August Clues

The rains have finally returned, however briefly to the Faire Garden and we are supremely thankful. Over two inches and counting! The now tropical storm Fay is helping to quench the thirst of the trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals as it travels up the eastern half of the US. For a couple of days before the sky opened its giant watering can, the air was thick and the clouds hung low. There was no sun shining and a cooling breeze began to blow. The camera and I went outside to see what we could capture. It was thrilling to see a, as in one, monarch butterfly. We are not on the flight path of these migratory insects and rarely see huge numbers of them, unlike Benjamin in this post, but we grow several varieties of milkweed in hopes of luring them here.

When an orange blur fluttered by, we had to make sure it was not another of the Gulf Fritallarys that feast on the passionvine that grows with abandon. The larger size and white polka dots seemed to identify our visitor as the beloved monarch. Click click click. He was filling his belly from the giant flower heads of the Joe Pye weed, Eupatorium purpureum ‘Gateway’ and staying relatively still for portrait taking. He refused to spread his wings for me, but that is okay.

Such a work of art he is.

I followed on to the orange cosmos before running inside to load the photos onto the computer to see if any came out reasonably clear. My vision is so poor that the little box on the back of the camera is just a blur. I need to see a full screen blow up on the laptop to make an analysis of keep or delete. Luck was with us this time. Hooray!

Now we will go back outside to check out the status of the garden since we have some good monarch shots in the can. Temps below eighty degrees F are a welcome change. And a clue.

Turning right from the back door of the main house we follow the gravel path along the wall and turn right to the fenced corner of the back yard. Look what is happening over by the hot tub, which is not working of course. The row of river birch trees that line the wooden fence are dropping their leaves, some are even turning yellow instead of just browning from the drought. Another clue. I have already filled two trash cans full of these chopped up by the blower/vacumn. They will be spread where needed on the flower beds. This is a fall chore, the fun with leaves, and it is easy to lap up these smallish treasures before the large multi trunk maple drops its abundance of leaves later. That is a more physically taxing job that takes several days to complete.

The orchids and bromeliads are being readied to come inside to spend the winter months in the greenhouse/sunroom. More clues. First any dead foliage is removed, including stray birch leaves and a close inspection is done for problems of any kind. This tray of earth stars, cryptanthus, looks healthy. Everything will get a two stage dose of insecticide before coming in. This is where the no chemical rules gets overruled.

As we climb the steps that lead to the knot garden at the top of the hill, we stop to admire the ironweed, Vernonia altissima opening its buds to show that dark purple hue. Yet another clue. The cutting of the tall stem earlier in the summer has given us many more branches and more flowers. Make a note to self to do that each year. If we could only get the seeds to germinate that have been saved, this whole portion of the hill could be covered in ironweed. But look at the far left edge of this photo, uh oh.

The row of Osmanthus fragrans that was planted late last winter is not looking good. Even though they are drought tolerant, there is a limit to the drought that can be tolerated. We let the hose drip for several hours at the top of this line of shrubs and now we are getting good soaking rain. There does appear to be some live new growth at the bottom. Let us think positive growing thoughts and send them into the soil to help these guys along. Everybody ready? THINK!

After the steep climb up the steps we immediately come to the center quatrefoil of the knot garden. There are four Calluna vulgaris ‘Sunset’ planted in each semicircle underplanted with Doone Valley lemon thyme. The mini elfin thyme was planted here this spring as a test. It has survived the drought without extra water and seems to be spreading. Should we move the larger lemon thyme out and try to have the little one fill in? Hmmm, something to think about. The four quadrant beds that surround the center are being planted with a tapestry of creeping thymes, those are the only plants that have survived up here. The Doone Valley could fill in the bare spots nicely. This sounds like a good fall project, the moving of the thymes. A flagrant clue.

At the corner of each of the quadrants is Calluna vulgaris ‘Firefly’. (Note: where the heathers have died, gray santolina has been planted). These have yellow foliage in the summer and turn bright red in the winter. The colors have begun to change already. Could be a clue. The thyme shown trying to eat the heather is more of the Doone Valley.

On each side of the wooden bench that is opposite the steps are two metal obelisks with Rosa ‘Magic Dragon’ planted on each. The miniature climbing roses seemed like the perfect plant for this spot, but have been very poor looking with no extra water these last two years. A solitary bloom is a spot of hope amid the bronze fennel flower heads that are going to seed. Clue alert! Behind the bench is a planting of the fennel along with echinaceas, including the virused ones which have been removed, bagged and trashed for pickup by the utility.

