
february-22-2009-012-2There is life anew in the garden.february-22-2009-013-2Imagination needs to be brought in. And squinting, to look into the future.november-3-2008-051-2Sedum spectabile ‘October Daphne’, actually this shot was taken in November. Maybe photos from last year will help the mind’s eye.february-22-2009-019-2A very exciting spear arising from this plant shared by Christopher at Outside Clyde. august-13-2008-010-2 It was admired on a visit to his North Carolina mountainside growing near his veggie bed that is protected by the scary Uncle Ernie. Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’ has orange flowers and red stems. A photo from our files could not be found.euphorbia_griffithii_fg2This photo is from the online catalog for Annie’s Annuals. Annie says about this plant:

Highly dramatic, heat & drought tolerant & VERY deer resistant, Euphorbia is an excellent perennial for any LOW MAINTENANCE area or hillside, as well as being a bold & exciting choice for the large perennial border. To 3’ tall & 2’ across, its attractive, deep green, red ribbed, copper-tinged leaves are held upright on sturdy red stems & stay attractive all season long. Most glorious of all are its fiery orange & brick red flowering trusses, which appear in early summer & last for a month or two, just in time for your summery, hot-colored blooming schemes. Spreads somewhat by rhizomatous roots, not is not aggressive or invasive. Tolerates clayish soil, & will spread fastest in sandy soil. Cut back to the ground at the end of your gardening season.

february-25-2009-003-2Fritillaria raddeanamarch-20-2008-002-2Taken March 20, 2008 this picture shows the first years bloom from the fall before planting. Some other large fritts, F. Persicaria, have not returned for a repeat show. It looks like at least two of the three bulbs, so far are making a comeback.february-25-2009-006-2Another fritt, this one F. uva vulpis. april-3-2008-001-21Shown in the right foreground in this early April photo taken in 2008. These line the long wall behind the main house. Twenty holes with six in a hole planted in 2001 have turned into many many more. They should be divided. Since the tulips are also in the shot, let’s see what they look like right now. february-22-2009-008-2These tulips were chosen for the markings on the foliage. The more pronounced stripes are on Tulipa greigii ‘Oratorio’. The coral flowers of T. greiggii ‘Toronto’ bloom before the reds of Oratorio, but the markings are less pronounced.april-8-2008-055-2The red Toronto about a week later, 2008. We are hoping for the blooms to be together this year.february-25-2009-007-2These may look like daffodils with a wider blade but are Lycoris squamigera, Surprise Lilies or Naked Ladies. july-28-2008-021-2The photo taken July 28, 2008 shows the pale pink with a sheen of lavender trumpet shaped flowers. Planted in the shrub border amidst the Sedum spectibile ‘Matrona’ gives a color echo of the reddish stems.february-25-2009-008-31There are many tulips, hyacinths daffodils and lilies showing emerging foliage that holds the promise of voluptuous spring bloom. But nothing as alluring as this bud already showing on the Chinese tree peony, Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Hatsugarasu’. The dark red bloom is expected in April, but with the full bud size already in view, will it be an early bird? To see this beauty unfurl do read last April’s post about the blooming. Click here to view a knockout show.

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52 Responses to Emergence

  1. Darla says:

    Ah yes, new life in an old garden, don’t you just love it? I fell in love with the F. Persicaria! You have so many plants that I have never heard of. It’s always a pleasure to visit Fairegarden!!

    Hi Darla, thanks so much. The new shoots and bulbs make the blood race to my head and make for dizzy delight. My daughter Semi bought me a Persicaria one year and it was fabulous so that fall 10 more were ordered. Not one came up, including the first one! I hope you have better luck!

  2. Janet says:

    Well Frances you have a lot of new life in the garden. It is exciting to watch as new growth emerges. Spring is springing!

    Hi Janet, thanks. Amidst all the brown and leafless branches things are coming up. Spring is really getting close now. 🙂

  3. Dave says:

    Things are beginning to shape up! Before too long we’ll be flying head first into spring. That foliage on the tulips is very neat!

