An Old Irish Blessing Foliage Day

May love and laughter light your days,

and warm your heart and home.

May good and faithful friends be yours,

wherever you may roam.

May peace and plenty bless your world

with joy that long endures.

May all life’s passing seasons

bring the best to you and yours!

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to one and all!


To view last year’s images to these same lovely words, (not my words but rather those of an old Irish being, we assume), click here-An Old Irish Blessing.

Many thanks go to Pam at Digging for imagining Foliage Follow Up to be held after each month’s Bloom Day.

The photographs are featuring, in order:
Oxalis triangularis
British Soldier lichen, Cladonia cristatella
Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’
Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’ backed by Juniperus chinensis ‘Gold Coast’
Erythronium americanum
Calluna vulgaris ‘Sunset’
Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Lutea’
Trifolium rubens seedling in greenhouse


This entry was posted in Garden Bloggers Foliage Day, holidays. Bookmark the permalink.

36 Responses to An Old Irish Blessing Foliage Day

  1. Liisa says:

    These images are just beautiful. I had to go back and revisit the first, the color and lighting of the Oxalis is just beautiful. And, the lichen is equally spectacular. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! What a wonderful collection for Foliage Follow Up.

    Thanks so much Liisa and happy St. Pat’s to you as well. I am very sorry that this years’ photos are less, to my eyes anyway, than last years. It comes from the lack of sunlight. I was lucky to get the opening shot a few days ago. Sorry for the Whine! Must get a grip on myself, snap out of it, sun therapy would help. lol 🙂

  2. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    And may the wind always be at your back. Happy St Patty’s day. Beautiful foliage. Have you heard that there is a shortage of shamrock in the Emerald Isle since their winter was so horrible. Almost unheard of. Cheers.

    thanks Lisa and the same back to you. What a sad state of affairs about the shamrock shortage! I feel their pain about the winter though, ours just won’t leave, even at this late date.

  3. Edith Hope says:

    Dear Frances, I have so enjoyed this posting over my morning coffee – not Irish, I fear. A splendid way to start the day.

    Thanks Edith. If I had Irish coffee in the morning, I would have to go straight back to bed! 🙂

  4. Randy says:

    Happy St Patty’s Day to ya! Loved the irish theme here today, I am Irish you know.

    Thanks Randy and the same back to you. Nice to know your heritage, I have some green blood as well. 🙂

  5. Darla says:

    Right back atcha’! Lovely photos Ms. Frances.

    Thanks Darla. I hope your days are filled with sunshine. 🙂

  6. Thank you for the blessing, Frances. I am off to Canada Blooms today, and meeting one of my best friends from Kingston. Good times will be had by all.

    Oh how fun, Deborah. Do raise a pint of green beer for me! 🙂

  7. Jenny B says:

    Happy St. Patty’s day to you Frances! I must confess, I forgot. It’s a good thing I read your post before getting dressed! Your eye for photography is amazing, sun or no. My favorite is the cobweb with the little droplets of water like tiny little seed pearls. No matter the season, nature surrounds us with such beauty if we just open our eyes to it.

    Hi Jenny, thanks. Yes, be sure and wear your green today so you don’t get pinched. You are so right about the beauty, I need to get my head back on straight and appreciate it more.

  8. Ah bless ya, and happy St Paddys Day greetings from Ireland, Sunny

    Thanks Sunny. I do hope it is sunny in Ireland for this special day. 🙂

  9. Pam/Digging says:

    You’ve reminded me to wear green today, Frances. I really enjoyed your tying foliage day into a celebration of St. Patty’s, and of course the oxalis “shamrock” pic is perfect for today. Thanks for participating.

    Thanks for hosting the foliage day, Pam, I enjoy showing off the leaves that are just as attractive than the blooms. 🙂

  10. Randy says:

    Happy St. Patricks Day to you too, Frances!

    Thanks Randy. Hope you day is a good one. 🙂

  11. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Frances, or as I like to call it Happy Pea Planting Day!

    Thanks Carol. That was the date when we planted peas when we lived in PA, sometimes the ground was frozen so hard we couldn’t get the shovel in. In my zone, the date is normally Valentine’s Day, but our ground was frozen solid on that date so we were late. Maybe we should have waited until today.

  12. Janet says:

    Nice posting Frances. Great foliages. I am leaning toward the Cornus (could be alba–really want a red red red stem) My friend who has a salix said hers is sending runners out and it is spreading.
    I think that British Soldier lichen is fun.

    Hi Janet, thanks. It sounds as though the cornus is better behaved. We have had no spreading at all, and would like to have some, but not too much.

  13. Lovely Irish Blessing. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you, too!

    Thanks so much, Cameron. When searching for a blessing that we felt was right, this was the one so we will be sticking with it each year. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 🙂

  14. Laurrie says:

    There’s just something sweet about the green shamrock and its cousin the deep mahogany oxalis, and your close ups are beautiful. I have clover planted as an ornamental, both in containers and in the garden. Don’t know why, but they make me happy!

