Anniversary Post Or One Year Later



This is the one year anniversary of Fairegarden. To celebrate and stoll down memory lane it seemed appropriate to show the very first words written for all with access to the internet to see. It was a scary but exhilarating experience. I remember my heart pounding fast and feeling slightly nauseous as the publish button was clicked. It was so easy to jump in, just the click of a button and there you are. I am including the comments on this one, since it was my first post, published December 7, 2007.

Hello out there in the blogdom. I am jumping into this without forethought to just get started.

Please excuse any errors in protocol. I will try and learn by trial and errors, which are bound to happen.

First, many thanks to Pam @ digging for her helpful and encouraging advice. You are an inspiration, along with many other bloggers that help me get through the day.

This blog may change in tone and mission over time, but for now it is planned to be a journal of my garden and a correspondence for any readers, gardeners or not. We will see how it progresses.

Thanks to all for reading and commenting. I have been told the comments are especially rewarding. So feel free to comment!

Yours, Frances at Faire Garden

 So far, so good. Here is a little background info about me and my garden….My present garden is in southeast Tennessee. We have been here about seven years, but have owned the property nearly ten. We bought the house for our daughters to live in while attending a nearby college. At that time I had a very small landscaping business in another town. I had a blank slate to work with here. First hemlocks and pyracantha were planted at the back of the lot along a chain link fence we had installed for privacy. They were one gallon plants and looked pretty delicate at the time. The planting was done by our semi-adult kids. The side and front of the house was planted with ‘Victor’ red crape myrtles, dogwood seedlings from my own garden, which were miniscule, ‘Rose Glo’ red barberries, ‘Blue Star’ junipers, caryopteris, variegated liriope, green leaf heuchera, and black mondo grass. During the years before my husband and I came to live here, the garden only received attention during our familial visits. A marathon weeding and pruning session would occur and the garden would fend for itself until the next visit. Amazingly, the plants not only lived but thrived, despite college parties and major neglect. Three years later we moved into the house ourselves and did a renovation which included buying the house next door, knocking it down and building a garage there. Now it is attached to the main house, one big happy dwelling. The additional land from the house next door really allowed me to garden my little heart out. The whole backyard is a steep slope so lots of paths and steps were needed just to get up to the edge of the property line. Much work has been done and more is still needed. As with all gardens it is never finished and will forever be a work in progress. This will be its story.
Posted in Musings

9 Responses to “Foreward”
Pam @ Digging says:

Frances, you are most welcome. I’m always happy to see another garden blogger I can visit.

Your garden is lovely, and so large compared to mine. I look forward to seeing more of it here.

FYI, to “join the conversation” more quickly, you might consider listing your blog with a couple of blog directories. Blotanical at and Kathy Purdy’s at come to mind. Happy blogging!

Pam/Digging said this on December 7, 2007 at 3:29 pm (edit)

Pam, thanks for commenting. It has been exciting starting my very own blog and you have been so helpful. There is a lot to figure out technically, but learning new things will be fun.


Frances said this on December 7, 2007 at 6:25 pm (edit)

Frances I certainly learned by trial and error. The technology now makes it pretty easy. You can keep it as simple as you want or make it much more elaborate. What ever you want.

Your pictures are a very good start because already I want to see more of a new neighbor’s garden.

Christopher C. NC said this on December 7, 2007 at 7:30 pm (edit)

Christopher….Thanks for leaving a comment. I have a lot of pictures of my garden to post but some are not as good as I would like. Viewing other blogs, the draw is always the pix though, so keep watching, more to come.

Frances said this on December 7, 2007 at 8:13 pm (edit)

Cant wait to read more about your garden life

rmbuck said this on December 7, 2007 at 8:25 pm (edit)

rmbuck….thanks for the comment semi

Frances said this on December 7, 2007 at 8:28 pm (edit)

Great start. And to think I knew you when you avoided computers!

Seeing all these pictures is instructive and makes me want to come visit.
When you are taking pictures this spring, I’d include additional closeups like the crocus. That shot is great.
Love you,

Laurie said this on December 8, 2007 at 9:34 pm (edit)

Laurie,..So glad to see your comment. There are closeups in the files just as good as the crocus. I wanted to give a tour of the big picture first, with a ‘money shot’ to draw people in. There will be pictures taken with the blog in mind instead of just as record keeping for the location and blooming times of plants now that this blog has been started. Always learning something new though.
Love, Frances

Frances said this on December 8, 2007 at 9:40 pm (edit)

Welcome to “blogdom”. I look forward to reading about your garden and gleaning from your obvious plant knowledge.