    Hi Dave, thanks. The weather is finally giving us some warmer temps and I stay out all day, as long as possible doing jobs large and piddling. Snow forecast for Sunday!!! Those tulips are great, and come back reliably too, unlike some of the others.

  4. kerri says:

    My hopes are rising as I read about and see your first glimpses of spring springing, Frances. Exciting, isn’t it?
    The color of that tree peony is extraordinary! What a beauty she is.
    And how lovely the tulip leaves are to enhance the beauty of the blooms.
    The fritillaries are glorious as well. I hope the two bloom together for you this spring.
    Our turn will come 🙂

    Hi Kerri, thanks so much. I know you have a way to go before your spring comes, and I will so enjoy seeing spring for a second time! It is like reliving a favorite memory of tulips and daffodils after ours are long gone.

  5. Gail says:

    My dear friend, The header photo alone is worth the price of admission…It is a lovely photo~~full of spring’s promise! I am absolutely crazy about the greggii tulips and need to get those gorgeous colors in my garden! What a great idea to have the naked ladies amidst the sedums~~so many good ideas to borrow. Btw, I ordered the magazine! It feels warm out there… Happy gardening! Gail

    Hi Gail, thanks. That is how I got the idea for this post. I was looking through my photos and didn’t know what that first one was! Then the next shot of the whole planter jogged my memory and seemed like a good topic to use the photos of things coming out of the ground. The greiggiis are great and come back nicely too since they are species tulips. I get mine from Van Engelen, but others also have Oratorio. Pure chance found the ladies with Matrona, a lucky planting. 🙂 It is over 70 degrees in the back garden today. I don’t want to come inside.

  6. Brenda Kula says:

    Frances, I’ve never seen such striking markings as those tulips have! Didn’t even know you could get anything but the green. Now I will have to add this to my list for fall.

    Hi Brenda, thanks for visiting. I got some greiggiis a couple of years ago for the flower color and noticed the foliage being pretty. Research showed that these types of tulips have the pretty stripes and the Van Engelen catalog said Oratorio was the best. Normally I buy tulips for the flower color, but these leaves are wonderful well before the flowers and even after the bloom is done.

  7. Rose says:

    How exciting to see the emergence of new life, Frances! I enjoyed seeing the “after” pictures as well. Like Brenda, I love those tulips; I didn’t know, either, that there were some with such striking foliage.

    Enjoyed seeing all the cedar waxwings on your last post; obviously, they enjoy visiting Fairegarden as much as we do:)

    Dear Rose, thanks so much. Please know we are thinking of you and your family now and wishing the best for your father. I am glad you enjoyed the waxwings too, it was a special day that will always be remembered with fondness.

  8. joey says:

    Voluptuous spring blooms are indeed alluring, Frances, especially your seductive blood red Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Hatsugarasu’, if only for its name 🙂

    Hi Joey, thanks. That tree peony is a beauty. When I bought it I didn’t know what color it was or that the word meant early crow. I have fun typing it, easy to remember as hat-sugar-asu! Probably not how it is pronounced, but it helps me remember the spelling. HA

  9. tina says:

    Spring is busting out all over and especially at Faire Garden. I am anxiously awaiting the show at your place. It was stunning last year and this year can only hold more promise.

    Hi Tina, thanks so much. I bet it is pretty springey at your garden too. Already I am making notes to self about what should have been done that wasn’t, like mulch the daylily hill after the leaves have fallen! Too late now with all the daffs up that would get broken off by the mulch. Lesson learned.

  10. Fair Frances I see that you are taking a sneak pre-view about what’s to come in your garden next spring. It is a long wait, isn’t it, before Spring is finally here.

    Hi YE, thanks. It has seemed a long winter and we are more than ready for the big show this year. Our earliest daffs are blooming, Rijnveld’s Early Sensation. That one sounds Dutch! 🙂

  11. Sherry says:

    I also am waiting for Spring!
    I see some spring bulbs are being to show…another month and I could have a flowers or two! You have so many different gardens just filled with delight.
    Looking forward to spending time in your gardens this season.

