done : )

    Hi Joy, thanks. It does seem like a good idea to have some kind of name on the photos, but I have noticed that some have their name and a copyright mark too. I am wondering if that is a legal thing, not that there is any type of court action that I would take, just not worth the effort since I am just an amateur with a blog, not a business.

  4. gittan says:

    Frances, you must have real clean air at Fairegarden with all that lich growing everywhere. The fungies are no nice. I have also different kind of fungi growing around my garden and I don’t like it. The Echeveria I think coul be hardy in your garden. We can plant them in the soil and even if some disapear, probably depending on the wet soil I have wintertime, I can still find small “babies” in spring. About yor point with the post I can’t help you. I ahven’t made anything to protect my own pictures from “borrowers” even if I know I should / gittan

    Hi Gittan, it does seem like our air is clean, because we have lichen everywhere. I thought it was the old wood from fallen tree limbs and moisture instead. That is great about the echeveria too, I will buy more next year and look for babies. Thanks for visiting and helping bring me some Christmas spirit with your posts.

  5. I just want to say how much I enjoy your blog! It’s one of my favorites. I especially like the photos and the way you name all the plants for someone like me who is such a rank amateur! Thanks.

    Hi Kathy, thanks so much and welcome. Learning about the plants you are attracted to, including the names is the way I got interested in gardening too. Hope your gardening interest grows with the knowledge! 🙂

  6. Darla says:

    All fo this was a first for me. Always wondered about marking my photos as well. I went to copyscape.com and added the banner to my blog, you are supposed to be able to check it to see if your photos have been borrowed..don’t know how well it really works though.

    Hi Darla, thanks for the heads up about copyscape, I will check it out. I don’t know if I even want to know if others are using my photos, what can be done about it if they are? But at least the name of my blog will be on them from now on.

  7. These are great photos of fungi! Really unique things grow out in the garden without our help!

    As for watermarking – sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I compress the size of my photos downward before posting which doesn’t make them suitable for printing out as photos, but they still look fine on the screen. Watermarking takes time, so I only put it on my best photos that I am concerned may “get out” on the Web.


    Hi Cameron, thanks. The garden is full of surprises each time I take the time to really look at it! Hmmm, time consuming is not a good term for me, it takes so much time to get these photos together and uploaded now. Adding the name is easy and fun, so far. I do need to find out more about the watermarking and what backs up the copyright claim.

  8. I love these! Especially the fungi…

    Hi Susan, thanks, glad you enjoyed them.

  9. Barbarapc says:

    The fungus with the arum almost looks like you could give him a little poke in the tummy.

    Hi Barbara, thanks, I was trying to figure out what those mushrooms look like, the famous dough boy! HA

  10. Dave says:

    Lichen sure is interesting! A lot of people probably think it hurts the plants, but they really don’t do anything but hang there. I’ve thought about putting text in pictures for the same reason, but it takes extra time. Another program you might try that is free for photo editing and works great is Picasa from Google.

    Hi Dave, thanks. From what I read, the lichen does no harm, but can show a weakness in the plant it is growing on. The drought has taken a toll on all the azaleas, killing outright the rhodies. This particular plant is one of three original plantings when we bought the house in 1996. They were moved a couple of times during the renovation in 2000 to the top of the hill, so dry up there. That late freeze in 2006 killed one of the three, killed a second one to the ground but it regrew all new branches, and this last one is large, mature size for the type, and it has been covered in lichen for several years but still blooms at the tips. I read that lichen cannot grow in the shade, that’s why it is a symptom of an unhealthy plant, sparse branches lets in too much sun. Way too much info there, I should do another post on just this plant! HA I do use picasa to make the cd’s of the pictures.

  11. tina says:

    Very nice macro shots! I would not worry about the fungi by your signature plant the azaleas. I think I may do this lettering on my pics at some point. I did notice it on yours right away. I think the lettering is enough, they can never get it off these borrowers. Have you found any of your pictures out there? I had someone come over from Google images, but at least that website gave me credit. I guess that counts. Not sure. But when I started blogging I read that any original work published is copyrighted. Is this true? I hope so. Obviously we don’t want our stuff stolen and why would someone do that anyhow??

