Desert Island Dreams

april-28-2008-007-21Good friend Shirl of Shirl’s Gardenwatch has suggested a meme about being stranded on a deserted island, what three plants would you want to have with you?Click here to join in the fun and read the other entries.  Food will be abundant, so that practicality has been taken care of.  The three plants would just be for your own enjoyment.~
Shown above, Rosa ‘Old Blush’ may-26-2008-1-2 I have cogitated on this one, difficult with a head and chest cold to think at all, but these are the three I would like to have growing there.  We will asssume the climate is moderate, not too cold or too hot, with ample rainfall, and good well drained moist rich loam.~
Shown above Rosa ‘Fairy Queen’

may-26-2008-5-2#1.  Roses.  I won’t name a particular variety but it would need to be fragrant, everblooming, disease free, might as well make it thornless while we’re at it, and let’s put it on an arbor to give us some shade, to protect our faire skin.
Shown above Rosa ‘Veilchenblau’
january-14-2009-frost-023-2#2. Lavender. Or should it be rosemary? No, lavender it is.
Shown above Lavendula ‘Provence’may-29-2008-045-2 I love the smell and the look and would use it to make crafts, like the lavender wands made by gathering the flower heads together, tying with ribbon, then weaving the stems back over the flowers making a cage. I have made thousands of these over the years, sold many, given many away and never tire of the process. I will do a post about how to make them when the lavender blooms here again.
Shown above Lavendula ‘Hidcote’may-29-2008-012-3 Plus it is a good insect repellant and disinfectant, in case a thorn from the rose attacked, or weaving caused a blister on delicate digits.
january-19-2009-baskets-005-2#3. This is one I am not one hundred percent sure about, but willow of some sort.  To weave baskets and make furniture.  I am a little bit antsy and need to keep my hands and mind busy.  march-23-2008-051-5A little grove of a fast growing variety would be nice.  I would make a lounge to go under the rose arbor. Or use it to make the arbor itself. Or an abode for fairies.

march-23-2008-039-2If given enough time, I am sure other plants would come to mind that might supplant these, so let’s stop now.  What would you choose to help while away the hours?desert_island_plant_challenge


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51 Responses to Desert Island Dreams

  1. I’ve made many lavender wands as well, they are fun to make and leave your hands smelling good, too. It’s a good thing you chose practical plants because mine are pretty much for looks only!

    Hi Carol, how wonderful. I was hoping people would understand what I was talking about. Aren’t they too fun to make? I am a practical gal, being a taurus and all. Are you on the cusp with that birthday? Aquarius or capricorn? Your choices were pretty practical too, grab it and go! HA This is so fun, I am loving Mr. Linky and the leap to everyone’s posts too.

  2. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Good choices Frances. I like any opportunity to browse through your garden. I am surprised you could pare down to three plants. I think that a daunting task. I couldn’t decide.

    Hi Lisa, thanks. I found it best not to overthink this. Just go with the first three that popped into my head. It is supposed to be fun, not taxing or stressful. Do give it a go!

  3. Frances, lovely choice, Lavender made it to my short-list, but didn’t get to the final three.
    Willow – good choice, so practical!

    Hi Karen, thanks. I am both practical and flighty, feet on the ground but thoughts way way out there! HA Yours was brilliant, BTW! It was so fun to think about, and even more fun to read what everyone else chose and why. Good work there, Shirl.

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Imeant to mention how talented you are. It makes me want to make baskets, arbors and lounges. Lounging under a big palm with a warm breeze blowing sounds like an ideal setting right now.

    Hi Lisa, you are being too kind. My projects are never perfect, it is the joy of doing, not the finished product that guides me. You should make baskets and I know you have made garden structures too. Lounging does sound wonderful, especially with that warm breeze, but I would not be able to sit still for long unless I was doing something with my hands. HA

  5. Janet says:

    Morning Frances, good challenge. Will have to ponder it a while. Do love the lavender, finally bought some again this fall. Your blue rambler rose is gorgeous. Janet

    Hi Janet, thanks, that is about as blue as roses get, really purple but quite pretty anyway. I look forward to seeing your choices.

  6. Like you I simply picked 3 off the top of my head. It doesn’t do to think long and hard about it as that is wont to give you a headache. 😉

    Willow! Very practical, almost as practical as my water feature. 😀

    Hi YE, HA, I think your water feature will be one of a kind on this meme! LOL It was apparent from the start that it was better not to overthink on this one, it would take the fun factor out of it. I tried to find a photo in my own files of willow, but didn’t have any, but the basket is one I made from willow Salix intergra ‘Hashuro Nishiki’.