Going left is the shed, which appears to be in dire need of a paint job. Garlic chives line each side of the doorway and will have to be deadheaded before they set seed or we will have nothing but garlic chives growing in this area. I know because that mistake has already been made. The babies are still being pulled from many spots. The flowers are pretty and white blends well with the purples and yellows of late summer. No clue here, or yes?

A tripod of rebar on each side of the shed gives support for roses and clematis. This is C. Elsa Spath, a large purple blue. Notice how the foliage is completely dead looking but there is new green growth at the tips and a bonus flower bud. A definite clue. This is where the Semi school of gardening pays off, do nothing, for things can and will regrow. If that brown ugliness had been trimmed, we would not be about to enjoy this bit of loveliness.

Hard to discern, this is the spot where the baby Dierama ‘Galpinii’ seedlings have spent their first year. The iris looking foliage is belamcanda, the more narrow grassy looking things are the Dierama. There are six living plants here, since I accidentally pulled three before realizing that they were not weeds. Sigh.

This end of the veggie bed is ready for fall planting. Black Kow composted manure from a bag has been spread on top and can be worked into the soil now that we have had some rain. Garlic is ordered and will be planted September 15. Arugula, lettuce, spinach seeds are on hand to go in as well. Knock you on top of the head clue.

Following the path to the right we enter the back yard of the house next door that was torn down to build the garage. The slope is not as steep on this part of the property. This Calluna vulgaris ‘Dark Star’ is blooming for the first time. More subtle clue. I had wondered why it was called by that name, but if you look closely there is another Calluna blooming behind it with lighter pink flowers. The Sedum ‘Vera Jameson’ lines the edge of this heath and heather bed. The blooms are nice and dark, like Dark Star.

Onward to the east, we come upon this group of late blooming Star Gazer lilies. Why are they so much later than the others that were planted at the same time, May, of this year? Deeper, shadier? Who can tell, but it is fun to see and smell them now. The fragrance is strong, and best enjoyed with a little distance between yourself and the flower, but pleasing just the same. A trick non clue.

The black garden is opposite where the lilies were blooming that were shown above. We are collecting crocosmias at the moment and decided to plant them all in this bed. This newest one, C. ‘Solfaterre’, was purchased in Nashville at a nursery there while visiting with Gail. In addition to the C. ‘Lucifer’ which has performed so well that it was divided into several more plants, clue! are some from Christopher C. that were blooming red with a yellow center, and three ordered from Plant Delights Nursery, C. ‘Eastern Star’, ‘Bright Eyes’ and ‘Little Redhead’. Also promised from offspring Brokenbeat is C. ‘Emily McKenzie’. We will find room for all crocosmias.
Going down the hill now where the path is strewn with pine straw since the pine trees constantly drop their needles here anyway is a planting of rosemary and lavender. This is part of what was the gravel parking area of the house that was torn down and is a difficult site to say the least. Compost and mulch has been spread here by the truckloads but the underlayer of soil is still gravel and hard packed clay. These two plants don’t seem to mind that at all and have put on fresh new growth recently. Bragging clue. The lavenders were completely covered by the rosemary this spring, they were thought to be dead in fact, but they were noticed in time to prune away the larger branches of the green to allow the silver to grow on. It requires constant pruning, something I don’t normally do unless it is for the butterfly bush and pee gee hydrangea standards, but this can be an exception to the low maintenance rule also. Lavenders can grow here but more die than live. I want these to survive since they are the source of the cuttings for the ones in the knot garden, L. ‘Hidcote’.

Now we are in the street in front of the house and garage. Good old Rosa ‘Grootendorst Supreme’, also known as Thorny is blooming happily. Could be considered a clue.

Here you can see Thorny in front of three Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Well’s Special’. Arrrgh, I see another redbud seedling at the base of the rose. That will have to be pulled. The redbuds are trying to take over the world around here and do not pull out easily but must be cut below ground several times to stop their plan of dominance. What that means is that when I am walking around without pruners in hand, nothing can be done when these seedlings are spotted. As soon as I walk to another part of the garden the pest is forgotten. Eventually they will be cut.