    Hi Tina, thanks. I am pretty sure that the mushrooms are growing from all the rotting ferngully parts, but don’t want the trunk suffocated and might have to remove that patch. Good for the compost bin. I have lots of traffic from google images, I think that is okay. It it if someone were to do a post and use my photo without credit AND a link AND my permission that is wrong, IMHO. I think you are right about it being copyrighted, but there is no enforcement. Some blogs are strictly just trying to make money, and will try anything to generate hits, including copying your whole post with no link or credit given, a bad thing.

  12. patsi says:

    Boy, your hard to keep up with !
    Even though I can’t visit you everyday, I always enjoy whatever you’re sharing…even if I don’t understand what’s going on in fairegarden. 🙂

    Hi Patsi, thanks, you are so funny! I am trying to see if having my blog name as part of the photo will deter unscrupulous people from using my photos without permission or credit. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

  13. Kim says:


    Copyright is a tough area and infringement is rampant on the internet — just look at YouTube. Most folks don’t realize any work of original art including photography and video is copyrighted whether it’s marked or not, so there’s a lot of “borrowing” going on. Although placing your name on your photos will discourage casual “borrowers”, it would be best to protect your rights by putting the copyright symbol and year of creation on each photo. It’s the format required by copyright law and will discourage honest people from using your photos. You can’t keep the dishonest from stealing sad to say but the copyright mark will give you some standing if you have to protect your copyright somewhere down the road.

    Hi Kim, thanks for adding to the conversation. Many of us don’t really understand the laws governing the blogs and their content. I sure don’t. Can you suggest where to obtain that copyright mark?

  14. Cindy says:

    Be it Lichen 1 or Lichen 2, it’s very cool! That Echeveria’s bravery is one of the reasons I love succulents.

    Hi Cindy, you are always good with a one liner! Thanks. The Echeveria is such a surprise, even to last this long for our weather has been much colder than usual. The drainage in that pot is good, I do think that helps.

  15. Brenda Kula says:

    The point of this is the fantastic line-up of photos you have shared! Spectacular! And isn’t it nice to have a “natural” way to indicate air quality?

    Hi Brenda, that is so nice, thanks! I am breathing deeply, knowing our air is good, while out in the garden. 🙂

  16. Cindy says:

    Great shots of fungi and lichens! I love your leaf man too. I have also thought of marking my photos but have not as of yet. Pure laziness on my part, but maybe that’s a good project now that there is not too much gardening going on here in PA.

    Hi Cindy, thanks, I sort of collect the leaf man, or woman plaques and love them too. As for the marking of the photos, I will do it from now on, I think, if it a good shot. As for going back to add it to the already published ones, no way. I would have to reupload then delete each photo. Even I don’t have that kind of time. 🙂

  17. Jean says:

    First of all, I love the fact that you’re able to make your photos larger. I wish I could do that (maybe I should check out WordPress).
    Technically, all of your photos are already copyrighted. At least that’s what my brother, who’s a professional photographer, told me. But…”borrowing” does happen. It actually happened to me very recently (to my great surprise; I only found it because it was a local blog!). What I do is add a copyright symbol and my name to the photos. I don’t do that to all the photos though. The ones that are not that great, like a picture of my dead plants. But that’s just cause I’m lazy. I should also probably compress mine but then again, there’s that laziness factor. I don’t know if there’s much difference between watermarking or just adding text. I think not but will let others answer that.

    Hi Jean, thanks. It took a whole day and many forum back and forths to get the code right to be able to make room for larger photos. I had already bought the upgrade to be able to change the font size and color on the stylesheet for the theme I had chosen, that is a whole other story, so wondered if it was possible to use more of the page. It was, but I have to say, unless you are pretty good with css code, it can be a hair pulling experience, worth it, but not easy. Thanks for adding to the conversation. I am thinking about trying to add the copyright symbol, but not sure how to do it. Back to the drawing board!

  18. Weeping Sore says:

    Your photos are magical – as usual. The “failed hypertufa” looks like a Viking funeral pyre. The spidery lichen looks like an Abominable Snowflake. The purple kale leaf is Nature’s purple lace, dressing the season in winter colors.

    HI WS, what a delightful comment, thanks! I was wondering what the leaf man trough looked like, not a plant container for sure. Your glee in the comment must mean your semester is nearly over!