    Hi Sherry, thanks. We are waiting together, along with many others. We try to be patient but it is hard with all that is popping up around here. The garden is made up of several different parts. You cannot see the whole thing from any one spot. Because it was two different properties, and three lots on a steep hillside it really is quite different from one area to the next. I am so glad you will be spending time in the gardens with me. 🙂

  12. nancybond says:

    I hope all your beds and blooms do as well this year as they did in your beautiful photos of 2008, Frances. The Chinese tree peony seems certain to burst into colour, sooner than later, perhaps? Thanks for sharing all your lovely colour.

    Hi Nancy thanks. I hope they do as well also, but have found with gardening that each year is so different. One year the tulips will be great, but the dogwoods not so much. Another year it will be something else. Keeps things interesting. I cannot believe the bud on that tree peony is so far along. We shall see how things develop. Your orchid looks great. Can’t wait to see what color it is! Or the beautiful photos you will take of it.

  13. teza says:

    What a gorgeous symphony of growth in the garden! I am totally besotted by the Lycoris – such beautiful ‘naked ladies’… now I’m blushing LOL!!! It has started to melt here a wee tiny bit so I am keeping my fingers crossed!

    Hi Teza, I do hope your weather breaks soon and spring can begin in your land also. I know how pretty the gardens are with the rich land there. The naked ladies are always a treat, springing up suddenly after the foliage has died down and disappeared.

  14. skeeter says:

    The striped tulips are a real eye catcher for spring! After this posting, I am so ready for the 70-degrees they are calling for today!

    Hi Skeeter, thanks. It was 70 here also. I didn’t want to come inside, ever! 🙂

  15. linda says:

    So much promise in your garden this spring Frances! I love the striped tulip foliage. I’ve never seen those before.

    Hi Linda, thanks. The garden is full of promise, soon it will be full of blooms and leaves I hope. The greigii tulips are great. They return very well also, being species. Oratorio is the pretties leaf, so the catalogs say and I agree.

  16. Jean says:

    Wow, that tree peony looks other-worldly! I do like the Oratorio tulip markings. You’ve inspired me to get outside and take a few pics myself.

    I do think it’ll be an early spring. At least the birds are telling me that by their behavior. It was an early winter so maybe we’ll get lucky with an early spring (and maybe with any further luck, a long spring instead of an early summer!).

    Hi Jean, I loved your photos, if that tulip bud was one after you read this. I hope you’re right about the early spring. It was an early and long winter. We are so ready to spend more time outside. Let us hope for that long spring, but it is not the way it usually is here.

  17. Marnie says:

    Hi Frances. I can’t wait to see the tree peony. I’ve thought about adding one to my garden for years. I have red greigii tulips from about 12 years ago. They return faithfully every year altho mine have not increased.

    Hi Marnie, wow, that is a long time for tulips, good to know! The tree peony seems ahead of itself, but will open when the time is right for it I guess. Usually the white one opens early April and this dark red one a week or two later. Right now the red is way ahead of the white for some reason. More greiggiis on the list for fall too! 🙂

  18. commonweeder says:

    I love seeing spring come to your garden. I am especially taken with the Lycoris and Matrona sedum. Beautiful!

    Hi Pat, thanks so much. That pairing works well and was a complete accident, my usual design method. 🙂

  19. Monica says:

    Are those “lavender trumpet shaped flowers” perhaps naked ladies? They’re so cute! I *think* I planted Fritillaria this past fall; I would check, but I can’t find where I put my bulb order receipt.* In any case, the flowers are gorgeous so I hope I did do! (*I’d like to mention I hate papers. I pay almost all of my bills online, opted out of junk mail years ago, don’t get a newspaper, etc., but I still have piles and piles of papers. Why?!)

    Hi Monica, yes they are! Didn’t I mention that? HA, just joking around with you. I love papers, being an accountant and all, but still have way too many piles and have a hard time finding that one piece of paper when it is needed, the reason it was saved, right? There are many types of fritts, the little ones are way easier but the big ones are so showy!

  20. Phillip says:

    Great photos – spring is almost here! I got the seeds yesterday – thank you so much!

    Hi Phillip, thanks. My pleasure to send you the seeds. Grow them in good health. I loved your Oscar party spread!