Returning to the back we are standing at the path of the garage side. Growing in the gravel is the best patch of Verbena Bonariensis anywhere on the property. Some ox eye daisies were allowed to live here too, most get pulled. Coral Wave petunias on the left of this entrance are visible from the window over the sink in the kitchen for a dishwasher’s enjoyment. Notice the color of the grass. It has been mown less than five times this summer, a great savings of electricity and effort. The rains may jump start the growth of the Kentucky Blue Grass that is mixed in with the tall fescue planted there. Clue possibility. There will be more mowing in our future.

The purple perilla would completely block all the gravel paths if not pulled. What has been left is getting ready to flower, that means seed formation. What do you think, clue? We will leave a couple of plants but pull the rest. A few plants will ensure some of the purple accents that are appreciated for the dark foliage contrast to the green leaves of summer.

Ways of showing the Phlox paniculata ‘Orange Perfection’ are getting tougher to come up with. This plant along with the white P. ‘David’ and the mauve passalong are the stalwarts in the garden right now along with the sedums. Yes, a clue. This color is brighter and will add some pizzazz to the mauve on the daylily hill visible from the computer room when it has grown enough to be divided and spread there.

Speaking of color providing, the goldfinches are feasting on the echinacea seeds like mad. Big clue. The photos are a little blurry for they are shy creatures and will not allow ladies with cameras any closer, unlike the butterflies.

It is hoped that some of the seeds will be dropped and allowed to germinate for new plants by the voracious eaters. The vision is for a sea of coneflowers to carry on after the daylilies are finished.

These are the clues of a changing season here. Falling leaves, evergreen color changing, veggie beds empty and waiting for the next crop planting, renewed blooming after the siesta brought about by high tempertures, and most importantly, plans being formulated for upcoming tasks that can only be accomplished with the wetness of winter. The thoughts of what the garden can become next year only occur to us as this summer draws to a close. Looking forward while gleaning lessons learned from the past is what makes gardening a process that can never be completed. We wouldn’t want it any other way.

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40 Responses to August Clues

  1. chuck b. says:

    Amazing that there’s any rainwater left by the time Faye got to you.We have monarchs now and then.  Alas milkweeds hate my garden.

  2. Yolanda Elizabet says:

    Hi Frances,

    I enjoyed sleuthing with you in the garden as we collected so many clues. But they all lead up to one thing only, didn’t they? Autumn is coming.

    How nice that a Monarch butterfly decided to visit Faire Garden and you were right there to capture it on camera.

    Love the centre quatrefoil of the knot garden!

    I see that Ive been missing out on the lovely purple pernilla, must see if I can get it here. Just love those leaves!

    I was surprised at the way your goldfinches look. The name may be the same but the birds most certainly aren’t.

  3. Frances, says:

    Hi Chuck, I was thinking the same thing but there seems to be no end to amount of rain this system has to give as it moves up the country, thank goodness. The tall red milkweed has been struggling here since it is a wetland plant and our drainage is way too good even in times of normal rainfall. The orange flowered one does better. We will never see monarchs like those on the flight paths do, but appreciate our strays.

    Hi YE, thanks. Ours is the American goldfinch. I looked up the European goldfinch and was surprised at the difference. Both are beautiful birds. The perilla grows very easily from seed, but watch out for it! The clues lead to only one conclusion, don't they? ;->

  4. Mother Nature says:

    It was fun walking the assessment tour with you.

  5. Kim says:

    Frances, I enjoyed your garden tour today. I think the clues are pointing to one thing. You’re right, autumn is on the way. For me, this summer flew by but I need to get ready for autumn chores. For now, I’ll enjoy the abundance of tomatoes.

    I purchased an Asclepias incarnata
    a week ago (along with some other plants) while I was planning my perennial border redo. Yesterday, I ventured out to look, and I spied a Monarch caterpillar eating the seed heads! I was so excited – I’d never seen a Monarch caterpillar before. I occasionally see a butterfly flit through, but now that there is some food for the larva, I hope I’ll see more.

    Again, thank you for the lovely garden tour.

  6. Gail says:


    I loved the tour; now I am even more psyched (oh we give our age away) to visit this fall!

    So far there have been no Monarchs visiting us, just the Swallowtails and skippers! The Gold Finches are here and all my photos are blurry as well…if I want to get closer it will be through the screened window. I don’t mind the photo at all!

