Looking For Freckles

Looking at some of the hellebores beginning their springtime pageant and noticing the little quince in their midst, this shot shows the garden as it is in reality. The weeds seem to be under control, there is still some mulch left on the hill so the whole background is a nice brownish, rather than reddish tone, from the clay underneath. Mulch on the hill washes downward in heavy rain, we have had some recently, and we’re not complaining about it.

The myriad hellebores are starting to open their bonnets.

They mostly need help to have their photo taken to see inside, they want to look down at the soil, they are a little shy, you understand.

They are so very lovely outside and in, but where are the freckles, those little spots near the center of the bloom?

I’m sure some of these have freckles inside the blooms.

Nope, none in here, but she is still a quite a looker.

Ah, the white ones, the color of thick sweet cream, but only a tiny hint of spots near the center.

Inner petals of a dusty rose, and one big freckle, more of a beauty mark, really.

This is what we have been searching for.

Sorry for the rough treatment, but we are on a mission.

Just like a visit to the dentist’s office, “Open wide”.

Here is a good smattering of those spots.

A plethora of pretty polka dots.

There are some freckles after all, one tends to favor those with the added accessorizing, like jewelry adds to the outfit.

This swab of tiny babies, do any of you have the highly prized freckles? Someday we shall be lifting your petals to inspect your innermost parts for the elusive adornment, my little sweets.

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38 Responses to Looking For Freckles

  1. Kylee says:

    Oh such luscious hellebore photos! When I saw your title, I just knew it was going to be about hellebores. I see some buds just peeking out of the ground on mine, but it will be awhile before they’re blooming.

  2. Carolyn gail says:

    Those freckles are certainly charming, Frances. Love your gorgeous collection.

  3. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Hi Frances. Blogger just ate my other comment so if you get two please delete this one.

    Now, what was I saying…Oh yes, your beautiful hellebores. They are wonderful. I really like the freckled ones too. And all of those tiny plants. do you divide them or do you let them grow in a clump naturally??

    After the snow flurries stop I will have to go out and see if I have any buds. Crazy weather we are having.

  4. Gail says:


    I finally see the slope others have mentioned you garden on…. Hellebores are perfect and are a lift on a
    late winter day.


  5. Frances says:

    Kylee…Thanks. There will be and have been quite a few posts featuring the hellebores, it’s that time!

    Carolyn Gail…Thanks. The hellebores really make a show at this time of year when little else is happening.

    Lisa…Sorry about the blogger comment problem, it happens to me also. I write a long witty comment, have it eaten and follow up with, “lovely garden”. HA

    Gail…Thanks, it is quite a hill, keeps one in tip top shape!

  6. Frances says:

    Lisa..I forgot to say that the hellebore babies have a way of dividing themselves, some don’t make it, I choose the largest to transplant elsewhere and give lots away. The rest have to figure it out themselves.

  7. tina says:

    beautiful hellebores. mine are only just beginning to open, along with the quince.

  8. Frances says:

    tina…Thanks. One of the best things about the hellebores and quince is that they bloom together for such a long time, well into May here.

  9. Robin's Nesting Place says:

    Wow! I love that first picture! I’ve never had hellebores before, (hope to remedy that soon), and I didn’t know they had that many blooms! Beautiful!

  10. Frances says:

    Robin’s Nesting Place…Thanks. I did a post about cutting the old leaves off so the blooms are showcased better.


  11. tina says:

    yes, i love that about the hellebores too-the long bloom. i did not know quince bloomed as long too. i just got my two last year and they have not done well. looking for good things this year.

  12. Frances says:

    Tina…my quinces were cuttings from a neighbor, just a pot of sticks at the time. I made three plants of the sticks, it tood a few years for the good blooms to begin, I prune them every year to keep them small, like size of a small azalea, with removal of older stems to thin, and trimming the ends so the whole bush is blooms. It took a while though, be patient and keep pruning!

  13. Diana says:

    Frances – I love your hellebores – I don’t have any, but they are moving up higher and higher on my list as I see beautiful postings like this one. I “get” the freckles appeal – one of my favorite specialty plants is toad lilies – because of their delicate nature and size and their wonderful speckles and freckles and spots. Your hellebores are mysterious and lovely.

  14. Carol says:

    Hi, Frances. I love freckled flowers. My hellebores are no where near ready to bloom but when they do, I’m sure one of them has freckles.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  15. Meems says:

    Frances: How wonderful for you that you have such pretty blooms today. I hear so much talk of helebores but we don’t grow them this far south. I guess I’ll just have to enjoy yours and all the other garden bloggers north of me.