  7. jodi says:

    Great choices, Frances. You and I can start a whole bed of lavender on the island, and I love that you included a rose (Veilchanblau is a great choice as you probably don’t have to threaten yours to get it to bloom, the way I do mine) and willow is also a fabulous choice. So many plants, it’s hard to narrow down isn’t it? But absolutely fun to do.

    Hi Jodi, thanks. The lavender seemed such a versatile plant and I do love it so. Glad to see you thought so too. Veilchenblau is a wonderful bloomer here, but does so only once. I think on the island it would be everblooming. Why not? 🙂 Funny that we didn’t pick our signatures, too.

  8. Shirl says:

    Hi there Frances 😀

    Well, this has kicked off hasn’t it? I don’t know if I can keep up with this! Thanks again for your help Hope you are feeling better soon 😀

    A thornless rose sounds good – I need to chat to you about mine sometime 😉 I love that purple climber. I did the lavender/rosemary swither too. I think the rosemary won out for me. Now… the willow is an inspired idea! Great thinking there. I meant to add on mine that I could (eventually) use my mature bamboo canes to build a tree house in my cherry tree! Our imaginations are just wonderful, this really has been great fun 😀

    Hi Shirl, I would call this a roaring success, well done and thanks for thinking of it! I have been working hard to keep up, thank goodness for Mister Linky. When I saw your bamboo, that would have been a perfect choice for the building supplies and such a fast grower too. Some minds think alike! 🙂

  9. Frances — perfect choices! Interesting that you would take plants that work for crafts to keep yourself from being bored.


    Hi Cameron, thanks. You are so right, it says alot about my personality that I would be bored on such an ideal spot, doesn’t it? HA

  10. Tyra says:

    Good choices Frances, no excellent choices I can imagine your basket full of roses and lavender. Just gorgeous. But Frances no ‘Frances grasses’?

    xoxo Tyra

    Hi Tyra, thanks. The basket of roses and lavender seems heavenly to me too. I did think of grasses, stipa before the muhly for the year around interest and movement, but you know how overthinking it would take the fun out. These were my three gut first choices so i stuck with them. I love yours as well, so sensual. 🙂

  11. Daphne Gould says:

    I like your willow choice. It would give you something to do with your time and is very practical. When I first saw the challenge I thought bamboo so I can make things.

    Hi Daphne, thanks. A couple of others did choose bamboo, it didn’t occur to me since I don’t grow it, afraid of the rampant growth. But ever so useful. I love the look of willow anyway, my favorite here is the dappled willow, Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’, with the new spring growth of white and pink leaves. That coloration is best if the whole thing is cut to the ground late winter, hence the source for weavers. This was so fun to think about, you should join in!

  12. Joy says:

    Good Morning Frances .. from VERY snowy Kingston. I also have Provence lavender .. this is its first winter here (I planted about 7 of them .. and I have Hidcote and Munstead and a few others, yes I love lavender too !) .. I’m just a little worried about Provence making it through our winters .. it did say zone 5 .. but you just never know.
    I am liking your choices very much too .. and that lounge/adobe is perfect !
    This is really fun to read about .. Shirl had a great idea at a very good time : )

    Hi Joy, thanks. Hope you are feeling better. I have found the secret to lavender is not about cold hardiness, but more about drainage. Even then we have many losses here. My best luck is with heel cuttings taken in winter and thrust into the ground on a day when it is not frozen, putting a rock on it to keep it from heaving out the ground and hope for the best. Even if most don’t make it, you aren’t out anything. Larger potted plants don’t have near the success rate as these little guys. Hidcote is by far my favorite lavender, the flowers are such a darker blue.

  13. tina says:

    Very interesting! I can’t wait to see your lavender wands and the roses-well those are a given for you. You will be busy on the deserted island-what fun.

    Hi Tina, thanks for those kind words on your post today, I really was blushing! 🙂 For me, busy is best, I have to be doing something or thinking about something all the time. I do love watching the birds at the feeders in winter though, does that count as not doing anything?