  19. Racquel says:

    Well you’re way ahead of me with this Frances. I thought about doing this with my photos. I’m going to play around with my photo programs. If I figure it out I’ll let you know. 😉 Great photos today!

    Hi Racquel, thanks. When it is rainy or too cold to go out here I fool around on the computer. There are many avenues on this computer that I didn’t even know existed! 🙂 Have fun with yours.

  20. Lola says:

    It is a shame that a person has to resort to putting their name on their work to protect it but, if that’s what it takes by all means I’m for it. Some people will do anything.
    I noticed your name right away & I liked it. I would like to learn how to put the date. Must read my manual.

    Glad you got some much needed rain. Just not too much. Stay warm.

    Hi Lola, thanks. It is too bad, something I never dreamed of when I started the blog a year ago too, that anyone would use something without permission. But it happens all the time. At least this way my name is on it. I could add the date as well, but feel that is not necessary. All the photos have the date in my photo program, I just don’t want that on the blog though. We are getting rain, we need it since before yesterday we were fifteen inches in the deficit. You too stay warm and dry!

  21. chuck b. says:

    Love the abominable snowflake! I don’t much about fungi growing near plants…I would be surprised if it’s a problem as long as the plant looks okay. Usually, I think fungus-infected plants telegraph their illness by oozing goo or really obvious dieback. By which time it’s too late to do anything, I guess.

    Hi Chuck, thanks, that is a great metaphor, isn’t it! I need to inspect the azalea with the mushrooms at the base closely. It is loaded with flower buds for next year, a healthy sign. The deciduous azaleas are my prized plants in the garden and I don’t want anything to hurt or affect them, they are quite expensive and slow growing. The drought has weakened them all.

  22. greenwalks says:

    Love the silver thyme, I think I have that around somewhere along with orange, lemon, regular and a few others. Can never have enough thyme (or time, ha ha). Weird about the mushrooms, I figure they just grew where their spores were but am not an expert. They are so cute and bulbous!

    Hi Karen, thanks. I agree, you can never have enough of either. There have been other types of mushrooms growing around the rotting trunk of giant ferngully, the deceased red maple, it is to be expected. These look different, more like aliens!

  23. marmee says:

    love the first succulent image. leaf man is intriguing…especially sitting in amongst the light coloured leaves.

    Hi Marmee, thanks. That container was to have a silverey blue theme this year. If the echeveria lasts, we will fill it with them, it will look great! Hope that happens.

  24. Aaah Frances you have been in training with your camera! The picture looks great. LOL Tyra

    Hi Tyra, thanks. The camera and I have been spending quality time out in the garden! LOL

  25. Sunita says:

    That photo of the Kale looks so intriguing! All wrinkly-crinkly, it reminds me of some kind of embridery.
    Mr. Leaf-Man has got a real neat beard, doesnt he? All silvery white and billowing around the trough 🙂
    Love the fungi photos!

    Hi Sunita, thanks so much. The kale is a winner, must plant that one again, even though the cabbage moth larva eat most of it! I never thought of the plantings as his beard, thanks! The thyme is loving the gritty soil in that container.

  26. easygardener says:

    The Litchen is beautiful as is the red Kale.We never do well with red varieties.
    I’ve avoided thinking about the photo problem so far. Probably because I think my photos aren’t good enough to steal (lol)

    Hi EG, thanks. That is the best leaf out of several holey moth eaten plants, the camera does deceive! HA I thought my photos were not of interest to anyone either, but was mistaken and upset when I found out posts and photos had been borrowed without my permission. Various actions were taken, but having the name on the photos seems an easy way to discourage it.

  27. Sherry says:

    These macro shots are fantastic. I do use my lens off and on. After seeing your wonderful pictures I am inspired! Not sure about the watermarking the photographs. Just the text would be enough I would think.

    Hi Sherry, thanks. Your new camera takes amazing bird shots, BTW, a special lens too for those? I agree, the text is enough, although I have added the copyright mark to the next batch, just to look more professionaly, HA.

  28. Marnie says:

    Hi Frances, wonderful photos. I love the Leafman trough. I’ve been reading up on creating troughs and other items. I had hoped to start a few this winter but the thought of carrying an 80-pound bag of concrete down into my cellar is a little off-putting. I suppose I could make several trips;) Then there is the question of the dry heat this time of year.