Robin’s Nesting Place said this on December 9, 2007 at 11:11 pm (edit)


Everyone was so nice, it brought tears to my eyes then, and still does. Thanks to one and all for a glorious first year of blogging.

(The top photo was taken April 22, 2008. The photo in the inaugural post was taken April 3, 2007.)

This entry was posted in Musings. Bookmark the permalink.

43 Responses to Anniversary Post Or One Year Later

  1. Frances – how lovely, Happy “Blogaversary”!
    Love the header picture and the view of your garden
    I am so glad that you blog – it is always a delight to visit.

    Hi Karen, thanks so much. You have been very helpful to me in many ways, very much appreciated. Those are such sweet sentiments, they warm me on a cold wintry morning. 🙂

  2. Phillip says:

    Happy Anniversary you have a most beautiful blog which I’m sure many besides myself really enjoy.

    Hi Phillip, thank you very much for those nice thoughts and welcome.


  3. Jan says:

    Happy anniversary, Frances. I can’t believe it has only been a year that you have been blogging. It seems that I have been enjoying your blog and garden much longer than a year. You have a wonderful blog, and you and it has been an inspiration for me.

    Always Growing

    Hi Jan, thanks so much, it has certainly gone by quickly and I have really enjoyed meeting so many new friends, such as you. 🙂 I will never tire of hearing that I might have inspired someone, for I am inspired by my fellow bloggers everyday!

  4. Frances-
    Happy Anniversay!
    I enjoyed reading your first blog entry and learning about the beginnings of your beautiful garden. I love the photo of everything in bloom.

    Have a beautiful day~


    Hi Karrita, thanks so much, glad you liked the history lesson! I am ready to see photos of something besides frost and spent stalks, the view every day out my windows. It is cheering to remember what the garden did and will look like in the spring, lest I forget! 🙂

  5. easygardener says:

    Happy anniversary Frances. I love the colours in the first picture.
    Isn’t it amazing how you meet so many friendly gardeners through blogging.

    Hi EG, thanks so much. That is the thing I didn’t realize about what blogging would bring, so many like minded and friendly folks, like a whole new family! I am ready to look at blooming flowers, thank goodness for the photo archives! 🙂


  6. VP says:

    Happy blogversary Frances 🙂 What a lovely first post – you certainly started as you meant to go on. And you got comments from the word go too – wow!!!!!!

    Hi VP, thanks so much. I did not know where the blog would lead, just that I was chomping at the bit to get started on it. I have been lucky with the comments, too. I emailed Pam that I had posted, Robin and Christopher just showed up, and Semi and Laurie, daughter and friend who were notified that I had started blogging. It always helps to have a large family to squeeze things out of occasionally. 🙂

  7. Happy Blogaversary, Frances! Here’s a virtual raising of my glass to toast your completion of the first year!

    Hi Carol, thanks for the toast! You were an inspiration with your posts, funny but full of good gardening information, and what can I say about the Bloom Day? That may have been the thing that I wanted to participate in the most. I would go and see what was blooming on the fifteenth of each month from your very first introduction of it, wishing I could show photos of my stuff too. I wonder how many bloggers began with a bloom day post?

  8. Gail says:

    Dear Frances, Good morning! One year…It has been a glorious year at Fairegarden! I read your earlier posts yesterday (in honor of today) ~~they were fantastic~~your voice has been clear and true since your first blog entry. Happy blogaversary, my dear friend. Have fun in the garden today, warmer weather is heading our way! Gail

    Hi Gail, good morning to you and thanks. I appreciate your reading the old posts, a little dry, HA. And this is the only voice I’ve got. 🙂 And your final words are music to my ears, warmer weather! Thanks for being my friend.

  9. Kim says:

    Happy Blogaversary! Isn’t it fun to see the path you’ve taken in blogging? Thanks for putting your words and photos out there – I sure do enjoy them!

    Hi Kim, thank you so much for being a faithful reader and commenter too. The blog does seem to follow its own path, led by the garden and its progress, I never know what the next post will be about either, except things like bloom days, a constant! LOL

  10. Happy blogaversary to a wonderful blog, blogger, and garden!

    Hi Susan, thanks so much. I love seeing the different words and spellings for this occasion!

  11. Racquel says:

    Hi Frances, happy one year blogaversary! I love the first photo of your garden, it just took my breath away! I’m so glad to have found your blog on Blotanical & enjoyed our conversations immensely. Keep up the great work!

