June 2008 Bloom Day

: Once again the flowers, this time the pink asiatic lilies on the left and upper right along with the blooming hosta ‘Golden Edger’ on the lower right, are inviting you into the garden for the Bloom Day of June 2008 hosted by Carol at
May Dreams Gardens.
Just returning after a week away from the garden, the term *gone to seed* has real meaning. Many seed heads adorn the spring bloomers, nigella, dianthus, penstemon ‘Husker Red’, among others. But the summer stalwarts have begun their time in the spotlight. Last year several of the new Sky series of echinaceas were planted about in various beds. Shown above are e. ‘Sunrise’ with straw colored flowers that fade to nearly white backed by e. ‘Sundown’, an orangey dark pink planted at the edge of the wall that backs the main house near the concrete step stone path.
Just up the hillside from the last shot we see the annual self sown gloriosa daisies, Rudbeckia hirta, flanked by the daylily h. ‘Pardon Me’ with the same step stones visible.
Another Sky echinacea, ‘Summer Sky’ is in the yellow/white bed, backed by dappled willow foliage.
The knot garden center shows the thyme ‘Doone Valley’ as ground cover blooming with Calluna vulgaris ‘Sunset’ showing its yellow warm weather leaf color. The ring of lavendula ‘Hidcote’ is in full bloom, beloved by the bee family. Large hemlocks, green boxwood and blue fescue fill in the scene around the bench.
Mondarda ‘Jacob Kline’ is attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

Hydrangea ‘Annabelle’ is very drought tolerant and blooms in the dry shade under the Loblolly Pines at the edge of the property.

It is daylily season now. They begin the show about June 1 and go until late July with sporadic flowers after that from the reblooming varieties. There will be a post to showcase them in the future. Shown above is the roadside daylily, hemerocallis fulva, in the midst of feather reed grass, calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerester’. Both of these plants are tall, above five feet, and seem a good match. Verbena bonariensis with its height adds purple dots to this bed.

Just a peek at the daylily offerings, h. ‘Savannah Art’ has an appealing blend of pink, yellow and orange.

A Christmas gift from Chickenpoet, asiatic lily ‘Cappucino’, one of the Tango lilies, is brightening the edge of the black garden.

Chinese trumpet lily, ‘Golden Splendor’ in the yellow/white garden is over five feet tall its first year in the ground. A stake holds the large bloom stems upright.

Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ is a gorgeous addition to the black/red garden. The photo doesn’t do it justice. More shots will be taken to try and capture the depth of color and interesting shape of the buds.

Up by the shed, the mix of helenium ‘Mardi Gras’ and eyrngiums offers a mix of hot and cool.

The spiny eryngium flower and foliage reads summer garden to these eyes. It has been a struggle to get a good group of these going, even though most of the literature claims they are prodigious self sowers. We have several blooming size plants now and they are giving great delight.

The heleniums, Helen’s flower, are special to me, as that was my mother’s name, Helen Frances. I was named for her. I also gave my oldest daughter my own middle name, Elizabeth.

Now how did this shot get in here? Oh, yes, the beach, now the memories return. This is the view from our rental house of the marsh grasses, then the sandy shoreline, and finally the Atlantic ocean. Many an hour was spent looking at this vista from a rocking chair on the upper porch. It was never tiring, but always relaxing to gaze and listen during hazy hot humid days. The return home to the garden was welcoming with lots of flowers blooming and many jobs to add to the task list. There will be a post about the beach trip as well as other upcoming events written soon. There are household and human needs to be addressed now. The bloom day post was put together more quickly and lightly than preferred. It is hoped you tasted the flavor of the flowers that make our summers here delicious.


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42 Responses to June 2008 Bloom Day

  1. Dave says:

    If that was lightly put together touring your garden would be a jaw dropping experience. You certainly have a bunch of blooms to admire. Welcome back, I’m glad you had a good trip!

