August Bloom Day Delights

Hello out there in the blogdom. We want to welcome one and all to walk the paths in the Faire Garden to see what’s blooming on this August Bloom Day, sponsored by Carol at
May Dreams Gardens . Although there are many blooms to photograph this month, the garden as a whole is not as fetching as one would like. We are sort of between times of bursting blooms, the daylilies are done and the mums and muhly grass have at least another month to go before wowing us with a riot of pinky hues. But we still have a good variety, some new, some old. Shown above, being visited by a lovely Painted Lady butterfly is a new plant, we bought several of these actually from the big box, Heliopsis ‘Bressingham Doubloon’. We needed some larger yellow flowering plants and this is said to grow four to five feet tall. In the ground here for about a month so far they are doing well, even with drought conditions.
Purchased in Pennsylvania with a label showing a double pink flowered coneflower in the photo, this is definitely an echinacea, but the flower form is like nothing we have seen anywhere. There are many buds and the plant is healthy and robust. How or why it came to have that tag, who knows, but we are hanging on to this treasure and hoping the seed comes true.
A native wildflower here that came with the property is this Datura metel. It is an annual here and self sows freely. We let a few of these flower and seed to keep it in the garden. They grow large, about five feet and the flowers open in the evening and on cloudy days with a heady fragrance.
Another wildling, the passionflower, Passiflora incarnata, also known as Maypop, seeds about and also spreads by underground roots. Most of these have to be pulled or we would have nothing else growing in the beds, but a couple are allowed to flower. They are the host plant for the larva of the Gulf Frittilary butterfly, hence the holes in the flowers and leaves. That is okay, it is why we grow them.
A seed grown dahlia, D. ‘Bishop’s Children’ has a bleached out orangey red bloom. Some of these winter over and return to bloom another year or two, but are short lived and need to be started nearly every year to ensure their existence here. They germinate easily in the greenhouse/sunroom and flower the first year, nearly instant gratification.
The oldest water lily in our pond is finally blooming. The shade is encroaching on the pond and it is feared the waterlilies cannot bloom with so little sun. The few flowers we get are treasured.

The Salvia greggiis line the long wall at the back of the main house and the second terrace up the hill. They were given a harsh haircut after the spring flush of blooms and are just now producing buds again. Also known as Autumn Sage, they will offer bright color as the days grow shorter.

Okay, this is a bad thing. It is a virus ridden echinacea, with traits that the breeders are selecting and calling fancy names, like Green Envy and the double flowered monstrosities. I had a large stand of the old purple and white coneflowers that became infected with this blight and had to pull the whole lot of them out. That was several years ago and I see some of these returning in a bed up at the top of the property behind the knot garden. Those echinaceas were seedlings from the first batch and seemed to be normal until this year. Luckily they are far from the beds with the newer named cultivars from the Sky series, but insects visit all the plants here and can spread bad things as well as do good deeds such as pollinate. These will have to be destroyed soon. I just wanted to show you all.

Here are some more plants in the same bed as above. You have been warned.

Whew, that was scary. So let’s get back to happier thoughts with this little fellow on our cutleaf sunflower, Rudbeckia lanciniata. Many thanks
Christopher C. of Outside Clyde for identifying this plant. We call these the tall sunflowers, for they sprout up to ten feet tall from the evergreen rosettes by August each year.
Red turtlehead, Chelone obliqua is just beginning to open. Purchased at a plant sale in Knoxville last year, we were not sure enough moisture could be provided for this shade lover to prosper. Even though we are not giving extra water, the plant appears vibrant, that is a relief.

A self sown petunia in the path, it looks like one of the original wave petunias. I haven’t grow these since the first year of gardening here, 2000. Who knows how it got here, maybe a seed was in the pine straw?