    Frances, I sure wish you were here to enjoy coffee on the porch; the Finches are talking to each other and creating a fine racket!

    The clues are everywhere that fall is moving in here at “bad soil and cool rock” blog and since we embrace the Semi School of Gardening many plants have an opportunity to put forth new growth before they are chopped down!

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy working in the soil, now that the soil is wet! Thanks for letting me post on your comment section!


  7. Perennial Garden Lover says:

    We’re suppose to be getting rain all week, but I haven’t seen a drop yet. 😦 Great Monarch shots. I just love watching them in the garden. They are quite fond of the Butterfly Bush right now that is still pumping out new blooms like crazy. I like that Ironweed plant. That is something I’m considering adding to my garden. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful garden pictures with us. You still have tons of stuff still blooming away.

  8. tina says:

    I agree, if we could plant a garden and be done with it would not be nearly as fun. It is the process that is most rewarding.

  9. Frances, says:

    Hi Donna, thanks for tagging along, glad you enjoyed it.

    Hi Kim, boy you got action quickly on the butterfly weed. I am hoping to have some monarch caterpillars too, when it stops raining I will have to go check. Thanks for dropping by.

    Hi Gail, please feel free to write as much and as often as you like. We all enjoy what you thoughts are. I would love to hear your goldfinches, their chatter is distinctive. I can’t hear our from inside, too many layers of glass on the patio doors! It is still raining here, lightly, I had hoped to get outside today but it will have to wait. At least I got two bathrooms cleaned, yuck. I forgot to tell you I loved the Duane Allman quote too.

    Hi PG, just wait, your turn with Fay is coming. You do need some ironweed and I would like some more too.Thanks for stopping by.

    Hi Tina, isn’t that the truth? I am fidgety to go out, but appreciate the rain. I don’t even know what needs doing out there, I just want out! But keep on comin’ rain!

  10. ourfriendben says:

    Goodness, Frances, so much going on down your way! Up here, I’d kill for that rain you got. Nothing like hauling endless milk jugs and praying your well’s okay while waiting (and waiting) for rain. “Lorna Doone” is one of my all-time favorite novels, so I guess I’d better look into that ‘Doone Valley’ thyme of yours!

  11. DP Nguyen says:

    We’ve also had a bit of rain here, not a bunch, but it’s sporadic and the plants enjoy it. The changing season is also affecting us a little. The horrible hackberry tree is finally shedding some of its leaves. I love all those butterflies in your garden, delightful!

  12. Benjamin Vogt says:

    I’ve not once seen a goldfinch on my cones, and was dubious of their attraction to them (we do have these birds, though not in numbers like my monarch butterflies). Good for you!

  13. Nancy J. Bond says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! The butterflies are gorgeous and look at all those fallen leaves. The birches and poplars seem to be the first to discard their yellow foliage around here, too. Everything in your garden is wonderful at any season.

  14. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Frances, your garden looks so lush even though it has been through a drought.

    I laughed when you talked about the redbud seedlings. I have those little pests here and I do the same thing, forget them until too late.

  15. Frances, says:

    Hi Ellen, that rain is coming your way, it is still drizzling here with heavy cloud cover. No complaints either. That is a great thyme, very golden in the winter, green in summer with mauve flowers, and a lemon scent when brushed against, it’s a good one. Thanks for visiting, we do have a lot going on, really all year. That has been a goal for the last eight years and we have worked hard to achieve it. More to do of course but there is always something to photograph anyway.

    Hi DP, the rain should perk your veggies up too. Are you going to plant a fall garden?

    Hi Benjamin, we have seen more since we started increasing the coneflower population last year. Maybe they like a good selection to choose from. We have some other flower seed heads that they adore, the biggest is the rudbeckia lanciniata, a giant and prolific self sower. Look for that or I can send you some seeds.

    Hi Nancy J., how sweet of you. I do love the colors of the fall leaves, the dogwoods on the hill are a major source of our fall color, turning shades of ruby and orange. I like it when they stay on the trees a little longer though, to add to the vision.

    Hi Lisa, thanks. It is easy to show photos of the good parts, but I wanted to show the bad too, like the osmanthus. It would look a lot better if we had regular rain. Those darn redbuds is right, I just noticed a few more in that front bed that are pretty big. I haven’t done a thing there since I mowed it in January. It’s time for a clean up. Maybe the rain will soften the earth enough for them to be pulled. HA, not likely.