  2. Frances, says:

    Hi Dave, thanks so much. We did have a great trip, lots of home stuff to catch up on, can’t wait to check out your lily post.

  3. Layanee says:

    A lovely tour of all your blooms! Thanks! The garden always looks so changed after a week away doesn’t it? I think it actually grows faster when there is no watchful eye checking for color every five minutes! Glad to hear that you had a great trip and the view was sublime!

  4. Phillip says:

    I wish I had room for lilies. Yours are beautiful. I had a few blooming last week but they were gone when I started photographing yesterday. You’ve given me a great nugget of information when you said that the ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea does well in dry shade. That is good to know. I had a difficult area of dry shade that I’m trying to conquer. Thanks Frances!

  5. tina says:

    Welcome back! You have a good variety of coneflowers and I can’t believe your croscosmia is already blooming! I love croscosmia and am surprised more don’t grow it. Mine is no where close to blooming. Glad you had a restful vacation.

  6. Frances, says:

    Hi Layanee, thanks. You are so right, the garden has gone wild and crazy in just a week’s time! The trip was fantastic and the view was much devoured.

    Hi Phillip, thanks. Annabelle has been the best hydrangea by far for that difficult spot under the big pines. It would do much better with more water and sunlight, but never fails to bloom where it is, no matter the winter temps or late frosts or even drought! Highly recommended.

    Hi Tina, thanks. The crocosmia was purchased as small plants at the UT arboretum sale last year, it did not bloom then. I read that it needs major dividing every year, so made three plants from the one small one and gave lots of extra water and was rewarded with these astounding flowers.

  7. tina says:

    Frances, I have grown crocosmia (red/orange and yellow) for three years and so far it has not needed dividing. I like it so much because of the long, long season of bloom and it is a show off. It blooms like crazy. Red, like yours is my favorite.

  8. Frances, says:

    Thanks Tina, good to know it doesn’t need that constant dividing. I considered that a minus, but would have done it because the flowers are so unique. I will search out the other colors too. Long bloom season? Terrific!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I love the Helen flower. The picture has a very sixties tie-dye appeal to it. Very Cool.

    Can’t wait to see the beach post!!

    Much Love, CP

  10. Frances, says:

    Chickenpoet, thanks. I am working on the beach post now, and also the family photos. There are over one thousand photos to go through including mine, semis and ashes, yikes! Lots of good ones though. love.

  11. The Garden Faerie says:

    Love everything, especially the echinacea! I’ll be gone 5 days next week, visiting my niece in CO. I’m really excited about seeing her, and the change from flat MI topography, but… five days is a long time to be away from my garden!!!!! Knew you’d understand. 🙂
    ~ Monica

  12. Frances, says:

    Hi Monica, thanks. Yes indeed, being away from the garden, no matter how wonderful the time spent is, can be a teensy bit worrisome. Have loads of fun and know your garden will still be there is some form when you return.

  13. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    It looks like summer in your garden, Frances. Welcome back from vacation. The ‘Capuccino’ Lily is so beautiful. Your Trumpet Lily reminds me that I need to stake mine. (It’s probably too late.)

  14. Frances, says:

    Hi MMD, thanks. We try and stake the lilies when they are planted, to help us not dig them up at a later date. These new trumpet ones are great, but definitely needed the tall stake. It’s never too late, stick that stick in the soil! ;->

  15. Nan Ondra says:

    I hope you have a special thank-you planned for the Faire Garden faeries to thank them for their good care of things while you were gone. Everything looks lush and lovely, as we’ve come to expect. Your combination of the daylilies, feather reed grass, and verbena is my favorite of them all: It’s like a mini-meadow!

  16. Frances, says:

    Hi Nan, thanks, I thought of you when that photo came out so well. I took Fallscaping and Foliage to the beach with me for daydream inspiration! I have always been afraid of tall plants, didn’t know how to combine them until reading your books. Now I understand to mix tall with more tall, especially grasses. Thanks for enlightening me.