  14. Gail says:

    Frances, You have risen to the challenge! Wonderful choices and beautifully presented~~as if we expected anything less! My dear friend, you are the faire-est! (My computer keyboard died right in the middle of writing my post! A new keyboard was connected this morning…thank you Mr I for sacrificing your keyboard!) gail

    Hi Gail, thanks so much. Good grief, I didn’t know keyboards could die, thank goodness for the spare just hanging around. Just thinking about being on a desert island about now brings a smile. Still below freezing but expected to warm up later today. It can’t come soon enough for me, I am going stir crazy! What’s that? Clean the house? Not that crazy! 🙂

  15. Darla says:

    Knew you would have stunning choices. Love the rose vine…..I have not had luck growing Lavender…..maybe I over water it. Ay tips on it for me? You are a doll Frances.

    Hi Darla, thanks. Lavender is hard for me too, but good drainage and lean soil seems to be best, not a lot of water either. I still lose some every year, but just take cuttings in mid winter, stick them in the ground outside, put a rock on the soil by it to keep it from heaving out of the ground and hope for the best.

  16. easygardener says:

    I see you are taking a practical approach and expect to keep busy. I was just going to laze around and admire everyone’s flowers 🙂
    The roses are beautiful and lavender is an excellent choice for flowers and fragrance.Once the willow wands are available perhaps you could start a weaving class!

    Hi EG, thanks. Yes there is a practical side to my brain, and a fluffy side too. 🙂 A weaving class would be great, I would have to be sure and bring my books from the many classes I have taken, for much has been forgotten over the years. LOL

  17. hayefield says:

    Aaahhh..roses and lavender, of course. I can’t say I’m surprised at those picks from you, Frances; they’re classic and elegant. The willow *was* a surprise but also an excellent choice. We’ll all come to you for willow-weaving lessons (and lavender weaving, too!).
    -Nan Ondra

    Hi Nan, thanks so much. I am a softie for willows of all sorts. I forgot to mention using the stems for willow water to help with cuttings getting rooted so we could all share our plants too. 🙂 The lavender weaving is very easy, I will do a how to post on it when it blooms.

  18. skeeter says:

    Island hoping today, this is fun! Butterfly bush, periwinkle and hibiscus for me. Tree would be Crepe Myrtle. They would all attract many friends to keep me company. Bees, Butterfly and Hummingbirds…

    Hi Skeeter, this is so fun, isn’t it? And you only get three, not three and a tree! Which would you leave behind? Deciding can be tough! 🙂

  19. Darla says:

    Thanks Frances, I also read your comment on my post!! This meme has been great for viewing new blogs, hasn’t it?

    Hi Darla, maybe this will help you with the lavender. I will keep trying to grow it, for it brings such joy. I am loving visiting everyone, new blogs and familiar friends.

  20. Phillip says:

    The rose would be my first choice. Now, choosing a particular variety would be impossible!

    Hi Phillip, me too. I decided not to even try and name one, since this is fantasy world, there would be one that would meet all the criteria. I didn’t even choose a color, I love them all!

  21. Nicole says:

    Practical and gorgeous choices. I love roses and lavender but since you’ll have them that frees me to choose other favourite LOL.

    Hi Nicole, thanks. I love your choices and am glad we will be having some bright color on the island thanks to you! 🙂

  22. Racquel says:

    What pretty & practical choices you made Frances. You will have fragrance, creative resources and firstaid all at your beck & call. 🙂 Love the photos of all your gorgeous roses, especially Old Blush!

    Hi Racquel, thanks. I do have a practical streak along with flights of fancy, a real mix! 🙂 Old Blush is such a pretty thing, she is not nearly as vigorous as I would like, nothing like Knock Out, but she is a good repeat bloomer and the color and form melt my heart.

  23. Kathleen says:

    Very practical choices Frances. You would be a great person to get stranded with since you have so many skills. I am just finding out about this meme but I’ll have to think about it for myself. LOVE the roses, especially ‘Old Blush.’. They might have to be on my list too. Enjoyed your photos along with reading your choices today Frances.

    Hi Kathleen, thanks, HA, I was a girl scout leader, you’d be surprised at the things I know how to do that might come in handy out there in paradise! 🙂 I can’t wait to see what your choices will be. I can’t imagine not having roses of some kind with me, with all the good traits and none of the problems of course.

