
This is a post with no theme. There have been posts like this before, without a topic, philosophical musings. There is nothing like that happening today. Today is just some pictures that we found interesting for one reason or another. The above photo shows the pink rose, Old Blush, beginning its display of many months. There is a blue ajuga bloom and the white flowers of cerastium on its left side. The yellow deciduous azalea is a blur in the background.

Under the pink azalea ‘Pride of Mobile’, the fallen blossoms form a color echo with the veining of the Japanese painted fern.

In the knot garden the blue and purple violas are doing an excellent job of hiding the yellowing tulip foliage. There is a plan in place to fill these quadrants with celosia seedlings still growing in their flats, later this spring. More about those will be mentioned later in this post.

Inside the greenhouse/sunroom the orchids in bud and bloom have not been moved outside. This cattleya ‘Scheherazade’ blooms at this time each year. The temperatures outside and in are higher than is beneficial for a long bloom period for this orchid. There is another bud on the plant which will give us this rich color for a while longer.

The phals fair a little better with the heat that is the norm now. Phalaenopsis ‘Martha Dolge Mendenhall’ will be kept inside for the summer as long as her blooms hold on. We have found that the air conditioning and shade from the maple at this corner of the house keep the temperatures cooler than outside even with the many windows in the greenhouse room.

Paphiopedilum Onyx Fancy Cherry’. This is the second bloom to open on this plant this year. Three thises in one sentence, hmm.

The tightly held flower buds of a new to us ninebark, physocarpus ‘Summer Wine’. The leaves are very dark, the flowers are said to be pink. This is an additon to the black garden, started two years ago.

Back in the woods under the large pine trees at the edge of the property, the mahonias have produced these exquisitely colored fruits. These trees are getting too large and will be cut to the ground soon, so a photo of the blue beauties will be a reminder until they come again next year, or the year after.

Abutilon ‘Fool’s Gold’ that was ordered this year from Plant Delights Nursery has been in bloom since the day it arrived. These flowering maples have proven easy to grow and flower during the winter months. More room will be allotted to them in the greenhouse as we look for more varieties to add.

The seedlings that were grown from free seeds from Chiltern’s Seeds, celosia spicata ‘Coral Garden Mixed’ have been a pleasant surprise. One flat of thirty six plants and a round planter filled with nearly as many are all showing flower heads.

It is predicted that we will have a freeze possible tonight. It is lucky that these babies were so small and the knot garden is still home to the dying leaves of the tulips so that the celosias have not been planted in the ground. All the seed flats and all the orchids that had been moved outside during our warm spring are all safely being held back in the greenhouse for one more night. This cold spell is called blackberry winter here, the wild blackberries are just beginning to bloom, the name comes from that.

One more shot of these scrumptious colorful annuals. We will pamper them a bit more before they are placed in the ground at the top of the hill. It will be sad to see them grow up, they are so sweet at this stage, don’t you agree?


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32 Responses to Randomness

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I enjoyed your musings Frances. Reading that you are going to use celosia in your knot garden has given me the muse to do so also. That is one I haven’t used in my quadrants. It would be a pretty picture.

  2. Frances, says:

    Good morning Lisa. This is the year, thanks to things learned from blogs, that the knot garden quads need to have colorful annuals through the summer. The perennials tried up there, heucheras, then carex, lavender, blue fescue, heaths, santolina, have all been failures. The tulips and iris retics remain, as does the creeping thyme groundcover. It is dry and sunny, should be perfect for the celosia, and I have lots of them and they were free, what more can you ask for? Good luck with yours. Hope to see a photo of it.

  3. Carol says:

    I admire you for planting a knot garden, not an easy kind of garden to keep look liking “a knot” so to speak. I hope to see more pictures of it through all its phases.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  4. Frances, says:

    Good morning Carol, your garden looks like the perfect place for a knot garden, nice and flat and open. How about a knot of vegetables? The knot garden was planted at the top of the hill because it was the only flat space. But it has never looked like a knot in reality. I keep wanting flowers, the trimmed shrubs used for true knots contradict that. If it looks good, photos will be posted.Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Melanie says:

    Good morning Frances, I wish you good luck with your frost. My knot garden here needs some work, maybe you’ve motivated me enough to spend some time on it today 🙂

    The Celosia seedlings are stunning, they look like they are covered in fairy dust.

  6. Carol at Lost Valley Gardens says:

    I enjoyed the casual randomness of your post this morning. The orchids are like beautiful jewels, and all of the other blooms are lovely as well, but the mahonia fruits were my favorite. They remind me of robin’s eggs.

    Hope you have a great day.

  7. Dave says:

    Love the painted fern Frances! I’ve thought about doing a knot garden for herbs but decided that was too much for my plate this year. I may prepare the ground for one in the fall. I’d like to see those pictures of yours when you get them ready!

  8. Gail says:

    I had a lovely time in your garden the flowers you showed me were lovely. Isn’t Old Blush a delightful rose. A simple and pretty face. Thanks for identifying the white flower in her photo…as I was studying it I wondered what it was!

    Lots of the cedar glade plants would love the conditions of your knot garden but then it would cease being a beautiful knot garden! I do love the violas, did you seed them?

    Have a lovely day, we missed having a frost here, how about you?


  9. Nancy J. Bond says:

    Love that painted fern! All the blooms, particularly your orchids, are very impressive. 🙂 Thanks for the nice splash of color.