    Thanks Laurrie. We have the wild clover that wants to take over the world, and some other types that are more polite. The bees seem to love them all. And that make me very happy. 🙂

  15. joey says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, dear Frances 🙂

    Thank you dear Joey, you are so sweet. 🙂

  16. Hi Frances, Aren’t Oxalis the cutest?! And it’s always so exciting to see the little “cabbage” sprouts of sedum. Is that dotted foliage pulmonaria or some kind of lily? Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

    They sure are, Monica. I love those cabbages of sedums too, so full of promise. The names of the plants are identified at the end of the post, but the ones you mention are probably the Trout Lilies, Erythroniums. Thanks for visiting.

  17. Lzyjo says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Frances!! Love are the different foliage. I was going to ask what lichen that was, but I see Jean already new! Very charming British soliders.

    Thanks Lzyjo. The names of the plants are at the bottom of the post, for anyone interested. That lichen with their red berets is just too sweet, isn’t it. 🙂

  18. Steve says:

    Frances, can I assume your first lovely purple Shamrocks are a tribute to the Black Irish? LOL, beautiful, as usual. You know I once heard that the wheelbarrow was invented to get the Irish to stand on their back two legs. Is there any truth to this? 😉

    Man Steve, you are full of vinegar on this fine St. Paddy’s Day! HA Thanks for the words, kind and not so kind. LOL

  19. Hi Frances, Thank you. Happy St. Pat’s Day to you, also. Your spider web photo is one to enlarge! 🙂

    Thanks Shady. That was a special day, when it had rained and the spider webs were showing all over the garden. The Calluna made a great backdrop for the weavings. 🙂

  20. Sweet Bay says:

    Beautiful post Frances, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too! I love the British Soldier Lichen.

    Thanks Sweet Bay. The lichen is still hanging in there on the boards around the raised bed behind the shed. I wonder how long they will keep those red caps during the heat and sun of summer? I need to remember to check there periodically. They are quite small and not noticeable unless you get down low and really look, something I sometimes forget to do. 🙂

  21. Gail says:

    Dear Frances, Thank you for the blessing and wishes~Your photos are splendid…love the oxalis, but my oh my~you are still master of the spider web photo. xxgail

    Thanks so much, Gail, you are sweet. The day of the spider web was full of magic. There might be a post, for many photos were taken. 🙂

  22. kimberly says:

    The lichen in the second photo is to die for! I love it and how you captured it in this photo!!! WOW! Very nice blessing.

    Thanks Kimberly. That is the cutest most tiny little lichen you could imagine. Walking by it, you cannot even see the red at all, you can barely see that it is lichen on the board unless you get way down low and close. Glad you liked it. 🙂

  23. brokenbeat says:

    mom, you are brilliant. happy st. paddy’s!

    You bring a smile on this dreary day, my son. Thank you.

  24. Patsi says:

    Nice. Needed that,thanks.

    Thanks Patsi, glad you liked it. We all need blessings like this. 🙂

  25. Deirdre says:

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you and yours.

    I bought a hundred of various small bulbs, and you’re right. It sounds like so much and looks like so little.

    Thanks Deirdre. It is certainly an eye opener, the numbers needed and treasure required to get that big impact. Or we can just wait for them to naturalize, after spreading of course. 🙂

  26. Catherine says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I love that first Oxalis,do you grow it outside?

    Thanks Catherine. I just bought it, it is in the greenhouse for now. I believe it will have to come inside in the fall, or perish in our zone, sad to say.

  27. Love it! Thanks for the post…. Cheers!

    Thanks DG, glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  28. Lola says:

    Hoping you had a great St Paddy’s Day. Your green thyme was ingenious. Love it.
    I wore my green but nobody knew, cept me.
    Had to hold off gardening as it rained again. Grrrr.

    Thanks Lola, tricky of you with the green! LOL So sorry about the rain, we need to garden!!!

  29. I do love Irish blessings and had not heard this particular one before. As always your photos are just beautiful.

    Thanks Noelle, it is my favorite. 🙂

  30. lotusleaf says:

    Thank you for the lovely words and thoughts.

    Thanks Lotusleaf, glad you liked the green thoughts. 🙂

  31. Wonderful photos Frances! A fitting blessing. I love your first two and number six! ;>)

    Thanks Carol. There is a story about number six, to be posted next week. 🙂

  32. commonweeder says:

    We all need every blessing we can get in these last snowy days. And the photos are as beautiful and hopeful as ever.

    Thanks Pat, hang in there. I believe the end of this winter has been the hardest to take in memory.

  33. Town Mouse says:

    Best wishes to you, Frances! Those photos are exquisite!

    Thanks Town Mouse, I appreciate that. 🙂

  34. deborahelliott says:

    Thank you for a beautiful post! It was indeed a blessing. As always, your photos are stunning. I love the purple oxalis. Though it is not hardy for me, I plant it out in my garden each year.

    Hi Deborah, thanks so much. The purple oxalis is not hardy for me either, but will be planted out anyway, maybe a couple of the little bulblets will be brought into the greenhouse in the fall, it is so sweet. 🙂

  35. banner6 says:

    Thank you for the blessing, and for getting down on your knees to bring us close to the wonders happening in your garden

    Thanks Ricki, glad you enjoyed them and the old Irish blessing. 🙂

  36. Send Flowers Dublin says:

    Thanks from Ireland,
    This is a great post.
    The images of the flowers are brilliant to say the least.

    Well done.

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