  24. Frances those are lovely choices for your island, bringing back a memory that my dad’s weeping willow was once my favorite tree.
    I’ve made lavender sticks, too – Elizabeth Lawrence gave instructions in one of her books.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

    Hi Annie, thanks for visiting. Weeping willows are magnificent in a wide open setting near a creek. I love when they show their first green in spring too, with the graceful limbs moving in the breezes. So glad you know the joy of the lavender wands, I love the resin that sticks to your fingers as you weave, such a delicious perfume.

  25. Hi Frances~
    This was such a fun challenge! I am making the rounds of looking at which plants were chosen for the desert island. I love the variety! I love the climbing rose you pictured. Exquisite!
    I hope you’re feeling better soon!

    Hi Karrita, I was just visiting at your place! I love seeing what everyone has picked and their reasons for picking them. This is just too fun. And thanks for the get well, antibiotics are in my body! 🙂

  26. layanee says:

    Roses are a lovely choice and one would need something to do so lavender sachets and willow furniture will be quite decorative. You are not just another pretty face Frances! Good thinking!

    HA Layanee, no, no pretty face here but good with my hands! I love that you are bringing bulbs and something we cannot grow here but that is such a beautiful flower, good thinking on your part too! 🙂

  27. Anna says:

    Frances, thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. I do like your choices. I will look out for your instructions on how to make lavender wands. Can I have some of your willow if there’s any spare to make a structure for my sweet peas to grow up on ?

    Hi Anna, it was my pleasure to visit your lovely blog, your header photo is wonderful, and welcome here. Of course you can have some willow, let’s make a fanciful trellis for your sweet peas together, that way I will get to enjoy their sweet perfume too. 🙂

  28. skeeter says:

    A plant is a plant and a tree a tree. That is my story and I am sticking to it. My island and my rules… lol, Gee, I may have to draw straws between the hibiscus and periwinkle as I will not go without my butterfly bush…

    HA, you are a stubborn one, Skeeter. If it helps, others are bringing hibiscus so you could leave that one. I agree, butterfly bush is needed, although Tina’s sedum will attract some skippers. 🙂

  29. Sherry says:

    I too would bring lavender. It is a must in my garden.
    Willow would be nice too.
    I love the herbs.
    So nice to visit your gardens.

    Hi Sherry, thanks so much. I appreciate your choices of lavender and rosemary, and had to go with the former since there were other things I felt I needed more. But my heart would miss the rosemary, I’m glad you would have it there.

  30. Brenda Kula says:

    Good choices, all! And all have a purpose. I find that most herbs seem to not be particularly favored by insects. I spray lavender on my bed pillows for better sleep.

    Hi Brenda, thanks so much. It was hard to choose which plants, of course we love them all, so I tried to pick ones that could multi task. 🙂 Loved reading about your visit with Nola.

  31. joey says:

    Fun post and lovely photos, Frances. Believe me, whatever you might choose, your fairies are certain to follow!

    Hi Joey, thanks so much. I am sure the island would be full of gardening magic with all the wonderful choices of plants that would be brought! 🙂

  32. eliz says:

    Yes, roses. One would have to have them, though I think in my head I chose lilies over them. I didn’t do this; I chose instead to talk about what I am planting in my own desert this summer!

    Hi Elizabeth, I am so glad you were bringing lilies. There were many plants that I wanted but did not choose that others did, it would be a delightful place, that island. Your new plants sound perfect too, that clemmie is intruiging.

  33. Jon says:

    Frances, your choices were sensible. Just 3 for me if I had to choose? I don’t have the wisdom of Solomon to narrow a list down; I’d be caught smuggling in cuttings and seeds. This is a fun post and all the comments gave me lots of laughs and interesting plants to think about.

    Hi Jon, thanks,like shoes, what you take to a desert island needs to be all purpose! HA I think there were a few who were smuggling cuttings and seeds, zinnias in particular. It was fun to see the whats and the whys of people’s choices.

  34. Miranda Bell says:

    Hi Frances – thanks for visiting my blog – looks like you’ve made a good choice yourself… another advantage of lavender and roses is that the strong fragrance of lavender helps to deter greenfly! They make great companion plants! With the weather at the moment in Brittany as stormy as it is a trip to a desert island would be great! Miranda

    Hi Miranda, thanks and welcome. That is good to know about greenfly, it sounds like a dreaded pest. Thanks for the tip about propagating the Madame too, I will give it a try! Hope your weather clears and spring comes soon for you. 🙂

  35. VP says:

    Great choices – lavender’s ‘first aid in a bottle’ as well as being lovely. I went on a willow weaving course a couple of years ago, so I hope I can join you for some obelisk, trellis and basket making?