  17. garden girl says:

    Hi Frances, welcome back. Glad you had a good trip!

    Everything looks fabulous. It’s always a treat visiting your garden.

    I appreciate the tip on Annabelle too. It might be a good candidate for an area close to a 20-year old arborvitae hedge. The arborvitaes are dying out at the bottom on the garden side, though they still look great on the opposite side. The shady side is the garden side, and Annabelle might be a good solution to hide naked arborvitae bottoms.

  18. Frances, says:

    Hi Linda, thanks. Annabelle might be good for hiding the arborvitae nakedness, but it is deciduous and not that attractive in the winter. But that dry shade is a tough spot to find a good candidate. Another evergreen shrub doing well in the same location is viburnum ‘Allegheny’. Hollies have survived there also.

  19. chuck b. says:

    Thank goodness you’re back home; I missed you. It’s always a thrill to see the garden after a long vacation.

    Your asiatic lilies have some subtle drama. I’m just getting into lilies.

    I like your echinacea too…those flowers look really nice together.

  20. Christopher C. NC says:

    Welcome back Frances.

    I don’t know why I am always amazed when I look at your garden. The diversity is astounding. I should be used to that by now since I live with your gardening soul sister.

    I think we may have the Feather Reed Grass up here or something very close in looks.

    I am hoping some Eryngium are in my sprouting seed collection. I keep track of what I sow just not which pots they’re in.

    Digitalis and a Salvia coccinea were sowed along opposite sides of my driveway. I found a huge patch of Digitalis across the street and have found them randomly over here. I think I can grow those now.

  21. Pam/Digging says:

    It was a perfect bloom day post, Frances. You gave us the best of the bunch, I’m sure, because these are all beauties. That ‘Pardon Me’ daylily really turned my head.

  22. Robin's Nesting Place says:

    Glad you enjoyed your trip to the beach. Your garden blooms are lovely, I especially like the Summer Sky, (I think that was the name of it), echinacea.

  23. Frances, says:

    Hi Chuck, thanks for the welcome home. The lilies are giving the biggest color jolt at the moment and are so fun, as are all the bulbs. Planted in the fall and forgotten until June, just like daffodils and tulips. There are seedlings from the echinceas too, yea!

    Hi Christopher, yes, there is a great similarity with the plant choices of Bulbarella and me. Good deal on the digitalis successes and discoveries. What a sight that will be when they all bloom. If you can get the eryngiums to germinate, you must tell me the secret. Ours are strictly self sown, the ones I purchase and scatter never come up. Hope you get a good crop of the salvias. They love the gravel here.

    Thanks Pam. That was the best of the bunch photo wise. Much deadheading and pruning needs to be done now to allow the next wave to shine. You should be able to grow Pardon Me, it was purchased in Brenham. The color is wonderful and it blooms forever, well for a long time anyway.

    Thanks Robin, it is good to be home. The echinceas were new last summer and didn’t do much with the drought. They have grown stouter now with lots of buds. They will get some pampering with extra water and deadheading to make the show last through fall hopefully.

  24. Rose says:

    I didn’t realize you were back, Frances; hope you had a wonderful and relaxing trip.
    Your garden is so gorgeous! I’d just like to pop in for a visit. You wouldn’t even have to say hello; I’d just wander around and sit and enjoy all these beautiful vistas, and you wouldn’t even know I was there:)

  25. Frances, says:

    Hi Rose, you are welcome to visit anytime, but I would really like to give you the personal tour of the garden, it is always fun to show it to fellow garden enthusiasts. Thanks for those kind words of support.

  26. Katarina i Kullavik says:

    So many beautiful flowers in your garden! I found the lily Cappuccino outstanding!

  27. Frances, says:

    Hi Katarina, thanks for visiting. The Cappucino lily is a beauty. We may have to get more of those this fall.

  28. sam_mocotx says:

    Hope you enjoyed your vacation! Your garden looks beautiful! You have a fabulous selection of plants and flowers.