We have the worst experience with the agastaches. We have bought plenty of them, large full plants that dwindle as the season progresses into wisps of their former selves. This A. ‘Coronado’ was barely alive this year after being planted as a huge specimen last fall so it was moved to a spot with better soil, more sun and within the vision line of the woman with the hose. Maybe we can get it back to robust with some TLC. I do love the color.

One flower on the several osteospurmums that were planted in the containers for season long color. They bloomed early and then stopped. It is hoped they like the cooler temps of fall and will give us color again, until it is time to rip them out and plant the pansies and violas that take us through winter and spring. That happens in October.

Growing on the old branches left of the rose
Killer , R. ‘Alberic Barbier’ is the crossvine Bignonia ‘Tangerine Beauty’. There is an old rusted metal clothesline pole behind the cut tree trunk standing next to the new arbor. The crossvine has instructions to grow across the top of the sixteen foot wide arbor to provide shade and beauty of blossoms. It is doing its duty so far.

We rarely show flowers from the front part of the property for they are few, but this Coreopsis ‘Zagreb’ has earned a spot on the bloom day post with its floriferousness. Pieces have been spread along the curving walkway to the front steps and it is hoped that edging will fill in some day for summer long yellow cheerfulness to greet visitors.

A southern summer cannot be complete without the papery blooms of crepe myrtles. This dark watermelon colored one is Victor, behind out of focus are the blooms of Hosta ‘Royal Standard’, their fragrance is intoxicating.

A freebie from the Arbor Society for joining in 2000, this is one of a group of crepe myrtles that have grown to tree proportions. This light pink one is in the middle section along the curbing and was dug out to be moved after
the giant pampas grass fiasco. The moved tree died, but whatever was left in the ground from the original planting regrew and is now a many trunked shrub. Some of those stems need to be cut to the ground to give it better form. But the flowers are welcome.

Our Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium purpureum ‘Gateway’ is having an excellent year. We dug out the privet around Ferngully where the soil is wonderful loam and split and spread the Joe Pye around the trunk of the dead tree. It nearly covers the trunk and the butterflies love the flowers. So do we.

An unknown yarrow from a mixed planter bought on sale at the end of the season last year has given us good color in the black garden. Ajuga reptans is one of the groundcovers in the black garden and is a nice foil to the red.

The Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’ is turning from broccoli to fruity purple, or at least this one plant in the front of the house is.

The row of Autumn Joy around the daylily hill still looks like this. Who knows why, they are both in some shade, neither gets extra water and all came from the same mother plant. Soon these will color up and draw the butterflies and bees en masse.

Sedum spectabile ‘Matrona’ has purple stockings and darker flower heads. The Japanese Blood Grass, Imperata cylindrica looks especially nice with Matrona. In fact, there is little the blood grass doesn’t look good with, if anything. A little gaillardia is blooming red orange in amongst the sedum.

Looking at the heath/heather bed, one can see the flower buds on the green Erica ‘Mediterranean Pink’ behind Calluna vulgaris ‘Firefly’s yellow summer needle like foliage. Firefly will turn bright red with the cold temps of winter. The pink flowers are nondescript but cute. The Erica blooms in January and continues through spring, good winter interest there.

This combination turned out surprisingly well. The Sambucus ‘Black Lace’ was a replacement for a Japanese maple that was killed by the late frost of 2007. Hosta ‘Guacamole’ has light lavender blooms that make this scene pleasing. Blue Star junipers give evergreen interest during winter when the decidous Elder and hostas are leafless.

Still blooming is Paphiopedilum ‘Honey’, that is the shortened version of the long name, on the right. Just beginning to open is P. (Starr Warr x Maudiae) ‘Pisgah’ x P. Dark Spell ‘Wolf Lake’, AM/AOS. This is why we call the green leaf orchid Honey. Because this is the first time the spotted leaf one is blooming on a bloom day, it gets the full name published. From now on it will be P. Star Wars. Honey has three flowers open and more buds still holding promise. It was purchased online from Carter and Holmes Orchids and was shipped as a tiny thing. Star Wars was purchased at an orchid show in Knoxville at the mall two years ago by offspring Semi as a birthday present. It has a second bud sticking up also. Thanks Semi, dear, good choice.

