Skywatch Friday-Wait For It

August 12, 2009 015 (2)
Normally our sky is just boring blue with a few puffy whites floating lazily by during the summer months. But the yesterday something looked different…

August 13, 2009 007 (2)
It got much darker, so dark that the flash went off on the camera, note the light bouncing off the evergreens to the right…

August 13, 2009 014 (2)
This is not me doing the shimmy out in the garden, I am standing perfectly still with rock steady hands clasping the Canon. While it is true that I am famous for exceptional shimmying ability, it is the wind causing this blurry image, it has begun blowing gale force…

August 13, 2009 001 (2)
A storm is brewing. Even though the damage from storms can be devastating, my Oklahoma, AKA Tornado Alley, heart races with the winds as the signs of dramatic weather begin…

August 13, 2009 002 (2)
Sudden flashes of light appear from behind the menacing clouds. It is time to head back inside, ardrenaline rush or not, we don’t fool around with lightning, ever.

August 13, 2009 022 (2)
The next morning there was fog. Whether it was considered heavy enough to be the foreteller of the first frost date in October as the tales tell, we shall see on October 14 what the weather brings.
(To see more sky, click here.)


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20 Responses to Skywatch Friday-Wait For It

  1. Les says:

    I am glad you or your garden were not damaged. That cloud in the fourth shot looks as if it may have wanted to get ugly.

    Hi Les, thanks. It was a high wind for a while and blew down some branches is all. Thank goodness. 🙂

  2. Janet says:

    Wow Frances, I am surprised you stayed outside once the clouds got really nasty looking. They are good pictures!!

    Hi Janet, thanks. I was never far from the house and was a little frightened when the wind picked up so. But the clouds were so cool and it was so exciting. The first sign of lightning had me head straight for the door though. 🙂

  3. lynnsgarden says:

    That first photo is heavenly, Frances. Hey, I WAS actually doing the shimmy yesterday (belly dancing class!)..funny you referenced!

    Thanks Lynn, how funny. Belly dancing sounds so fun, I have never tried it.

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    These are some dramatic clouds Frances. I am glad they didn’t bring on your worst nightmare. Just a summer scrubbing rain. You are wise to not tease lightening. It always wins.

    Thanks Lisa. It was a minor storm. Wish it had dropped a little more rain, I am tired of watering. 🙂

  5. Wow, that’s some weather you had!

    Hi Monica. It was actually rather mild, compared to some of the storms we have had here. I just happened to be able to go out with the camera as it appeared. Lucky. 🙂

  6. tina says:

    Glad you got some rain. None here for a while now:(

    Thanks Tina, not nearly enough, sad to say.

  7. gail says:

    Hello my friend! Wonderful storm shots~~and isn’t it exciting to have those popup thunderstorms again! They sure have been missed. Mr I misses the constant wind that he remembers from his Okie upbringing. He and his college best friend tell stories of dragging lawn chairs to the dorm roof to watch the tornadoes move into the city! They were nuts! Your trees are signally the end of summer…sigh. gail

    Hi Gail, thanks. I wish we would have those pop ups every day, I just love them. I used to bring a lawn chair outside under the porch just like Mr. I as well. The adrenaline pumping was amazing as the storms would build. The flat landscape meant you could see for miles and watch the sky darken while the wind whistled through your ears. I do miss it too. Must be an Okie thing. The trees are giving up and are ready for fall it seems. 🙂

  8. Dave says:

    Storms can be fun to watch roll in. I don’t think we had any rain yesterday here in Mid-TN, at least not near us. I hope Gail is premature in talking about the end of summer! The weather has been so much cooler than last year.

    Hi Dave. We have been lucky to have more rain this year than the last couple, but the trees are saying hello to fall here already.

  9. Randy says:

    Those are great shots. I especially like the first one. There is nothing more majestic than rays of light beaming from the clouds. It’s almost like God is trying to get your attention, as if to say “Here I am.”–Randy

    Thanks Randy. I thought of you and Jamie as I was out there. I feel you may have a different take on storms building than I do. Hope there was no offense taken. 🙂

  10. Darla says:

    I don’t do lightning of any kind. Had a home burn down from a ligtning strike!!! I love how you captured the beginning of the storm changes!!