    Hi Raquel, thanks so much. I am ready to see something besides the winter landscape outside my window, so look for more springtime pictures. I am glad we met up through blotanical also, and glad to know your real name, makes it more personal, I think, and you have such a lovely name.

  12. tina says:

    I’ve been waiting for this post and knew it was coming soon. It is amazing how the one year has flown and I’ve loved each and every one of your posts. Here’s to many more years Frances!

    Hi Tina, thanks so much for your friendship and support. The year has flown by so fast and so many new friendships have formed all because of the blog, I am very blessed.

  13. Cindy says:

    Congratulations and felicitations on this auspicious occasion … here’s to many more years of gardening and blogging!

    Hi Cindy, and thanks so much. I loved meeting you in Austin as we sat together on the first night’s festivities at Spring Fling.

  14. Sheila says:

    Happy anniversary Frances! I hope you get as much joy out of blogging as we do out of reading your blog!

    Hi Sheila, thanks so much and welcome. What a nice thing to say.

  15. Gail says:

    Frances, I forgot to mention how impressive that first photo is…and I see that it is also much larger! Fantastic! Gail

    Thanks Gail, thanks for noticing that the photo was larger! HA

  16. Brenda Kula says:

    I am so very happy that you “jumped right in!” I did the same thing, one year ago the end of this month. I remember it was scary pushing that “publish” button. No going back, as you can’t unring a bell! Your photos are always so good. Your writing superb. I can’t think of one thing at this point that you can improve on. (Oh, and I can’t recall if yours was one of those blogs at WordPress where you had to go back to the top to comment or not, at one time. But I like being able to comment at the end. Saves time and I forget what I was going to say while I navigate back up!) Please, if you see a way I can improve my blog in any way, feel free to let me know!

    Hi Brenda, an early happy anniversary to you too! Thanks for those kind words. The switch to WordPress was nearly as scary as the beginning of the blog. I had trouble with a couple of things with that switch, where the comments were, where the sidebar was, font too small, etc. that have finally been ironed out. I have learned all kinds of technical stuff from blogging too, both at blogger and especially at wordpress. Your blog seems perfect to me, easy to read and leave a comment on, those are the things I appreciate, it lets your story telling do the rest!

  17. Congrats on one year! Your blog as indeed made blogdom a richer place! Kim

    Hi Kim, thanks. What a nice sentiment, I very much appreciate that and you.

  18. Dave says:

    Congrats Frances! One year seems to go by so fast. I’ve learned a bunch from your writing and enjoyed getting to know you over the past year!

    Hi Dave, thanks so much. It has been fun getting to know the other TN gardeners too. Blogging has brought so many wonderful new friends into my life.

  19. Pam/Digging says:

    One year with Faire Garden has sped by like a bullet train. From your nervous beginning to now being one of the best-known garden bloggers, by Blotanical’s ranking, you’ve come a long way in a short time, baby. You have such a distinctive voice, and your photos are superb. I’m so glad you’re blogging, Frances. And I’m also grateful you made the trip to Austin last spring.

    Hi Pam, I was very nervous about doing something wrong, and you were so kind with my silly questions. I do still have all those emails. 🙂 You are and have always been my role model in your fine photos but especially in the way you answered comments. That was kind of a hard thing to learn and your style of full of grace. Going to Austin was a high point of my life, not just my blogging life.

  20. Racquel says:

    Thank you Frances for the compliment. Knowing each other’s real names does make it more personal! 🙂

    You are most welcome!

  21. gittan says:

    WOW!!! Such a beautiful place you have created there! I’m speakless…looking at your pictures. Please show us more.. Seeing that I’m longing even more for putting my fingers in the soil again and make my flat garden a bit less flat by finaly building my garden wall. I wish spring will come soon. I’m charmed by your blog, so happy that I found it when I was surfin around the internet. Congratulations to your one year / gittan

    Hi Gittan, I too am so happy you found my blog, for that led me to yours! Like you, I am longing to put my fingers in the soil again and will be dreaming of spring for several more months. Thanks for those kind words. Your garden wall will be wonderful, walls add so much to any garden.

  22. I love the long shot of your garden. I always look forward to your posts.
    Wishing you many more wonderful days of blogging,

    Hi Donna, that is so sweet, thanks so much. I loved your red sunrise!

  23. commonweeder says:

    Frances, what a fabulous picture of your garden, and what a breathtaking way to start your blog. I agree that blogging opens up a whole new world of fascinating and helpful friends and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it and to join in celebrating your anniversary.