This is Caryopteris ‘Worcester Gold’. Even though the photo is less perfect than desired, I wanted to show you the gold leaves and blue flowers of this fragrant shrub. Short lived but easily rooted wherever a stem touches ground, this plant forms the border between the yellow/white garden and the black garden. maybe clicking on the image will give a better look at this nice specimen.

We started wtih the close up macro shots and have worked our way to the long views. Standing under the deck, the closest plants are the blood grass mentioned previously with creeping lemon thyme to the left. The tall plant behind and to the left is White Snakeroot. Ageratina altissima also known as White Sanicle or Tall Boneset, is a poisonous perennial herb in the family Asteraceae, native to eastern North America. An older binomial name for this species was Eupatorium rugosum, but the genus Eupatorium has undergone taxonomic revision by botanists and a number of the species once included there have been moved to other genera. The formal language is from wikipedia, for I thought this was a Eupatorium still, silly me. To the right on the slope is rosemary, with some garlic chives beginning to bloom white in front. The dried flower heads of Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ show up in the rear. Old Karl is hard to beat in the tall grass category.

A shot looking up towards the knot garden and the shed shows the finished blooms of the eryngiums and belamcandas lined by the small Korean boxwood ‘Wintergreen’. Dianthus grows between the concrete step stones, the wheelbarrow to the left is home to the small sedum collection and some volunteer Salvia coccineas. To the right is Cotinus coggygria, Purple smoke bush with Salvia greggii at its feet. Tall hot pink crepe myrtles give color in front of the hemlock row that hides the chain link fence. On the far left side is the beginning of the row of orange berried pyracanthas. You may be able to discern the blood grass in the window box planter on the shed. Also growing in there is Japanese painted fern. I wanted to show the garden as a whole, or as much as can can be seen in one shot, to reveal the true appearance of the garden right now. It has leaf form interest, some color from foliage, flower and berries, really a lot going on, but it is not a sea of flowers as the macro shots might suggest. I wish you all could see it in person, for it has lots of texture and wildlife, the things that make a garden feel alive and vibrant.

This final photo of the plantings along the wall at the back of the house looks pretty enough, but do notice the contents of the rain gauge. There is none. The blue Salvia farinacea, yellow marigold and yet more blood grass, (yes, it has been spread far and wide here) are hanging on, but the hose watering is getting tiring and is no replacement for water falling from the sky.
This wraps up another installment in the Bloom Day series. It is great fun to put together the posts of what is blooming during each month of the year. It is more what took a decent photograph than what is blooming to be honest. There are always pretty things that I would like to show you that just don’t cooperate each month. But enough felt like posing for the camera this time around to have a good amount, maybe too much for those with slow download speeds from their internet providers. It will be interesting to look back in future years at these records to be reminded of plants possibly gone by then and remember the good old days when there was abundance all around.

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52 Responses to August Bloom Day Delights

  1. Anna says:

    My goodness—when you said you didn’t have much..well…I wasn’t expecting much. Then it exploded in to a feast for the eyes. I loved it all and can’t wait for my Autumn Joy to offer its glory. I can grow lots of Agastache but I buy the variety Color Spires by Proven Winners. I laughed when you said you moved yours and put it in the eyesight of the lady who waters. You are too clever.

  2. Pam/Digging says:

    Your first image is simply stunning, Frances. I’m working on my Bloom Day post now, and it will be similar to yours—plenty of individual flowers, but overall a garden that is mostly green. Typical for August, I suppose. I know what you mean about showing just the flowers we can take a decent photo of. I do the same thing.

  3. Blackswamp_Girl says:

    What a lovely list, Frances! I agree with you, the Japanese bloodgrass really does look good with most everything. I have it mixed in with some ‘Matrona’ sedum, too, how funny.

