Geography Lesson-Faire Garden, Tennessee

The garden blogging teacher, Ms. Jodi at bloomingwriter , gave us an assignment to write about where we live and garden, to help our readers picture in their minds our locales. Ever obedient, Faire Garden has done what it can with what we’ve got. There are no skyscrapers here in southeast Tennessee, but there are hills and in the distance, mountains. We can see the Appalachian Mountains from our town. The highest point of that range forms the boundary between North Carolina and our state. It is a zigzag line drawn on a map and the terrain is pretty zigzag as well. Land is plentiful here, but if you are looking for flat land, go elsewhere, there is none around these parts.

The downtown area is centered around the county courthouse, very typical of small southern towns that happen to be the county seat. This building has recently seen some renovation and sprucing up a bit.

The gold trim was taken off and the broken bits replaced and painted. Now it is close to the original look.

One of the oldest establishments here is the campus of Tennessee Wesleyan College. This school is what brought us here, as one of the offspring received a soccer scholarship to attend. Another offspring thought she would like to come here and play soccer with her sister,and received a scholarship as well. The house we are now living in was purchased for them, being cheaper than two dorm room and boards, and giving us a place to stay when visiting them. It also allowed some gardening to be done, a good place to bring those extra plants from our Faire Garden in the northeast part of the state. In this photo the retaining wall on the left side of the steps is composed of the same block as our wall at the house. We benefitted from their surplus.

Something we are proud of here is the large dairy that is one of the biggest employers. Surrounding the town are numerous small farms that supply the installation near our home with fresh milk. This cow sits outside the visitors center there and is taken to schools and the like to teach about the glories of milk, it does a body good.

Yes, we are home to the famous Mayfield Dairy. We have been on the tour, complete with mandatory shower caps and shoe covers, to learn of the cleanliness of the machinery, the plastic bottle production, and the delicious ice cream that is also made here. Samples provided.

Less than a mile from Mayfield we find the estate of Faire Garden. The circular driveway and arborvitae hedge make it distinct in the neighborhood. Why, there is even the garage side garden, recently posted about.

The front of the house, and the back, cannot be captured in one photo. It is a long and rambling building. You can see the addition that attaches the two structures.

From the top of the hill, in the knot garden is the back of the main house. We are above the roof at this elevation.

Looking out past the shed you see the garage loft with the deck attached and the addition joining the two spaces. At the end of the property are the group of large pines. Plenty of exercise opportunities exist during gardening here. Tools are often needed from the shed, bags of mulch, plants and rocks need to be brought up the hill to their final resting place from the car, so far down below. Walking the paths to take the tour of the entire garden is only for the fittest of visitors.

This is a quiet little town. Not hip, happening, stylish or exciting. Not even a lot of people, lots of cows though, got to keep the milk trucks running. We have lived in large cities like Houston and Los Angeles, suburbs of those, and those kinds of places have lots to offer, but the slow, quiet life here makes for some slow quiet gardening, our favorite kind.

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19 Responses to Geography Lesson-Faire Garden, Tennessee

  1. Carolyn gail says:

    Well done, Frances. I’m from an even smaller town and I can really relate to your vivid description. I’m glad you like your new hometown.

  2. jodi says:

    This is terrific, Frances…I’d give you an A+ for this project, for sure. Any place that has more cows than people is topnotch in my books, that’s for sure!

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    It is interesting how you got to your present situation. I loved the tour through your small town that sounds something like yours. Aren’t most small towns similar?? However you have cows! I also live in a small town. We have corn fields. You have inspired me to get busy and do my geography lesson.

  4. Yolanda Elizabet says:

    Hmmmmmm, you seem to be the teacher’s pet already! 😉 Well done Frances, I enjoyed reading about where you live and all the lovely pics that went with it. Real mountains and hills, lucky you! Here it is all flat, like the proverbial pancake. But we have cows, loads of them. 🙂

    Like you I’ve lived in a big city but prefer to live in the countryside, so much more fun.

  5. Frances says:

    Carolyn Gail…Thanks. The small town atmosphere is something we love, but is not for everyone, or it wouldn’t be a small town!

    Jodi…That has always been the idea, getting that A, very goal oriented here. ‘->

    Lisa…Corn, cows, they go together don’t they?

    Yolanda Elizabet…Guilty as charged, I was the Hermoine in the Harry Potter series as a youngster, and still am it seems. ‘->

  6. Kylee says:

    Your area is much like ours, Frances. I’ve yet to do my geography assignment, but will do it soon. This is fun!

  7. Rosehaven Cottage says:

    I loved the tour of your little town, Frances! It sounds like just the kind of town I’d feel right at home in. Our town is also the county seat with the cool historic center and traditional courthouse. It’s so neat to see yours!

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  8. kate says:

    You live in idyllic surroundings – it sounds as if it was a good move. I love the idea of having lots of cows about – the town looks like a lovely one too!

  9. Frances says:

    Kylee…Thanks. Can’t wait to see about your geography!

    Cindy…There is a similarity to towns like ours, they make good homes.

    kate…It is a simple life here, and we like it that way. Thanks.

  10. Pam/Digging says:

    I enjoyed learning about your small town, Frances. I grew up in a small town, and although I was ready to try the big city when I moved away to college, I do still feel a certain nostalgia for slower, quieter places.

    And, boy, you do have a hilly garden!

  11. Frances says:

    Pam…Thanks. I grew up in a city and it was an adjustment when I moved to another small town, this time in PA. But I learned to love that pace and knowing nearly everyone. And, yes the hill is omnipresent.

  12. Carol says:

    Frances, I enjoyed the tour! I’ve got the flat land covered in my garden, that’s for sure, so I envy you those hills because they add ready-made interest to the garden.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  13. Frances says:

    Carol…Thanks. The slope in the back allows for a panoramic view to the top, each layer of plants can be viewed, but the gardener climbing the hill sometimes wishes for flat land, especially when pushing the wheelbarrow!

  14. Anonymous says:

    The faire garden is the highlight of the small town but it does have a lot to offer. They even have the alpaca farm. love semi

  15. Frances says:

    semi…Oops, I forgot about the alpaca farm. Thanks for the

  16. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    Love the giant cow statute! That kind of reminds me of the statue of Harmilda, the mascot of Harvard, Illinois. It used to stand in the middle of town, in the middle of the road, but they had to mooove it because of the increase in traffic. She still gets special treatment during the Milk Days festival. Your little town looks idyllic.

  17. Frances says:

    MMD…Thanks. Harmilda is a much cooler name than Jersey, the Mayfield’s cow name. Ha.

  18. Kerri says:

    I enjoyed the little tour of your corner Frances. Our farm is outside the village which is so small that if you blink you’ll miss it 🙂 Cities are fun to visit, but give me the country for peaceful living over the hustle and bustle any day!
    There are plenty of cows here too 🙂

  19. Frances, says:

    Kerri…Thanks for visiting with us.

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