    Hi VP, thanks, of course you can join me, all I know how to make are baskets. You will bring the needed expertise for the larger items. Not knowing how to do something usually does not stop me from trying it anyway, but a little knowledge would certainly help! And I believe you are good for a laugh or two. 🙂

  36. tina says:

    Nope, watching birds counts as doing something. I mean gee, you have to concentrate and therefore cannot sew, or read, or weave, or paint, or watch tv-so you are doing something!

    Hi Tina, thanks for that support. HA

  37. Dawn says:

    Ah, a rose by any other name would not be the same and I heard lavender in a sachet under your pillow will help with sleep! Willow would be good for shelter too! Wonderful choices!

    Hi Dawn, thanks. We are both into our choices doing some multi tasking, yours were inspired, well done!


  38. LindaLunda says:

    What great plants to pick! I love the photo of the lilac rambling?climbing rose!!!! What a sweetie!

    Hi Linda, thanks so much. That rose, Veilchenblau only blooms once, in May but it goes all out with many many flowers. It also is not troubled by pests or disease and is nearly thornless. It has not been overly aggressive here, but is well mannered. A good rose for any garden.

  39. Rose says:

    Whatever plants you choose to take along, Frances, I know you will keep busy! The willow is a great choice and very practical.
    Now I’m going to have to find a place for some lavendar so I can learn how to make those lavendar wands.

    Hi Rose, thanks, you know I am a busy bee. 🙂 I hope you are able to grow some lavender this year, for it is a divine addition to the garden. I adore the fragrance and the wands are easy and fun. It will be June, I am guessing when the flowers are ready. Be sure and don’t cut the flowers until you are going to weave them, they must be freshly picked so the stems are supple and don’t break when bent over.

  40. Frances, I can tell you had a hard time choosing, you just had to keep sneaking extra photos in there, didn’t you?!! I love the roses and the lavender (will definitely try the lavender this yr, cause I’ve never had it); and the willow…ha ha…you could just come over and sit under mine, and pick away at the bows for what you need to have to do your building and crafting. It would be a ‘different’ type of ‘picking’, of course; there’d be no computer needed to do that type of picking;)
    My willow might get a little bald if you stayed under it every day…so, perhaps you should bring your own, afterall!! That way, mine would still be nice and green when yours lost all of its bows due to so much ‘picking’!!!

    Hi Jan, thanks. 🙂

  41. I’m so enjoying how the choices reflect the personality of the gardener. Willow because you need to be doing project is just great. Roses are always a good choice. I was considering Lavender, because I always run my hand through it when I go past so I can get that scent. It also didn’t make my list, though.

    Hi MMD, thanks. I love your choices, fragrance being very important with any plant to me. Grape neehi pop, HA! 🙂

  42. Philip says:

    Hi Frances! Willow…How totally fun! Ok, sign me up for willow crafts and lavender wands 101.
    Actually, I would love to make a willow fence.
    Your post was so charming, and I think you would have a blast anywhere you went.
    This was fun to read.
    Have a great weekend!

    Hi Philip, thanks and you too have a great weekend. We still think it would be so fun to come and hang out with you and your friends, they sound like an interesting group. 🙂 I have always admired those willow structures in veddy English gardens, Prince Charles shows many in his organic gardening book. It would change the desert isle into Highgrove!

  43. Barbee' says:

    Frances, that is a lovely post! I have named you in my list of Friendly Bloggers. If you do not want to further the award, that is ok with me, but I do want you to know you were named. If you would like to see the post here is the url I hope you can copy and paste it without a problem.

    Hi Barbee, thanks so much. That was very sweet of you to consider me for your list of Friendly Bloggers. I can see why you were chosen as a recipient also, you are a very friendly person. I have put the award with the link on my awards page, proudly displayed.

  44. Jan says:

    Great choices, Frances, esp. the lavender. We can’t grow it here in the Gulf South – too hot.