    Anyway, about photo theft. Unfortunately, unless the trademark is put in the center, anyone can just crop it off. Also, even if someone where caught using stolen photos, what’s to be done? Get a lawyer and sue them 7-states away? Many people may feel differently, but my theory is use your own photos in ways that make you happy and give others enjoyment–don’t worry about dishonesty. I try not to think about anything that doesn’t actually hurt me.

    Hi Marnie, thanks. I have never tried to do the concrete projects inside, they can be kind of messy. But when I have an eighty pound bag, I use a small pail to get what I need out of it until it is lighter. I can’t even lift one that heavy. We keep the concrete in the garage so it won’t get wet until I am ready to use it. Also, there are no leaves available here until the weather is warm anyway.

    You are right about the theft. I have been trying to position the name kind of within the shot but not right in the center. I noticed that Pam of Digging and Nan of Hayefield do theirs that way so I am a blatant copier. Their photos are so good, they probably have more of a problem with theft than I would anyway. And you’re right, there is really nothing that can be done about it, just discourage the idea, I suppose. Thanks for adding to the discussion.

  29. Cinj says:

    What a great variety of plants you’ve got growing there. I think the name on the pictures will deter those photo theives, I imagine they’d be too lazy to try to alter them and they’d most likely move on to an easier picture to steal.

    Hi Cinj, thanks. We do have a lot of different things, too many, that is why the design is a bit of a jumble. Trying to combine collecting with design has proven difficult. And then I keep buying new plants to work into the blend. I hope you are right, too much trouble for the thieves to alter the photos to get rid of the name, just move along, you thieves.

  30. fairegarden says:

    New comment on your post #1543 “Leaf Man Trough And Fungi”
    Author : Philip

    URL : http://www.philipsgardenblog.com.
    I love the colors of the green man, as though he has changed his color to suit the season. Such a wonderful little world there.
    OH MY! These are stunning images. Actually, I did not even notice the name on the images until you mentioned it at the end,so they do not distract.
    You have me wanting to go out and look for funghi and lichen!

    Best regards,

    Hi Philip, I am so sorry but deleted your comment instead of hitting the edit button. I knew that would happen with those two buttons right next to each other on the new dashboard set up in wordpress! I copied the email, that is the reason it looks like this. Anyway, thanks so much for stopping by. The troughs are like little worlds. Glad the name at the bottom of the pictures did not detract from them for you too, good to know. Fungi and lichens are so beautiful, more noticeable in winter here, with the lack of colorful flowers and moisture rather than drought. Loved your Marin headlands travelogue!

  31. Rose says:

    I can’t answer any of your questions, Frances, which should come as no surprise:) But I do love the “gratuitous” kale photo. I think the copyright idea is a good one–I’ve been surprised to find fellow bloggers’ images on Google on occasion, no doubt without permission.

    Hi Rose, that’s okay, you know I am always glad to see you! That kale is something I must remember to get seeds for and plant again, it has been a great portrait sitter. I haven’t seen mine or anyone else’s photos alone anywhere, but don’t really get out much either. Whole posts have been lifted, so with the names on the photos, it might help show who they belong to.

  32. I’ve been putting my name on my photos for a long time because if someone’s going to steal, I want to make them work for it! My photos aren’t that great & I’ve no interest in selling them, so I can’t imagine filing suit to enjoin anyone from using them without attribution. It’s just not worth the trouble & hassle. Also, my photos have been reduced to about 500 pixels for storage purposes, which might discourage misappropriation also. Putting my name on the photo also is a useful way for me to quickly determine which photos I’ve used on the blog.

    Hi MMD, thanks for the input. I really just started noticing the names on the photos of some bloggers. Most of my problems have been the entire post used without permission, but this way at least the photos will have my name on. You are right, it is not worth persuing it in court, but at least make them work for it, well said.

  33. Monica says:

    As always, I love all your gorgeous photos, but most especially your “gratuitous” macro of Redbor kale. Awesome!

    Hi Monica, thanks so much. I couldn’t figure out a tie in for the kale shot, so just stuck it in because it was pretty, thanks for the support! 🙂

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