    No Darla, lightning gets our attention and quick. I have gathered the kids in many a time at the first sign, while others want to continue playing a ball game or whatever. No way! Thanks for the kind words. Right place at the right time, once again. 🙂

  11. Rose says:

    Wow, this is awesome, Frances! But I’m glad you went back inside at the first sign of lightning. That dark cloud would have scared me off, too–tornado watches find us down in the basement!

    Thanks Rose. I love storm clouds, and especially when the wind rises and the air turns a weird color, but lightning sends me right inside immediately. Lucky you to have a basement! 🙂

  12. Randy says:

    Oh no Frances, I love storms. All the negative ions in the air make me feel super alive and I love the feel of a strong summer wind blowing against me. The lightning also creates brilliant art in the sky. It’s just an unfortunate act of nature when they sometimes cause damage.

    Good deal, Randy. One never knows about those things. Glad to hear you love storms as much as I do, well maybe not quite as much… 🙂

  13. Wow! That’s all I can muster.

    Hi Shady, thanks. That is enough. 🙂

  14. Wow…what a dramatic photo series. Glad you all came through the wind ok! Kim

    Hi Kim, thanks. It only knocked over a planter with a very tall plant in it, no harm done, thank goodness. 🙂

  15. Hi Frances

    Talking of sky, did you get to see the recent Perseids meteor showers. I was the other night. It’s really quite an event.

    Glad the garden’s ok. Wind and rain damage is a soul destroyer at this time of year. I bet you can get some ‘proper’ hail too.

    Hi Rob, not in person, only on TV. We are early to bed and early to rise around here. One year my son and I watched on top of the roof at our other TN home. It was fun to lay back and search the sky for them. We have been lucky about damage, and would actually be happy for much more rain, it is quite scarce in the summertime. He haven’t had much hail here either, nothing like in Oklahoma. We always blame the mountains on both sides of us for affecting our weather. Whether that is true or not, unknown. 🙂

  16. Autumnbelle says:

    You have capture the storm clouds and a storm beautifully. I have never been able to capture lightning before. It is a fearful experience just looking at the sparks in the sky. I like the way you tell the story and wrote this post. Happy skywatching, Frances.

    Thanks, Autumnbelle. While not the zigzags of real lightning, this is as close as I can get and still be outdoors. I appreciate your kind words. 🙂

  17. Sweet Bay says:

    That first shot is beautiful. I was half expecting a funnel cloud to appear out of those storm clouds. Storms can be exhilerating, can’t they, although so tiresome when they cause damage.

    Thanks Sweet Bay. The clouds were more menacing than the storm actually turned out to be, thank goodness. They were quite pretty and very exciting. 🙂

  18. Those dramatic clouds with back lighting are amazing. I’m not one for running inside when a storm is coming. I love watching the whole thing, complete with getting soaked to the skin. I suppose I could worry about getting hit by lightning, but if you start reading about it, you can get hit by lightning through the window of your own house. We have friends who saw lightning go across their living room from one outlet to another. So if it is your time, it’s your time. Meanwhile, I’m going out there to experience the wildness of it all.

    Thanks for sharing this set of photos. Wonderful.

    Thanks, Hands. You are one sensuous nature loving woman! We do keep our windows closed all the time, for several reasons, one of them being lightning coming in. We do not have tornadoes here, but plenty of lightning. I love the rain, but will be inside when I hear thunder, for lightning is possible then. 🙂

  19. Lightening once struck right in front of me. I’m partially deaf in my right ear because of it. I could smell the electricity in the air when it happened. So as you told this story and showed these amazing photos–my heart was racing too. I’ve also lived in North Dakota and seen numerous tornadoes drop down out of the sky. Serious stuff huh?

    Wow Anna, you are one lucky gal to still be alive to talk about that! That must have been the scariest thing, so sorry for your hearing loss. Seeing the dark descending line across a vast horizon was part of living in Oklahoma.

  20. Jake says:

    I too love to go outside and watch the torms come in; it is a great thing.

    Great pictures,


    Thanks Jake. Sometimes I feel like the storm building is calling me out to be a part of nature’s fury! But lightning sends me scurrying back into the safety of the house. 🙂

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