  21. Kathleen says:

    Oh Frances, I can’t wait to see that tree peony in bloom. I bought one a long time ago and had to leave it when I moved. I’ve always wanted another. I’m going to click the back post and read up as I missed it. It is so true that a lot of squinting is done in spring, and bending and stooping and for me scraping of the mulch to check what’s underneath. It’s a crazy time. Looks beautiful already in your yard. I’m so excited to see Fritillaria Uva Vulpis (I bought some of those bulbs last fall along with Persica, Meleagris and Michailowski). It’s going to be fun this spring to watch. Lovin’ that striped leaf foliage on the tulips too. You sure did a great job bringing spring to life today.

    Hi Kathleen, thanks so much. The tree peony is a big deal here, it only stays in bloom for a day or so depending on the weather. So sorry about your having to leave one, they take a long time to get going and cannot be moved. I have spent a whole lot of time on bended knee scratching in the mulch to find that certain bulb that I know is here somewhere. It is too fun! I like the meleagris too, but they are so small. Persica has not been good for me, not even coming up the first year planted a couple of times. The raddeana was a pleasant surprise, I will get more of those.

  22. annetanne says:

    Yes, we can’t deny it any longer, spring is really in the air. During every garden walk, I discover new shoots.
    We have been waiting long for them this year, but now it goes with an unbelievable high speed!

    Hi Anne, thanks for visiting. Yes, finally things are starting to happen, and as you say quite fast!

    I tried to find the English summary on your blog, but could not find your post in English. 😦

  23. Catherine says:

    Lot’s of things coming up there. I love the fritillary and the tulip foliage is very pretty. I don’t think I’ve seen any like that before. I’ve noticed my tree peony has quite a few new leaves opening now. I just hope they nice big flower buds inside! 🙂

    Hi Catherine, hooray for your tree peony showing new growth. I was very surprised to see the buds at that stage so soon. My other tree peony, a white one that is a few years older and always has many flowers is not showing buds that far along. Don’t know what it all means?

  24. It was almost shocking to see Uncle Ernie in a sea of green with white flowers at his feet. I looked closer and saw a few new sprouts in the patch of Euphorbia today. They got cut down in yesterday’s cleaning event. They are definitely tough. Got squashed when the new power pole went in and came right back.

    Would you believe I was actually hot today. 59 degrees and sunny. I was feeling warm. Now the next weather approaches.

    Hi Christopher, I would believe it. We were 70 today and my black jacket really heated up when the sun was shining on its back. 🙂 I had two photos of Uncle Ernie, a fall and the Mother’s Day one which was used. So pretty and it will be even better this year. I am excited about the Euphorbia and might move it to a prime location soon. The weather man can’t decide if we are going to get two inches of rain or two inches of snow! Typical.

  25. Yay!Spring is on the way! So many things emerging from the ground. I envy you colder climate gardeners ability to plant spring bulbs.

    Hi Karrita, thanks so much. The northerners think we are southern and the southerners think we are northern! HA But really we are considered the mid south, but Southern Living magazine anyway. 🙂 We are just on the edge of being able to grow the tulips and other bulbs that need the chill winter provides, and can grow the species lilacs too. On the other end we can gorw crepe myrtles and just barely camellias and rosemary. We are very lucky for what we can grow, and thankful about it too. Living in Houston and southern CA I did miss the spring bulbs very much.

  26. Kathy in Napa says:

    Frances, splendid photos . Is there anything mor exquisite than the first shoots of spring ? (well ok, maybe the first flower of Abraham Darby) Here in zone 9 we have been having small spring events for a few weeks. Phillip is spot-on when he mentions the bending and stooping -the posture of the early spring gardener. Sometimes it would be useful to have eyeballs in your ankles !

    Hi Kathy, eyeballs on your ankles, what a funny thought! HA I spend nearly all of my gardening time in that crouched position and wonder if the muscles in my thighs are stronger or weaker for it! 🙂

  27. Signs of spring all over! I’m surprised that you’re active even though it’s cold there, but am glad that I get to see your efforts, all the same. I love tulips and would be eager to see yours blooming this spring.

