Blue In The Garden-Part One

Hosta ‘Blue Angel’

One of the favorite pots planted with lithodora, wallflower, erysimum cheiri, and bellis perennis.

Dark blue salvia nemorosa ‘May Night’ with an unknown. This light blue flowering plant came from a native plant nursery in Houston. It flowers only once, in the spring and has a low spreading habit. It is guessed to be a veronica of some kind. Anyone know what it could be?

Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ with heuchera ‘Amethyst Myst’ and blue fescue, festuca glauca, ‘Elijah Blue’.

A first attempt this summer at the casting of leaves produced this bowl from the leftover mix of sand and portland cement. It was painted with acrylic craft paint and sealed with polyurethane. More on that later.

Blue cornflower, centaurea cyanus, volunteers with a stipa tenuissima at the right.

Blue sky and morning glory , ipomoea tricolor ‘Heavenly Blue’.

Blue star juniper, juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ with diascia ‘ Coral Belle’.

Clematis ‘Elsa Spath

In looking through past garden photos a common thread emerged. The color blue jumped from the pictures in various forms. This post is part one of three showing that hue as it is or was in the garden.

Taking it easy,


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15 Responses to Blue In The Garden-Part One

  1. semi says:

    wonderful blues, patiently waiting for spring semi

  2. brokenbeat says:

    the most blues means the merriest gardener and kickingest garden. that’s my opinion anyway. any blue flowering dianthus been birthed yet by the victor frankenstein-like botanists in their electrifying greenhouses?

  3. Frances says:

    semi…yes, waiting….

    brokenbeat…there is a dianthus called ‘siberian blues’, tried to grow it from seed, failure. I think wayside offers it.

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    All of these colors are so welcomed on this gray rainy day here. My eyes were dancing from color to color as the rest of me is flopped slugg-fashion in a chair. I can’t seem to get going today.

  5. Frances says:

    lisa…very gray and rainy here also. It would be nice to go outside but it’s not gonna happen.

  6. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    I started looking at your photos thinking blue looks best with chartruese. Then I thought, wow, does blue pop next to crimson purple. Then I thought, how great blue looks with its complement, the coral of the Diacia (I love those). I just can’t decide which I like best. Great blues & great color combos!

  7. Frances says:

    MMD…thanks. blue in the garden is like a neutral, goes with everything!

  8. Weeping Sore says:

    I love the blue flower casting! I’ve clipped an article from somewhere, planning to make my own some day. You’ve inspired me.
    Will it sit in your garden as a bird spa? It would be wonderful to discover such a beautiful bloom, perhaps beneath the blue hosta.

  9. Frances says:

    weeping sore..unusual name..the blue bowl sits on the deck wire shelf right now but is the centerpiece on the outdoor table when in use. Several castings were made and it was so much fun that there will be many more to come. That is a good idea to have surprises under the larger plants. Thanks.

  10. Phillip says:

    I hope that you will write an entry on how you made the bowl. I have always wanted to do this but am afraid to try.

  11. Frances says:

    Phillip…this is way easier than the troughs. An internet search for leaf casting should give some good sites. The mold is wet sand mounded up. You can use one large leaf or several small ones. Good luck.

  12. chuck b. says:

    Your garden could be in magazines.

  13. Frances says:

    chuck b. what a nice thing to say, thanks. But the magazine photographer would slip down the steep hill.

  14. Kiki says:

    Remarkable blues…the photo of the morning glory is super gorgeous!!And the fabulous blue pot..I am thrilled with your posts..all of them are stunning..! All your blues are mega beautiful Frances..fantastic! Thankyou for taking the time to leave the links for me! I have enjoyed them very much!You are a Blue Goddess in the garden!

    Thanks Kiki. As you can tell, I really like blue as much as you do. 🙂

  15. Pingback: Summertime Blues | Fairegarden

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