    Hi Pat, thanks so much and a happy anniversary on your blog also, yesterday. Its about the friends we have met more than anything else, that makes this so wonderful.

  24. semi says:

    That first picture is so beautiful! I can’t believe it’s only been a year. You have a wonderful blog. I wish I had more time to enjoy semi

    Hello dear Semi, thank you. It is hard to remember non blogging times. The beauty of the internet is that is waits for you to have time to view it. I wish you had more time too.
    Love, Frances

  25. hayefield says:

    Wow, I was just thinking this morning that your anniversary was coming up, and I couldn’t convince myself that it had been only one year; I concluded that it must surely be your second. But sure enough, it been just one year packed with many beautiful and memorable posts. You are so good at keeping your own blog updated and fresh-looking, and so generous with your time in visiting and commenting on other blogs, that you’re a true inspiration to the entire garden-blogging community, Frances.

    Hi Nan, I am honored and inspired by your own kind words and deeds in the garden blogging community. A published and awarded author, you leave encouraging comments on the blogs of everyone equally and have always been supportive of my efforts, for which I am more than grateful. Being retired has the advantage of more free time to spend on the blog and its appearance, thanks so much for those lovely words.

  26. Siria says:

    Oh Frances…that first picture is breathtaking! Congratulations on reaching your one year milestone, and I wish you many more years of happy blogging! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your beautiful pictures. Thank you for being an inspiration to me!!! 🙂

    Hi Siria, that is so sweet, thank you for being such a loyal reader and friend. I look forward to you taking the leap with both feet and jumping into the blogging community, you will be welcomed with open arms!

  27. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Congratulations Frances. You have a remarkable blog and blogdom has been enriched with your posts. I will look forward to many years of watching your garden evolve.

    Hi Lisa, thanks so much. You have been around as a comment leaver since the early days and I appreciate your support and kind words. I hope I can keep going for many years, HA.

  28. Happy Blogging Anniversary! I’ve only found your blog early this fall, so I look forward to seeing your gardens next spring and summer! Giddy with anticipation! 🙂


    Hi Cameron, thanks so much. You won’t have to wait long for those more colorful photos, I am working on blending the old with the new. 🙂


  29. Darla says:

    Congrats Frances. I have only been blogging since August 2008, it was very scary at first. Now it’s a TON of fun. I wish I had of had the pleasure of visiting your blog right away. So glad I am connected to it now, you have a beautiful garden and very informative posts. I too live on a slope, more at the bottom of a hill so I am lovig all of your designs and advice!! Looking forward to visiting again.

    Hi Darla, thanks so much. Please feel free to look at the archives for more information about gardening on a slope, you don’t have to wait until next year!:-)


  30. I joined in Feb 08 and remember thinking how beautiful your garden and blog were. It is the same today but you have grown a lot in the blogging world. Your blog keeps getting better and better. Congrats on a good year!

    Hi Anna, thanks so much, it has been a good year, meeting so many wonderful new friends, like you.

  31. Amy says:

    That first photo of your garden is absolutely breathtaking! Like heaven on earth 🙂 What fun to see your very first post. Blogs often evolve so much over time – it’s always interesting to look back to the beginning. Congratulations Frances!

    Hi Amy, thanks so much. The view out the back door is a favorite of mine with the steep steps. Thanks for joining me in the nostalgic look backwards. 🙂

  32. LindaLunda says:

    It was lucky fore me to sitt down when I open this post!
    The photos and colours ar´nt of this world!
    Happy annieversery !!!!!!!

    Hi Linda, so nice to see you and thanks. You are always so enthusiatic and funny!

  33. Happy Blogiversary, Frances – FaireGarden has demonstrated that you’re not only a wonderful gardener but a generous one, sharing knowledge and images with all of us, encouraging other gardeners through posts and comments, and making us notice so much beauty that might escape the casual eye.

    What fun it was to meet you in person at Spring Fling!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

    Hi Annie, thanks so much for those kind words. I was delighted to meet you in person in Austin too, one of the highlights of the trip, in fact!

  34. Have you been saving that photo for this post? That’s just stunning! Happy Blogaversary, you really jumped into blogging feet first. I’m glad you decided to join in, it was great meeting you in Austin & talking about plants & everything. Your blog is a gem & so are you!