  16. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    The big clue around he is that the Asters have started blooming. That always says "autumn" to me. Soon the Goldenrods & the Japanese Anemones will start too. Now, if only it would rain…

  17. Frances, says:

    Hi MMD, we are right together on those. The golden baby, or whatever the dwarf goldenrods are, tag lost, are almost showing color, as are the anemones ‘Prinz Henri’. We have earlier New England asters that have been blooming for quite a while but will continue on. Do you have the wild ageratum, used to be a eupatorium of some sort? Those are almost ready to color too. The mums will need another month, but the pink muhly grass has the thickened stalks that contain the flowers. We shall see how the two plus inches of rain we just had affect all these. The rain is coming your way, isn’t it?

  18. Rhonda says:

    Oh your gardens are just so lovely. Don’t you love the monarchs? I just love the white dots all over them. I can feel fall also and am happy to have it coming…I’m sooo ready. Glad to hear you got rain..we’ve had it almost non stop for 3 days..everything is so wet and so happy. I will need to go do some staking though as some of the taller plants have fallen over. I figure we will most likely get rain from Gustav too, though I truly truly hope that new orleans and the gulf coast states escape his wrath. thanks for sharing..I loved the tour.

  19. Frances, says:

    Hi Rhonda, thanks so much. That is some welcome rain, isn’t it? Some of my things have fallen over but there is hope that they will right themselves when the sun returns. Those white dots on the monarchs are so much easier to study in a photo than when it is fluttering all over the garden. I share your wish for New Orleans and others who have already suffered so much to be spared Gustav, but could use some rain here from him also. Good thought, thanks, Rhonda.

  20. Skeeter says:

    Wow, you have a lot going on in your gardens! The Monarch is a beautiful flying flower! Great shot of them and what was the trick to get them to pose for you? Maybe some train music would get them to open up the wings a bit (I’ll never forget that one Frances tee hee) I must snap about 12 pics to get one decent shot! I had thought we were seeing the Monarch until this year when I identified the Fritillary as what I thought were the Monarch. I have been researching butterflies a bit this summer and have learned a few things…

  21. Frances, says:

    Hi Skeeter, thanks so much. Our little butterfly books make us seem so smart, don’t they? I have studied the differences and even learned hind wing and fore wing! I was lucky that day with the camera, the Joe Pye has so many flowers on one head that he didn’t fly away as I crept closer. You have probably learned as I did to be fast on the trigger too. He got scared and fly to the cosmos and then was gone so I went into the house to check out the photos. I didn’t know how to use them and went out to take some more pix and put it all together. Then the goldfinches showed up for the finale. A lucky day.

  22. joey says:

    A busy day well spent, Frances. We will all remember these precious days when the first snowflake falls. Thanks 😉

  23. Pam/Digging says:

    Your autumn clues are bringing a smile to my face—my favorite season! We’re seeing a few clues that summer is winding down too, though we won’t have significantly cooler temps until October.

  24. Frances, says:

    Hi Joey, thanks for stopping by. Snow falling doesn’t happen much here, but cold winds do blow. I love fall and am looking forward to the leaf coloring, the late flowers and great temps for spending time outside. Hooray.

    Hi Pam, We have been thinking of you with the suffering you have been going through this summer. I suppose it is every summer? Hope fall finds you sooner rather than later.

  25. Sunita says:

    Lovely photos! I enjoyed your photos of the monarch. We’ve been getting a lot of Striped Tiger butterflies lately that look amazingly like the Monarchs. I couldnt make out the difference initially but yeah, they’re there!

  26. Roses and Lilacs says:

    I’m happy Fay is bringing you some rain. It’s raining here today too. Not from Fay, but very welcome. The first rain we’ve seen in August.

    Beautiful garden, Frances. It’s always a joy to come here and wander through it with you.

  27. Rose says:

    Frances, It’s always a pleasure to stroll around your beautiful gardens. Yours is one garden I would love to see in person.

    Before I forget, I must ask about the Verbena Bonariensis–is that the tall purple plant in the photo? My friend Beckie and I were visiting the Master Gardeners’ plot a few days ago and saw this plant all over the place, but could never find a tag. If you identify it, you will have solved the mystery for us!