  10. tina says:

    Random musings and beautiful flowers are always welcomed.

  11. patientgardener says:

    What a nice ramble through your flowers – really cheered me up on a wet day here in the Midlands

  12. Frances, says:

    Good morning to you Melanie, HA, the celosia seedlings are covered in pine tree pollen, which is a lot like fairy dust. ;-> Glad to motivate you, I have been motivated to work on the front garden and have been working on it today. Now it’s off the get mulch, that always helps beds.

    Carol at LV, welcome and thanks for visiting. I totally agree, the mahonia fruits are the most gorgeous color.

    Dave, that would look terrific, a knot garden done with herbs, and fit into your scheme very well. I will be posting the knot garden later this summer. I did a post about the knot garden as one of the oldest posts. I will see if I can find it and leave the link on your blog as a comment.

  13. Frances, says:

    Gail, we did indeed miss the frost, hooray, glad you also missed it. The violas were store bought and planted last fall. I had to put rocks on each one to keep the squirrels from digging them up and it worked. The cerastium is a great scrambler.

    Nancy J., you are most welcome for a color shot. We try and provide that here, it’s all about the photos most of the time.

    Tina, thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Sometimes you just need to look at pretty pictures.

    Helen, sorry for more rain for you, wish we could get some more, they are calling for some later this week. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Sherry at the Zoo says:

    Great pictures. Love the orchids in the greenhouse especially.

    Hope you avoid the frost!

  15. Frances, says:

    Sherry, thanks. I figured now would be a good time to show the orchids, they probably won’t be blooming for bloom day. We did avoid the frost, hooray!

  16. Linda Lunda says:

    Wery nice and beutyfull photos.
    I love the Paphiopedilum ! It´s a stunning orcidé. I have a variegated one of Paphiopedilumhybrid.

  17. Pam/Digging says:

    You always provide such great eye candy, Frances. I think your robin’s egg mahonia fruits are my favorite today.

  18. Philip Bewley says:

    Beautiful plants. The physocarpus is incredible! I have never seen that before.

  19. Entangled says:

    I’d heard of dogwood winter before, but not blackberry winter. Please tell me there are no more winters after blackberry. 😉

  20. Frances, says:

    Hi Pam, thanks for those kind words. Those mahonia eggs are the most wonderfu color in real life, too.

    Philip, thanks and welcome. We are very excited about this little shrub, it is supposed to be shorter and more upright than it’s big brother, Diablo.

    Entangled, blackberry is the last one I know of. Someone said locust winter is the same as blackberry, ever heard of that one?

  21. Frances, says:

    Linda, thanks for stopping by. The paphs are my favorite orchids. Yours sounds lovely. I like the mottled leaf ones too. They seem to be easier to rebloom than the solid green leaf ones.

  22. Karen Hall says:

    Lovely physocarpus – I have diablo – but I have not come across “Summer Wine” (I have a black garden too)

  23. Layanee says:

    That predicted freeze must be going around as it is a chilly 35F here right now and expected to go lower. Bundle up!

  24. Frances, says:

    Hi Karen, It is lovely, right now forming a two foot diameter ball of dark foliage. The tag read that is will be four to five feet, a good size in our black garden. What all do you have planted in yours?

    Layanee, We were very lucky and suffered no losses with our blackberry winter. Hope your garden remains safe also.

  25. Entangled says:

    Frances, nope – hadn’t heard of locust winter either – only dogwood. But I’m soooo relieved to hear that there aren’t any after locust/blackberry.

  26. Frances, says:

    Hi Entangled, let us both hope for no more ‘winters’. ;->

  27. Kerri says:

    I’m chuckling at your last sentence about the Celosia ‘growing up’. A giggle first thing in the morning is always welcome 🙂
    I’ve had such a lot of catching up to do here, Frances, and it’s been a fascinating tour. Your gardens are beautiful…so interesting, and I love to read your musings.
    The Mahonia fruits remind me of candy…so pretty!
    Aren’t Abutilons delightful? I’ll be adding more of them too.
    The top photo of the rose with the other subtle colors is gorgeous, as are all your photos.
    Wonderful, Frances…thank you!
    I wish I had time to comment on each individual post, but I did enjoy them all!

  28. garden girl says:

    Frances, I so enjoy meandering through your beautiful garden. Love the mahonia fruits! Beautiful orchids, love the abutilon.

  29. Frances, says:

    Kerri, I am so glad you got caught up! As for commenting on each post, absolutely not necessary. It is easier for me to respond if anyone wants to comment on several posts at one place, the most recent being the logical one. I love all comments anytime, anyplace. Thanks for the kind words, roses take great portraits, don’t you agree?

    Linda, it makes me happy to imagine you wandering around the garden. Thanks for stopping by.

  30. Anonymous says:

    The painted Japanese ferns are calling to me; “I am ready to add my beauty to your garden”. “Take me to Chickenpoet’s” is what they are telling you.

  31. jodi says:

    I don’t know which I like the best, Frances–the randomness of the images or of the thoughts. It’s all refreshing, and nice to do things that are blissfully non-themed, just free! It really picked up my spirits to read your post today!

  32. Frances, says:

    Hi Chickenpoet, I always listen to the ferns. They will be added to your plant order. love.

    Hi Jodi, That makes me very happy to have picked up your spirits. Your spirits deserve to be held aloft and soar!

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