    I love the agastaches, but people around here have similar luck with them… I think that they are just short-lived and there’s not much to be done about it. *sigh*

  4. Ewa says:

    Datura pictures, is so amazing – I love it.

  5. chuck b. says:

    These pictures have me basking in the warm textures of your garden! You have a total habitat garden. That yarrow is fantastic in the black garden. You have a black garden–that itself is fantastic.

    I found a butterfly like the one in your first shot, but it was dead and I decided not to post its picture on the blog. Heh, heh. Very nice colors tho’, presaging the fall. Do you get fall rains? I mean, if everything goes according to plan?

    Very nice clos

  6. Yolanda Elizabet says:

    This is what you call not having much in bloom? LOL Your blooms look great except for the Echinaceas with the virus. That really looks very worrying and I do so hope that your other Echinaceas (Sky series) have not been infected.

    I tried Agastaches too, a whole bed full of them in fact and they all died after one very mild winter. I had a blue one once that lived for 2 years. They don’t seem to be very strong, well not in my garden anyway.

    Sambucus Black Lace is on my most wanted list. 😉

    Happy GBBD!

  7. Perennial Gardener says:

    It looks like your garden is still going strong Frances. You still have tons of stuff blooming. Your Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ looks much more voluptuous compared to mine. Mine is blooming too. I have mine in full sun. That’s a shame what happened to the coneflowers. I hope they stay away from your Big Sky Series. Happy GBBD! Great post as usual. 🙂

  8. Nan Ondra says:

    Wow, Frances, that first image with the butterfly is amazing: a perfect introduction to the abundance of beautiful blooms. Congrats on your ‘Black Lace’ sambucus; it looks terrific! We’ll wish you a gentle, soaking rain so you can spend time more admiring Faire Garden and less time being glued to the hose.

  9. Sylvia (England) says:

    Lovely post Frances, gave us a good picture of your garden. I wish I “could see it in person” too but your blog makes a very good substitute.

    The first picture is stunning, you must be very proud of it.

    Thank you for sharing your garden, I do appreciate it. Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  10. Frances, says:

    Hi Anna, thanks for that tip on the agastache. The description seems like the perfect plant for our drought conditions yet it doesn't prosper. I will look for Color Spires, as they are such butterfly and hummingbird magnets, worth the extra effort.

    Hi Pam, your photos are so astounding, the gold standard of photography, so to speak. You have lots blooming, I'll bet your flowers get lots of friendly visitors with those tube shapes. Thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Kim, thanks. I had noticed that we have similar tastes in plants. ;-> I really would like to grow the agastaches so will keep trying. I still am imagining you in the beach volleyball outfit, facing away from us of course.

    Hi Ewa, thanks. That is city water on the datura sadly, not rain drops. Nice to see you.

    Hi Chuck, thanks, so glad to see you. We do get fall rains, and winter rains, we even get summer and spring rains in normal times. but apparently things are not following the plan lately so who knows? I fing dead butterflies too, and think how easy to photograph them, no movement! That is sad but their life span is short isn't it? You would be basking in warmth if you were here! The black garden is shaping up, more crocosmias arrived yesterday from Plant Delights and Christopher gave me some of his too and I divided Lucifer, yahoo!

  11. Frances, says:

    Hi YE, thanks. There are a lot of things blooming, they are just not all in one place where the impact would be strong, but rather scattered hither and yon. Makes for good pictures though. I tried the Blue Fortune agastache too, it dwindled just like the orange ones. Maybe planted in the wrong spot? That is the second Black Lace, the first one was killed by a late spring frost when it was just planted and small. This one is in a shadier and more protected spot by the side of my garage.

    Hi PG, thanks for dropping by. The Autumn Joy has been in the garden for several years, and seems to appreciate the late fall mulching it gets. Some patches die out, too crowded possibly and I just stick some more stalks in, it roots so easily. Maybe you need to divide yours? The green echinaceas are unique but they scare me and will have to go, into a plastic bag into the garbage, maybe today.