    Hi MMD, not really, but I have many photos that have been saved just because they were pretty and plan to use them in some way that has yet to be determined. Thanks for being a loyal reader and I am lucky to have met you in Austin too. Thanks for all those nice words, I am blushing.

  35. wow- all that in only one year! I assumed you’d been blogging forever. The first photo is absolutely dreamy. Keep it up!

    Hi Jill, thanks so much. I have been gardening for many many years, taking digital photos of the garden for six years, and blogging about those two things for one. The last thing is the easiest! 🙂

  36. ourfriendben says:

    Hooray Frances!!! Like everybody else, I can’t believe your blog is only a year old. You have such a wonderful voice, and your mix of photos, information, point of view and personality is so perfect I assumed you’d been doing it forever. Now I see that you’re just a natural talent! You really should be writing for publication, too. Thanks for a great year of reading and viewing. I’m already looking forward to Year Two!

    Hi OFB, thanks so much, what wonderful compliments, they warm my heart. 🙂 I love doing the blog, but also love that I don’t HAVE to do it, if you know what I mean. It is that freedom to not do it that I treasure. I don’t work well under deadlines, kind of freeze up with the words locked up in my brain. This is perfect for me and my temperament.

  37. brokenbeat says:

    hello hello, mother. what a happy day it is for you. though it might have been thought a possibility, who would’ve imagined that garden blogging fit you so well. it’s like finding that perfect pair of pants from goodwill. actually, that is a terrible analogy (and, yes, i am still looking for that pair of pants). by blogging you have found the perfect form of expressing and challanging yourself and letting the uninsatiable passion you have for gardening ooze out into the connecting wires for all to locate. it’s been said but i’ll say it again. i am hella thankful that your fine pictures and words are at hand to inspire me to address my own garden. much love.

    Hello my dear Brokenbeat, thanks for that lovely analogy, it is the thought behind it that makes sense. Blogging and pants fitting are very similar. Gardening drives the blog and the challenge and friendships are bonuses. It has certainly been a wonderful year. Your garden has had a wonderful year as well. 🙂
    love, Frances

  38. Kathleen says:

    As usual, I am late to the party. But I want to add my belated congrats on your one year blogaversary. It’s hard to believe you’ve only been at it one year ~ I would have guessed much longer. I wish you many more years of great gardening & blogging Frances.

    Hi Kathleen, never late to the blogs, they wait for you! Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate you and your blog.

  39. Philip says:

    Hi Frances!
    Happy anniversary!
    It has been such a pleasure to read your blog and savor your images. I have loved watching the seasons go through your enchanted garden; the changing sunlight throughout the year, the flowers and textures, all your wonderful stories and adventures has been such a delight. I have been away, and I am so glad I did not miss your post! I hope I am not too late to say congratulations, and thanks for sharing all the fun in your garden blog.

    Hi Philip, it is never too late for your kind words, thank you so much. I wondered where you have been, and missed you.

  40. Hi Frances, What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversary by visiting the past. Since I wasn’t around last year, I really enjoyed your stroll down memory lane.

    Hi Karla, thanks so much and welcome. So glad you could join in the celebration. And I think it is going to be a very cold winter too! 🙂

  41. Stuart says:

    Wow! Only a year. You have certainly blitzed the blogosphere in such a short space of time. Congratulations Frances, our lives have all been enriched for getting to know you a little more through your blog and obviously your garden. [Raising glass] Here’s to the next 12 months….

    Hi Stuart, thanks for that. I had been reading garden blogs for a while before I began my own, and had been taking photos and saving them on disc for several years. I love to tell people about my garden, it is my passion, after my family, so the blog is a perfect vehicle to do that. I am honored by your toast.

  42. Francis, You do seem to be an inspiration to many:) When I come here I feel like I’m not only getting beautiful photos, but very informative material to take back with me. Congrat’s on the 1 yr. anniv. (I’ve been blogging over a year, but accidentally deleted the posts on my other blogs. That was a disappointment:( However, starting fresh with a bunch of garden-bloggers will make up for anything in the past. You’re an inspiration:) Jan/ThanksFor2Day

    Hi Jan, thanks so much for those sweet words. I made some bad deletions in the beginning too. I deleted the photos for my very first bloom day post, trying to fix the spacing. I am still trying to fix that error! You are so right about the garden bloggers, what a fantastic and supportive group they are. Love everyone of them, including you!

  43. so sorry: I meant FrancEs, not FrancIs!!!

    HA, I didn’t even notice, but thanks. It has been a lifelong problem. I even got drafted when I turned eighteen, the government thought I was a male!

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