    That is quite a steep slope you garden on which must be quite a challenge in itself.

    I sense that your garden is about to spring forth. 🙂

  16. Frances says:

    diana…thanks. The freckles make an already lovely bloom more whimsical.

    Carol…Thanks and have fun when your open looking for their spots.

    Meems…My biggest hellebore, big mama was growing in my garden in Houston and didn’t bloom there, but it was young so maybe it would have eventually. The slope is daunting sometimes. And yes, we are so close to a big explosion of blooms, can’t wait.

  17. Wurzerl says:

    It’ s really the right time to post the Helleborus plant. I did it also!
    You did prepare a great expedition through your Helleborus border.
    My Helleborus are so shy as yours so I did plant them a little bit higher at my hill.
    Have a good time Wurzerl

  18. Frances says:

    Wurzerl…Thanks. I went looking for your hellebore post, did not find it, will look again later, but found a wondeful post about orchids, including my favorite paphs!

  19. Nancy says:

    I love seeing all the flowers that can be grown in colder areas. It’s a hardy plant that makes it here near Houston.

  20. Magic Cochin says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog Frances!
    Beautiful hellebores – I love the freckled ones too (a few years ago a nurseryman told me that the breeders were favouring plain colours – but I think freckles are back in favour now!) Isn’t it great how hellebores get you crawling around on the earth to peek into their blooms 🙂


  21. Wurzerl says:

    Hi Frances, you can find it with the label “Helleborus” very easy, it’ s the fourth.

  22. Frances says:

    Nancy…Thanks and welcome. I have added you blog on my sidebar as Nancy’s Garden Spot although your blogger profile is My Garden Spot, is that correct? Glad to hear you can enjoy the hellebores in your area also.

    Magic Cochin…Thanks and welcome. Yes, crawling on the earth is one of the most enjoyable tasks.

    Wurzerl…found it, thanks. Wow you have tons of different types of hellebores, I need some of those!

  23. jodi says:

    HOW did I miss this post!? Back to using my feedreader to update my favourites…to have missed seeing these beauties for even a few hours! Frances, I’m awestruck. They’re so wonderful–and the text with them so very clever!
    …now, I shouldn’t get my hopes up…but with the big thaw the past two days, my one hellebore has emerged from the snowdrift, and it looks…alive! Not only that, but dare I suggest there might be buds coming up? Hope springs eternal…I’ll do a blog post but not til tonight because still doin’ deadlines here…

  24. Frances says:

    Jodi…How wonderful! I hope it is not only alive but abud as well. I worry about missing the latest blogs on the current list, it is odd sometimes with so many from one blogger, it pushes the single posts down to the bottom, or off the list. I’ll be looking for your newest story.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Freckled or not those hellebores are lovely. The swab on babies is amazing. love semi

  26. Frances says:

    semi…Thanks, to think how many babies there are is amazing indeed.

  27. The Giraffe Head Tree says:

    Lovely! I love hellebores, but mine have not yet bloomed after 2 years. Maybe next year. Yours are glorious and I love their freckles.

  28. Frances says:

    Giraffe Head Tree…It takes a while, even with purchased plants, to get them going, but after the first bloom year, you will always have them.

  29. Ewa says:

    Owww… they are so beautiful… I also have helleborus in my garden, but somehow they do not perform well 😦

  30. Frances says:

    Ewa…Thanks. For some reason the hellebores are one of our best performers, perhaps it is the drainage because they are planted on a steep slope.

  31. earthwoman says:

    Wow, your hellebores are just bursting with flowers.

  32. Frances says:

    Earthwoman…Thanks and welcome. Once a hellebore is a few years old, it just blooms more each year. We cut the old leaves off in January so the blooms show better.

  33. shirl says:

    Hi again, Frances 🙂

    Ah… another plant favourite of mine too. How fantastic that you have conditions that suit this wonderful plant. I have just reintroduced it to my garden too. I really enjoyed seeing your flowers 😀

  34. Frances says:

    Shirl…Hi again to you also. Hope you have great luck with the new hellebores, they bloom at such a wonderful time, when little else does.

  35. Anonymous says:

    great pics

  36. Pingback: Hellebores On Parade « Fairegarden

  37. Pingback: Year End Wrap Up 2008-Part One « Fairegarden

  38. Pingback: Hellebo-R-Us « Fairegarden

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