    Hi Nan, thanks. Sometimes the light is just right and the butterflies sit still for the stalking photographer. The Black Lace is making me smile. It even had a couple of berries. The Aurea planted nearby was loaded with berries but the birds are gobbling them. Having the two sambucus did the trick for berry production. Thanks for the rain wishes. I am tired of that hose.

    Hi Sylvia, thanks so much. When the pictures turn out nicely, I am proud. It takes so very many to get that rare suitable one though. I have been reading my camera book though that doesn't make the butterflies sit for their portrait and stay put while I focus. ;->

  12. Gail says:

    Frances as always you deliver a fabulous and delightful Bloom Day Post! My bloom is all in one place, a small sunny border by the driveway! I would love to have more bloom scattered here and there! I love the datura and didn’t know it had fragrance! It is a stunner and the Joe Pye weed is looking good, too! Thanks Frances for a lovely start to my morning,


  13. tina says:

    Lots blooming and lots going on. I wish I could be there too because I know it is alive and gorgeous, just like your pictures.

  14. Salix Tree says:

    I like that datura. reading the description, it sounds like it would do well in my garden. It’s mostly cloudy here, so the flowers should stay open all day long! I’ve never tried growing them, might have a go at these next year.
    Your passion flower is truly amazing.

  15. Dave says:

    Sorry to hear about your echinaceas. I might be having a similar problem with one of ours. Fortunately I have others I can use if I need to. I really like that Salvia farinacea. I think the red crape myrtles are one of the best colors. Your ‘Autumn Joy’ Sedum is ahead of ours. The buds are still all green here!

  16. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    I sure you have a new sport in that Mum-looking Coneflower. That would be so great. Even if it doesn't come true from seed, it could probably be propagated asexually. A wildflower Datura – who'd a thunk it? It is so beautiful, I'm sure people would pay to grow that in greenhouses up here. I'd like to grow Chelone, but I've always thought they'd suffer in my very well drained soil. Maybe I'll try them, as you're on a hill & seem to be able to grow them. I had to rip out all my Boneset, as it was starting to take over the Woodland Garden. I wish I could grow its relative, Joe Pye Weed (assuming there hasn't been a botanical divorce or estrangement). Yours is beautiful.

  17. Skeeter says:

    That stroll through the Faire Garden was pretty “Fetching” to me! Lots of color indeed. One never knows just how much color they have until they start snapping pictures… lol….

    Our Black-eyed Susan’s have that nasty bug also! I must admit, we had some interesting looking blooms on some of the plants. Mine were started from seed a few years ago also and no problem until this year. Stay tuned for more…

  18. Roses and Lilacs says:

    Frances, that was a spectacular garden tour!!! I keep going back to look at the first photo. You have an awesome August garden.

  19. Frances, says:

    Hi Gail, thanks so much. The datura only has scent in the evening, must be moth pollinated. The one pictured is in the Joe Pye, I didn’t even notice it until it bloomed. I wondered if that photo was from your front garden, having everything blooming together looks way better. I keep trying to get full blooming areas like that, but at the same time want a continuous bloom too, so the times are staggered. I guess it’s a trade off.

    Hi Tina, thanks, what a nice thing to say. I don’t know why I didn’t turn off the moderation earlier, I was afraid of spam and wanted control. I didn’t think I would get the emails letting me know there was a comment, but I still do so it’s all good!

    Hi Salix, so nice to see you. The datura grows easily from seed, although like all the other self sowns, they like it better when I am out of the loop. Good luck with it.

    Hi Dave, thanks. When the echinaceas first started doing that, I was on garden forums in the New York Times and asked what it could be. I was sad it was a virus but tore out the plants anyway. Now that it is back I am sad and mad that it has infected those plants. Out they go! I need more of the blue salvia, that is the only one that comes back reliably. Even as annuals the color is fantastic.