    Always Growing

    Hi Jan, thanks so much. The lavender is that much more prized here for its difficulty. When I lived in Houston, it was a losing battle, but I kept buying new plants anyway, only to have them kick the bucket after a while. It grows so well in CA, I think more than the heat it is the humidity and higher rainfall that does it in. But on our imaginary isle, anything is possible, right? 🙂

  45. – Olá! this specific type of rose is very dangerous for ticket areas, its thorns tears the skin… this type of roseira is well primitive and in Brazil almost it does not exist more… with the genetic mutations, experiences and enchertos had almost entered in extinguishing, the roses have many petals, have today perfumed and little thorn requirements of a market, is the world to make what! congratulations for its roses are pretty, I have here of this variety but they are of the white color, they are very resitente the illnesses and brusque changes of temperature and moistness.
    Greetings of Brazil

    Ola Eduardo, thanks for visiting. My spanish es muy pobre, or poco might be the better word. I agree completely that the rose on our imaginary island needs to be thornless, it is an object of our creation so can be whatever we want it to be! The rose Veilchenblau is more thorn free on the older canes, the young ones still carry the bite of sharpness. I have a white climber called Moonlight that is a very tough rose also, and fragrant, but just didn’t have any good photos of it to show. White is a difficult color to capture well with the camera. I do want to say how exquisite your furniture is, you are a true artist! 🙂

  46. Monica says:

    Hi Frances, hope you feel better soon! Because I love so many different plants, for so many different reasons, it’s hard to think of three. But I think it would have to be white pine (for shade, to lean against, to hug, you know), hollyhock (tall, cute!), and pansies (short, cute!). Yep.

    Hi Monica, thanks, I am better now. 🙂 It was hard to think of only three, so I just went with the first ones that popped into my mind. I love your choices too, huggable and cute, HA!

  47. andré says:

    Nice choices! Lavender is on my list too… 🙂

    Hi Andre, thanks and welcome. I love your choices, lavender of course, but the other two are fabulous!

  48. Steve says:

    Oddly enough, I am nearly on the same precise page concerning what plants I’d like to play with. I am definitely all over the Roses, and the Lavender has so little not to like it;s ridiculous. I think my third would be Gaura, however, as much as I think your selection of Willow is so interesting. With the redder Gaura’s, if you hang those long stems upside down after blooming, the (up to 3 foot long stems) turn a crimson, the likes of which cannot be found outside of dipped in paint – in dried plant arrangements. We’re talking mighty Red. Mighty!

    Hi Steve, so nice to see you again and thanks. Roses and lavender were the first things that came to mind, I tried to not overthink it, then felt something more substantial was needed too. That gaura sounds wonderful, I have the whirling butterflies and it too has the three foot long red stems that last well into winter. It also seeds about just enough for the babies to be very welcome additions to the garden too, good choice! I’ll have to try the upside down thing. 🙂

  49. Fabulous choices! I’m with you on the lavender. Beautiful and smells like heaven.

    Hope you’re feeling better.

    Robin Wedewer

    Hi Robin, thanks and welcome to the alternative universe of wordpress. I am better now, thanks for asking. 🙂

  50. Oh Frances! That ‘Veilchenblau’ is to die for!!! I must have it. I see The Antique Rose Emporium has it and I just told my husband I’m buying it. I don’t know where I’ll put it, but I will find a place!

    Thanks for bringing lavender. I don’t have the best of luck with it here (probably a drainage issue), but I love the scent.

    Hi Kylee, thanks for joining us on the island of earthly delights! 🙂 Do try Veil. for it is a healthy and problem free variety. I grew it in Houston also, and it grew much more quickly there in those warmer conditions, but is doing very well here too, even during our drought, for it never gets extra water, the hose doesn’t reach there! It only blooms once, but puts on a fabulous show in spring. Lavender is tough here too, I just keep replanting it.

  51. kerri says:

    Shirl’s idea is a nice distraction from our snowy landscape and icy temps. I love roses too, especially the perfumed varieties. Your ‘Veilchenblau’ is exquisite. I’ve tried lavender several times and haven’t had any luck getting it through the winter yet, even with attention to drainage. I’ll try again though because it’s worth the effort!
    Good thinking on the willow. You can give us all basket weaving lessons 🙂

    Hi Kerri, thanks, I would be happy to give basket lessons. That was a great idea that Shirl had and the timing was perfect. We needed a pick me up that meant looking through the summer’s garden photos. Veilchenblau is an easy grower here although it only blooms once. Lavender can be hard to grow here too, but I keep trying and replanting until I get one to make it for a few years. I have had the best luck recently with cuttings with a heel stuck in the moist cold ground of winter with rocks around it to keep it from heaving out of the soil. Sounds crazy but it works! 🙂

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