  29. Frances, says:

    Hi Sam, thanks for dropping by. I don’t know if I have told you that we used to live in The Woodlands, also in Montgomery county. I understand your battle with yaupons and grape vines and all manner of wildly growing natives. We had good luck with roses from the Antique Rose Emporium in Brenham, about an hour away. They had lots of perennials that performed well in that climate also. I miss visiting there.

  30. Linette says:

    My hydrangea is just starting to bloom too. My lilies have their first blooms on them today, too late for bloom day of course:)

  31. Frances, says:

    Hi Linette, sometimes the flowers don’t cooperate with that fifteenth date do they? You could include them next month like some do, with a notation. ;-> Thanks for visiting.

  32. DP Nguyen says:

    Welcome back from your trip! The blooms from your flowers are beautiful. It must feel like they are welcoming you back! Your garden has beautiful variety, and it looks like a lovely park I want to stay in all day! 🙂

  33. Frances, says:

    Hi DP, I’m back but not back to normal yet. The garden was welcoming and I was very glad to lay eyes on it, but there is still much pruning to be done, vegetable harvesting, yea!, and water, water, water. It is very dry here, the ground is cracking in some places. Thanks for stopping by and the kind words, I’ll pop over to your place to see what’s going on there.

  34. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Welcome back to blog land Frances. I sure did miss you and your garden. You garden looks like it put on its very best to welcome you home. I just love those chinese lilies. I always want them when I see them but don’t seem to have the foresight to get them into the ground when I should. Maybe this fall I can plant some. I bet you had Marsh Wrens and Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrows serenading you while you were away.

  35. Frances, says:

    Hi Lisa, thanks for that warm welcome home. There were birds all around us, cardinals we identified easily, and some shore birds, seagulls and tons of pelicans. Many different bird songs that were new, strange and wonderful were heard. The Chinese trumpets have been better this year. Last year’s late frost stopped many of the lilies cold in their tracks, no blooms on many of them. They are making up for it now. Give them a try. I am very pleased with Golden Splendor.

  36. Blackswamp_Girl says:

    Lovely tour, Frances! I adore that ‘Cappucino’ lily… Chickenpoet and I share some tastes in flowers, methinks, based on this and the things you’ve mentioned in the past.

    How interesting to see that the ‘Sundown’ and ‘Sunrise’ echinaceas do so well for you down there. They tend to not come back in gardens up here.

  37. Frances, says:

    Thanks Kim, that really is an outstanding lily, not too tall with those wonderful spots. There are others in the Tango series, offspring Semi has several and all are equally stunning. They are good for the edging of a bed of taller lilies in the black garden, as all have black markings. More, we say, more!

  38. joey says:

    The garden looks lovely and thrived while you were away, Frances. Playing ‘catch-up’ is half the fun … right? Enjoyed your vacation photos … looks like all had a wonderful time.

  39. Frances, says:

    Hi Joey, thanks for visiting. The trip was fantastic and the garden went wild while I was away to keep in in line. Still trying to tame it with dead heading, pruning and pulling spent annuals out. The one good thing was that the sugar snap peas are finally done and pulled. They were delicious but were shading the pole beans planted nearby.

  40. Kerri says:

    A wonderful Bloom Day tour, Frances! I’d love to wander around your garden with you and hear all about your flowers. What fun that would be!
    The Cappacino and Chinese Trumpet lilies are spectacular. I love the pink asiatics too.
    And what a beautiful ‘meadow’ scene with the lilies, grasses and Verbena bonariensis.
    I could go on and on…. 🙂
    Your garden is looking beautiful in spite of a week’s neglect 🙂
    Have fun catching up!

  41. Frances, says:

    Hi Kerri, thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed the lilies, they are so tall and wonderful that the weeds and other negatives aren’t noticed, too much anyway.

  42. Carol says:

    Well, I finally made it to see your blooms a few days late. But it was well worth it. Fantastic blooms you have for mid-June!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

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