    Hi MMD, thanks. I am waiting to see an echinacea like mine in a catalog or article, it can’t be the only one like it. I wonder if it is a Coconut Lime that went astray? Why can’t you grow the Joe Pye, because it is too large? Mine is even a dwarf and is still huge. I think there is a smaller one, don’t know the name though. I had not tried the chelone, and lots of other things because we lack moisture, so maybe more should be tried. Do it!

    Hi Skeeter, thanks. You are so right, the camera’s eye finds things my poor eyesight passes by. Oh no to your rudbeckia virus, that is what I planted on the site of the original blight to replace the coneflowers. Drat.

    Hi Marnie, thanks so much. The garden is starting to perk up a little with the lower temps, but what we really need is some good rain to bring it back to top performance. I shouldn’t complain though, it still has some bright spots.

  20. Rose says:

    Your garden always looks spectacular, Frances, no matter the month! The crepe myrtles are beautiful–I do wish we could grow those in the Midwest.
    I’ve never seen echinacea that looked like that! Does the virus cause them to mutate in such a strange way? Too bad you had to pull them out, but you certainly wouldn’t want them to damage your others, especially the newer cultivars.

  21. ICQB says:

    Your orchids are wonderful!

    Such lovely colors in your pictures, and coordinating butterflies!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  22. Siria says:

    Hi Frances! Your garden is so spectacular! I especially love your first picture of the Heliopsis with the matching butterfly. Your are a great photographer. Both you and Christopher C. have inspired me to do some things I had not thought of trying. Thank you! By the way…I read about your new hummingbird feeder and with all your blooms you will be sure to get tons of hummers! Do try and make your nectar – 4 parts water to 1 part sugar. I boil it until the sugar is all melted in the water and then let it cool completely before filling my feeders. You can add a few drops of red food coloring, but I never do. Of course, I never get as many hummingbirds as OutsideClyde, but I attribute that to my lack of blooms in the garden. :))

    Thank you for sharing!

  23. gintoino says:

    Very nice bloom day post Frances. You have so many blooms, and such a variety. Loved the P. Star Wars 😉

  24. Frances, says:

    Hi Rose, thanks so much for the kind words. I have been told that the green weird echinaceas were caused by a virus. I don't want them all to get it so they must be pulled. Maybe the stress of the dryness makes them more susceptible to it. They are in an area that NEVER gets extra water. The crepes are wonderful, most people take them for granted here, they are used in commercial landscaping and so common, but still beautiful. I missed them when we lived in PA.

    Hi, ICQB, thanks so much. The orchids are almost an afterthought now with so much else in bloom. During the winter they are the stars of the bloom day posts.

    Hi Siria, so nice to see you. Thanks, I agree that we learn to try new things from reading the gardening blogs. I have learned tons of stuff and gotten ideas that never would have occurred to me otherwise. Christopher's hummingbirds are amazing, but there is so much in bloom there to attract them also. I have only ever seen two hummers in my garden and both have come to the feeder already. I don't know if more will come or not, but hope so. I will make my own sugar water after this packet is done, thanks for the boiling tip, I didn't know that.

    Hi Gintoino, nice to see you again and thanks. I could not get a good close up shot of the dark paph this month. Maybe it will still be blooming for September, if I am a good girl. ;->

  25. Nancy says:

    Oh MY, I nearly dropped my teeth at your first golden image…and then you had so many other beauties.

    My garden’s not where I want it to be, but there is always next year!

  26. Frances, says:

    Hi Nancy, thanks, but hold on to those teeth, you might need them! You are so right, there is always next year is the gardener's mantra. ;->

  27. The Hunky Gardener says:

    Your garden is kickin! Garden till ya drop!

  28. Diana says:

    Frances, not only are your blooms beautiful, but your photography is stunning! The way you capture the light on some of these flowers is nothing short of amazing. What’s your secret? A green thumb and a gift for photography to boot!

