Regal art thou
O poorly named
We could not agree
So Kitty thou beWhen the mold was cast
For Hallowe’en’s star
Hazel was model
She set the bar
Please forgive this sad attempt at poetry, but bad is what we do best. Lucky for us Happy Mouffetard of The Inelegant Gardener is sending out the call for photos of our cats and dire poetry: Let’s All Post Cat Photos And Dire Poetry On Our Blogs.  Thanks, Happy!


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19 Responses to LAPCPADPOUB-Ode To Ours

  1. Hazel is a wonderful “witches cat”
    Fab. dire poetry Frances

    Hi Karen, thanks. I was not sure what was meant by dire, but in my case is means bad. Hazel’s full name is Witch Hazel, when she arches her back, she is the exact Hallowe’en cat seen in decorations and stories for that fun day.

  2. nancybond says:

    Beautiful kitties! And your poem is pretty darned good, too! 🙂 They both look very much at home.

    Hi Nancy, thanks. I don’t know about the poems being anything but dire though. ;-> The cats are in charge here, not us.

  3. Benjaming says:

    I need another cat. 2 is not enough.

    Hi Benjamin, I’m not sure about that, for us two is perfect. But I can understand the need for more. The kittens down the street were so tempting, my heart melted but Hazel is not an easy going gal, getting Kitty upset her greatly. She is number one and requests no more at this time. We humbly obey.

  4. mothernaturesgarden says:

    They are beauties, Frances, and spoiled I bet.

    Hi Donna, thanks. I did not spoil my kids, but those cats are spoiled.

  5. Rose says:

    Hazel and Kitty are beauties! It may not be Shakespeare, but not a “dire” poem at all:)

    HI Rose, thanks, you are always so kind with your comments. Poetry is something I barely understand, let alone write, but I appreciate your sweet words. The cats are quite the lookers.

  6. The computer has slowed to a crawl, making a visit to Happy Mouffetard difficult, so I will leave you my dire poem Frances. I’m not ready to post cat pictures on my blog just yet.


    I miss my cats
    But they would not last
    At decrepit age
    With tremors and feeble motion
    A long journey that crossed an ocean

    They were left
    At rest
    In the kingdom
    They ruled

    A garden of bodacious flowers
    And leaping lizards
    With hundreds of hidden spots
    For long naps

    And now the longest nap of all
    A memory
    That still begins
    With their lethal ends

    Oh Christopher, your words and feelings about the sweet companions you left on the island are so moving, my heart aches for you and them. I am honored to have your artistry grace the pages of Fairegarden.

  7. Frances, lovely cats and the poetry is wonderfully good/bad (it somehow still seems wrong to tell people their poetry is bad!).

    Thank you for taking part in LAPCPADPOUB Day!

    Hi Happy, thanks for doing this. I love love love that the letters are wrong too, it fits the mood purrfectly!

  8. LindaLunda says:

    SOoooo sweeeeet and beautiful they are!

    Hi Linda, thanks. They are that most of the time. ;->

  9. The pics are great and your pomes are pretty dire, so well done Frances! 😉 Happy LAPCPADPOUB Day.

    Hi YE, thanks, a high compliment indeed. ;->

  10. Isabelle says:

    Lovely cats. Would love to have one but our dog Snoopy eats cats 😦

    Hi Isabelle, thanks and welcome. That is a very good reason to not have a cat! ;->

  11. vegplotting says:

    Ooooohhh they are geeeorgeous Frances. And a very high bar you’ve set in the dire poetry stakes too.

    Needless to say I had a little something to say about cats too 😉

    Hope your walk went well?

    Hi VP, thanks. Bad poetry is the only kind I can produce so this was a good fit for me. I won’t say purrfect anymore!

    I will spend the computer time today catching up with all the good cats and bad poetry, fun fun fun!

    The walk went superbly, the post is up about it today.


  12. Those are really, really, really dreadful poems. The first one is particularly dire: the use of the Elizabethan ‘thou’ was a masterstroke.

    Hi James, may I call you James? wink wink, excuse me while I am sick in my trug. My poetry can only be dreadful, but the thou really capped it off. I appreciate this high insult, coming from such a wordsmith as yourself. ;->

  13. Zoe says:

    Love the cats, the fluffy black one is so huggable, and the poetry …. definately a contender!


    Hi Zoe, this is so fun. Miss Hazel is not at all huggable, thank you, she prefers to sit on the arm of the chair and stare at you, possible you might be allowed to scratch her ears, or not, but don’t try and pick her up or gasp! give her a hug. You’ll be sorry! Thanks for that vote of support! ;->

  14. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    What beautiful cats. The poetry wasn’t too bad either.

    Hi Lisa, well thanks the cats are handsome, but the poetry was wretched, that was the idea! LOL

  15. Gail says:

    Frances, your Kitty and Hazel are beautiful… I try never to critique poetry! Mine would be dreadful not dire! Gail

    Hi Gail, the felines thank you. I wouldn’t know bad poetry from good, but feel pretty sure that mine is the required dreadful.

  16. skeeter says:

    If I would stop clipping my cats, Cheetah would make for Hazels twin sister! Love the poem and puddy tats… Today we went into the GA hill country to find color in the trees. Not much luck but while missing a turn in Athens, we went down a side street to turn around. We spotted a Black cat catching a chipmunk! The kitty took it to the front door and dropped it then chippy ran under the thick ivy with kitty on its tail… I guess kitty was playing Cat and Monk…. lol. Poor Chippy…

    Hi Skeeter, hope you Cheetah has a better mentality than Hazel. We always say it is a good thing she has looks, because that is all she has got. Cat and Monk, good one. You should have written a pome as they are calling this bad poetry.

  17. kate says:

    I”ve been out of the blog world for a spell and have enjoyed discovering all the recent cat poetry. What fun … and your Hazel brings back memories of my all-white Hazelcat.

    Hi Kate, welcome. It was a great creative outlet, Yolanda Elizabet went all out with it. I do remember that you also had a Hazel from my previous postings about her.

  18. Genevieve says:

    Oh I am SO sad I missed this. I have loads of cutesy-pootsie photos of my kitties and my poetry would make anyone cringe. Maybe next year!

    Thanks for the grin and the cutes!

    Hi Genevieve, thanks. You can post about your kitties and poetry any time, I would. This was a silly meme that may not be repeated. Although it was so popular maybe it will, who knows? Practice that bad poetry, it was fun to compose, and so easy. All of my own poetry is terrible, I should have won. HA

  19. Pingback: Cat Adaptation « Fairegarden

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