Signs of Spring-The New Camera

The new camera went outside today to see how he felt about the garden he is assigned to capture in pixels. Since it isn’t film that captures the moment, what else is it? Decidedly male, with a name like Canon, his label reads, “Canon Power Shot A720 IS”. We began with some close ups using the macro setting. One can tell the difference with the shot above, the seed pod of an Arizona Cypress, cupressus arizonica, shows the scales not visible to my eyes even clothed, not naked, in glasses.
The same tree as above, this time showing the little cone like structures at the tips of the branches. Aren’t they so very cute?

Going on a slow tour, looking for something interesting to zero in on, it is noticed that the cast stone wall is growing moss nicely. Did I mention what a warm, wonderful day it was yet? No? Well, it had the feel of spring.

Take a look at the temp! Just about 73 degrees fahrenheit, perfection.

Yesterday was the best rain event we have had in a good while. Not a gulleywasher, but steady rain all day. The earth and plants were singing happy songs with the warmth after that refreshing drink.

Happy for any flowers at all, the witch hazel’s, hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’, one set of buds are about to open. They are a stunning orangey red. Last year’s late freeze and drought killed off all but this little group. I know you are tired of hearing about the cold snap and lack of rain, but any explanation of the status of the garden cannot be made without that reference, to put the lack of blooms in perspective. I promise to stop, but only if the weather is more cooperative this year. However, the gold mop chamaecyparis behind looks pretty good.

Going into the sunroom/greenhouse, we check on the onion seeds planted January 24. In the post about them on that date, it was mentioned that two top dressings were applied. Above is the pot with the chicken grit. It is the preferred topping due to the weight of the crushed stones, holding the roots in place when watering. It is also quite a bit more expensive than the vermiculite, however.

The black seed coats still attached give the onion leaves a martian air. This is the vermiculite batch, good germination, no damping off disease, both toppings are said to aid in preventing the cause of many seedling deaths.

My favorite seed starting sight, the dahlia ‘Bishop’s Children’ germinating and sending their roots down into the soilless mix. These seeds were surface sown on February 1, pretty speedy, kids!

These lettuce seedlings were growing in the impatiens pot, they must have been leftover from last year’s sowing in the same pot. Like many other things, when you try and do something, it fails, but go blissfully along, not being too tidy and this is what you can get! The end four pack is planted with Ruby swiss chard, topped with the chicken grit.

Back outdoors, it was a surprise to see this bee in the crocus, pollen pantaloons and all. Isn’t it too early for him? There are very few flowers to visit right now, what will become of him?

He is not a lone wolf, er, bee. This mahonia volunteer that grows under the pine trees was covered with his fellows. I was even afraid of getting stung, there were so many. It is a puzzlement as to where they came from, or why they are out now? Any bee experts out there? But they really added to the spring like feel that was so welcome here at Faire Garden today.


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16 Responses to Signs of Spring-The New Camera

  1. Phillip says:

    The photos are great – it looks like you chose a nice camera!

  2. Frances says:

    phillip…Thanks. It ran out of batteries while I was out, its downside, it takes AAs instead of the little rectangle that my old camera had. Another trip to the store.

  3. Entangled says:

    Nice pictures! Your crocus looks just like mine, except yours are further along. Mine just open another flower each day – one at a time.

  4. Frances says:

    entangles…Thanks. Last week the crocus were barely there, since the rain and warm temps, they are just now opening in groups. I didn’t even know we had that many.

  5. semi says:

    I love the last pic with the bee. Your camera is great! I wanted to be outside today i am jealous. I feel a lay out of work day coming on. love semi

  6. jodi says:

    Glad you’re enjoying your new camera so well–and such wonderful blossoms, too. Meanwhile, we’re having more snow. of course…

  7. Robin's Nesting Place says:

    Frances, I have a Canon A630 camera that takes AA batteries. I bought Duracell rechargeable 1700 mAh batteries and they last a pretty long time.

    Your pictures are great! I’d love to feel 73 degree weather about now, lucky you.

  8. shirl says:

    Ah… Frances you will also be able to get good shots of the birds too with your new camera 😀

    Great to see spring in your garden – no idea at all about the bees though. Great shots look froward to seeing many more 😀

  9. Frances says:

    semi…thanks. Hope your boss isn’t a garden blog reader! ‘->

    jodi…thanks. There is still a lot to learn about the camera. So sorry about your snow. Maybe you could start some tomatoes under lights?

    Robin’s nesting place…thanks for the heads up on the batteries, I’m going to get a good supply today. We are in a tornado watch this morning, the price paid for that warm weather.

    shirl…To get some shots like yours of the birds was a big reason to get the new camera. Thanks.

  10. Crafty Gardener says:

    Great macro shots and you are so lucky having crocus in bloom. Here … well, what can I say, but snow and more snow.

  11. brokenbeat says:

    it’s great to wander around the garden with the camera set on macro. searching out that bit of photogenic uniqueness and finding it in unlikely places is like the best game of hide-and-seek ever. in full, mid-morning sun the shadows cast by stalks and leaves create an entire world of photo opportunities. the more you shoot them, the more the plants present themselves. hapi hapi flower-snapping.

  12. Frances says:

    crafty gardener…Thanks. We are fortunate with out weather at the moment, tornadoes missed our county here in TN.

    brokenbeat…HB! There will be many fun times with the new camera for

  13. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Oh gosh Frances, you have seedlings and BEES!! Wow. This does look like spring with those crocus full of pollen sprinkled bees.

  14. Frances says:

    lisa…We do have crocus, most of the little early ones are open, there are only a couple of batches of the later ones. Poor little bees, though, more cold is coming.

  15. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    I’m not a bee expert, but I have seen bees here in Northern Illinois in March, so they sound about on schedule for Tennessee. I don’t know what conditions bring them out or how they know there are flowers available. They are amazing creatures.

  16. Frances says:

    MMD…Thanks for the reassurance about the bee. There is not much in bloom right now, although many things will be opening soon.

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