  29. Dee/reddirtramblings says:

    Frances, it looks like there is a lot in your garden. I don’t like the look of those Echinaceas. I’ll keep a watch out for them and their ilk. I planted passiflora for the first time this year. It’s great, but I’ll watch for it trying to take over. Happy Bloom Day.~~Dee

  30. Frances, says:

    Hi Hunky, thanks and welcome. That is exactly how it works around here. ;->

    Hi Dee, thanks so much. I wish my garden looked as good as yours, and we had access to heavy machinery, LOL. Those green echinaceas are going into trash bags today, no mercy!

    Hi Diana, why thank you for those glowing words. I wish I knew the secret to the better photos. The right light is key, early morning and late afternoon are best and the light of fall, October here is without equal. I take hundreds of photos to get just a few, but it is fun in the doing.

  31. Jan says:

    Great posting, as usual. All of your photos were beautiful, but I LOVED the first one. It just seemed to epitomize the end of summer.

    Always Growing

  32. Frances, says:

    Hi Jan, thanks, that has been a popular shot. The end of summer is upon us, we have the butterflies to prove it.

  33. DP Nguyen says:

    Your garden is so beautiful and the variety of blooms is amazing! I love the water lily. It is so pretty and very special.

  34. Crafty Gardener says:

    As always it is a joy to take a virtual walk through your garden.

  35. Annie in Austin says:

    You’re a real gardener, Frances…the tags are wrong, there’s virus, no rain, the top of the crepe myrtle dies, but you’ve planted so much (and allowed so many wildlings to grow) that you celebrate the ‘abundance all around’.
    I just love the variety you get by pushing zones and soil types in every direction!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  36. Connie says:

    How do you have time to do any blogging with all that gardening?

    Beautiful, terrific colour, just a wonderful tour of your garden.


  37. Carol says:

    You hooked me with that first picture and then I had a fun time enjoying all the blooms in your August garden. So much! Thanks for joining in for bloom day…

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  38. Phillip says:

    I just saw that Green Envy echinacea on the 99 cent table at Lowe’s this morning. I didn’t buy it but I did buy a fancy double pink one and a yellow one. I hope they are ok.

    I love Autumn Sage but can’t seem to find it anymore. I had it years ago and it bloomed its little head off.

    I love the first photo with the butterfly!

  39. Frances, says:

    Hi DP, thanks so much. The water lily may have been a one shot wonder since the sun is starting to lower in the horizon and the pond is even more shaded.

    Hi Crafty, thanks. So glad you enjoyed the tour, do come again!

    Hi Annie, those are kind words indeed, thanks from my humble heart. I know your gardening skill is reknown so that is high praise indeed. I wish you could come see it.

    Hi Connie, thanks so much. The blogging is definitely suffering with the work in the garden that needs doing now. I am feeling very tired when coming inside and not inspired to write. Sigh. Sorry for that, I will do better, promise.

    Hi Carol, thanks for hosting this. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, congrats. The first picture was a pleaser it seems. You can't go wrong with butterflies. ;->

    Hi Phillip, thanks. Maybe the plant breeders have made them safe, but I would be leery of the ones with the flowers coming out of the tops. Maybe plant them away from the others? The S. Greggii sometimes is available late in the season when the blooms are at their peak. Keep looking!

  40. Cosmo says:

    Frances–I loved the tour of your garden. I appreciate your comment about what photographs well vs. what’s actually blooming–with so much in bloom (even in August), you’d spend a week on your posting! Beautiful stuff–and I can’t wait for my salvia greggii to come back strong.

  41. Barbee' says:

    And, abundance it is! What a beautiful collection. You do seem to have something in bloom, or at least interesting to see, the year round. Enjoyed looking. Every year I think I should get some Joe Pye Weed, but there’s none out there, yet 🙂

  42. Frances, says:

    Hi Cosmo and thanks. Some things just do not photograph well, even though they are pretty in the garden. The Salvia greggiis are among those that are difficult to shoot. Hope yours have loads of blooms.