    So much to comment on here, but I’ll just say that autumn may be coming, but you have so many wonderful blooms…and such gorgeous photos of the Monarch. I am jealous–they have now become my “holy grail”:)

    Gardening is indeed such an uplifting hobby–you can always dream about next year!

  28. Bobbi says:

    As usual, another wonderful post. Your flowers and plants are beautiful! Love the butterflies and the finch.

  29. Frances, says:

    Hi Sunita, those are amazing birds and caterpillars you have and the ylang ylang is so exotic to me. Thanks so much for stopping by and welcome. Your sunbird is one I have never heard of, what a wonder of nature, so handsome. That does look like a monarch in your first photo.

    Hi Marnie, so glad you are getting rain too, from any source. Thanks for the kind words and your support. It is much appreciated.

    Hi Rose, thanks. Yes, the tallish purple flowers are verbena bonariensis, it self sows all over. Some places it is not hardy, I think it is here, but there are always new plants from seeds that it doesn’t matter. Some have to be pulled if they are blocking a path, but the butterflies love them. I pull lots after they die back in winter knowing there will be plenty more to come. To get the holy grail monarch photo, first you have to get one to visit your garden! LOL I haven’t seen him since the rain stopped, hope he is still around somewhere.

    Hi Bobbi, thanks so much. I do work hard on the photos and hope everyone enjoys them, it is nice to hear that you do.

  30. DP Nguyen says:

    Hi Frances, I think I will. I’ll plant some garlic in October, and some more lettuce and carrots for fall. I also planted some beets.

  31. HappyMouffetard says:

    The seasons are changing in England, too. The robin is starting it sing his autumn song, and the mornings smell of the luxuriant vegetation of summer starting to decay.

    I’d love to see monarch butterflies – I’ve seen films of their migration. An amazing journey for such a fragile creature.

  32. Frances, says:

    Hi DP, that’s great. I love beets and forgot to plant some this spring. Maybe I can find some seeds for fall planting, if it’s not too late.

    Hi Happy, love your name BTW. Interesting smell, that of vegetative decay. I am pulling out some of the cherry tomato volunteers, we have more than can be picked as it is and the compost bin was completely blocked. The squash plants aren’t looking perky either. I am ready to pull this stuff! Thanks for dropping by.

  33. Eve says:

    Not here yet! You get Autumn, we get Hurricanes. I love the trip through your garden. : )

  34. Frances, says:

    HI Eve, thanks for stopping by. I do hope you will be okay with the series of storms that I saw last night on the weather channel lined up in the Atlantic. Batten down the hatches! We will send good and safe thoughts your way.

  35. Kathleen says:

    What a beautiful garden you have Frances. You have so many plants I have coveted ~ dierama’s most especially!!!! I can’t wait to see them blooming next year. Glad you received a long overdue soaking, we were waiting for rain the longest time too. Gorgeous monarch photos too.

  36. Frances, says:

    Hi Kathleen, thanks and welcome. I love that veronicastrum you posted about and keep trying to find a place for its giant bloom stalks. You have convinced me to search it out. Do you think those tiny dierama’s will bloom next year? I hope so but they seem so little now. Again, so nice to see you here.

  37. Kylee says:

    Wow, Frances, you always have so many wonderful things going on there!

    Pssst…your Monarch is a she. 😉

  38. Frances, says:

    Hi Kylee, thanks for the sexing of the butterfly. How can you tell? There is a lot of stuff going on in the garden, too much, that is the problem with the design!

  39. Kylee says:

    But I get a sense of ‘otherworldliness’ in your garden and I love those gardens the best. You can get lost in them. 🙂

    The male Monarch has thinner lines and on the lower wings, there is a tell-tale spot on each wing. The female’s lines are thicker and lack the spotting.

  40. Frances, says:

    Hi Kylee, thanks for that info. I have seen some more monarchs and will try and photograph them to see those differences. Knowledge is power! My garden has a feeling that is a result of the entire space being on a steep slope. The high point is the back of the property line and goes down to the street with the house in the front third of the land. Having all those trees, shrubs and plants so high above you with the height of the slope gives a sense of enclosure with the buildings going across. It is very private looking towards the back too, even though we are surrounded by houses. It is my escape.

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