    Hi Barbee, thanks. We have worked hard to get that year ’round garden interest. It is better every year but never adequate. Maybe it cannot be the way the vision is, but the fun is in the striving. You do need some Joe Pye!

  43. Meems says:

    Frances, Hello.
    Always a pleasure to tour your lovely garden. So much to see and the levels make it so intriguing to me. Where to begin… Loved the opening photo… just stunning. Everyone 'up north' seems to be showing their Autumn Joy which I always adore to see… reminds me of times spent in the mountains.
    You have so many plants we don't grow here but of course the crape myrtles we do have in common. We've still got a few blooms hanging on but the seed pods are just as adorable to me. I cut the branches to include in my fresh flower arrangements. The colors of yours are stunning.
    Great GBBD post. Enjoy the rest of your night.

  44. Frances, says:

    HI Meems, so glad to see you and thanks for the kind words. I agree about the seed heads of the crepes, I like to paint the *balls* copper for the fall arrangements at Thanksgiving, my big holiday with all the family. Can you not grow the Autumn Joy?

  45. Meems says:

    Good morning, Frances,
    I do the SAME thing with the dried up branches in the fall… paint bronze or even gold… but for everyday life just leave them brown and crispy. The Autumn Joy is hardy to zone 9 (supposedly- and I am 9b-10)although I have NEVER seen it growing anywhere or sold anywhere here. Maybe I will give it a try to see if I can push the zone envelope as well as the well-drained envelope. 🙂
    Have a great day… we’re watching reports on the storm headed our way very closely today.

  46. Titania says:

    Frances you have a wonderful Bloomday garden. How I wished I could come and get some cuttings! Or glean some seeds from datura metel and many more. I do grow Coreopsis love the gold in between. Crepe myrtles do well and I also love their colourful bark.

  47. Frances, says:

    Hi Titania, thanks so much. I wish you could come and take cuttings and seeds also. I am surprised that you have crepe myrtles, somehow I don’t envision them in your landscape. Do they grow into large trees ther?

  48. tina says:

    Frances, It was a very NICE surprise seeing you!!! And bearing plants too…

  49. Gisele Schoene says:

    You have an amazing garden! I agree with Connie. I haven’t blogged in a while because of my garden. And my garden can’t be compared with yours. Maybe one day…
    I have been gardening in Knoxville for about 1 year and growing things in zone 7 is a challenge for me (I am Brazilian). I really love your passion flower (reminds me of home) and wonder if you could spare a few seeds. If so, I could send you an SAE or I could pick up the seeds when you are in Knoxville (I think you wrote you have kids here). Also, if you have time, you are welcome to stop by for a cup of tea and some gardening talk in my house.

  50. DP Nguyen says:

    It was so great to see you and I loved your outfit and shoes. So colorful and very you! 😀 and the random info about breast feeding was incredibly funny and very interesting! lol

  51. Shady Gardener says:

    What a nice tour of your gardens! You have a lot to enjoy! 🙂

    I purchased Japanese Blood Root years ago (for a garden at our former home). I was able to take a snippet with me, so am enjoying it here! You’re right. It looks good with everything. Have a great day!

  52. Frances, says:

    Hi Tina, we wanted to surprise you but thought you might figure it out! It was great to see you again and meet the rest. Too fun!

    Hi Gisele, thanks so much. I would be happy to save you seeds, I saw a fruit from the passionvine before I went out of town so will check on its progress. I would love to see you garden and do come to Knoxville at least once a week. We’ll be in touch!

    Hi DP, thanks and I loved meeting you in person too. Hope the conversation wasn’t too shocking for your young ears! HA

    Hi Shady, thanks. That blood grass is one of my most favorite plants and it is easy to spread it around as you have learned!

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