    Hi Chandramouli, thanks and welcome. I am active all the time, can’t sit still type of person. HA It is looking promising for the tulips this year, several new ones were planted last fall in containers. I do that and when everything is up and blooming I can see where there is a spot for them that has nothing else planted in it and the color would look good. And many congrats on your *baby* becoming a mother with those beautiful pink blooms. 🙂

  28. Frances,

    I’m catching up after 2 days of no web access – AT&T shipped us a new modem that arrived today.

    I was drooling over Annie’s Annuals catalog this morning and highlighting plants that are deer resistant! Her slideshows are just amazing. I want to go to California just to see her gardens in spring!

    Hope it doesn’t snow here on Sunday. It’s starting to look like spring and I don’t want the cold weather anymore!

    Takre care,
    PS Sent you an email

    Hi Cameron, thanks for visiting. That is awful to not have internet! We have become quite attached to it, haven’t we? I will have to check those Annie’s slide shows out, that is a great nursery. I have ordered from them, long ago and got the Sweet Annie artemesia just for the namesake. HA

  29. cheryl says:

    Ahhh, colour 🙂 There is hope up here as I heard the chortle of a Robin and the Bloodroot is poking thru, woooooo hooooooo!

    Hi Cheryl, thanks for visiting. Wow, the bloodroot up already. I will keep looking for ours, no sign yet. Looking for those things yet to emerge is a big funtime activity in the early spring here. Remembering what is where is a fun pastime too. Already there is tulip foliage sticking up that I have no recollection of planting or being there last year. Love surprises!

  30. andré says:

    It’s nice to see that the garden is about to wake up! I really like those fritts, and also the tulips with the interesting foliage.

    Hi Andre, thanks so much. I loved seeing the final installment of your greenhouse series. It looks like a wonderful jungle!

  31. Joy says:

    Frances .. you have so many interesting Spring plants to bloom soon ? I love them all .. in fact I haven’t met a plant of yours I didn’t like girl ! The pictures are wonderful to see right now .. a very gray day out there this morning.

    Hi Joy, thanks. There will be blooms soon, within a month of some things here. The earliest daffs are open now, and crocus and the little patch of snowdrops. Hellebores, Arnold and Diane and the quince not quite open but showing color. It is exciting to see stuff arise from the ground, even if it will be a while before it blooms. It lives! 🙂

  32. walk2write says:

    Frances, your garden always transports me to a heavenly place. It really is therapeutic to come here and see what you’ve done. You have a special touch.

    Hi W2W, thanks so much, what a great comment. That really pleases me to think of my stories as theraputic for you.

  33. Grumpy Gardener says:

    The most amazing thing about your garden is that apparently its creator is a pileated woodpecker. I can see how you push the shutter button to take all of those beautiful pictures. I just don’t know how you hold the camera steady while you’re doing it.

    HA Grumpy Gardener, thanks and welcome. I love your sense of humor. The about me photo changes periodically and is about due for something new. The woodpecker shot in my pine trees was a thrill for me and I like seeing it everytime I look at the blog. I don’t use a tripod, although I should. The photos are more spontaneous than the way the pros do it. I take a whole lot and hope for a couple of good ones. My camera is set to take a quick shot so my jittery hands don’t mess it up. BTW I thought your camellia shot was perfect. 🙂

  34. If the tulips I put in a big pot, covered with pansies, aren’t even poking their heads out, should I assume the squirrels ate them all? I’d hoped a pot would get cold enough for them since the ground doesn’t. But I don’t see anything yet at all.

    Hi Jill, so sorry you are sick. They might just need more time. I have found that pansies can really slow down the emergence. Lift the pansies gently with a trowel and see if you can see or feel the bulb tips underneath.

  35. TC says:

    “…nothing as alluring as this bud already showing on the Chinese tree peony…” I suppose allure is in the eye of the beholder. I for one will boldly say that that’s one ugly bud! But of course, it’s not alone in its hideousness in early spring, and the unsightly sight soon fades into serious beauty.

    Hi TC, I agree with you, it is kind of weird looking. Usually the buds are smooth and luscious, not kind of wrinkly like this. I am hoping the flower is allright, it has been a colder than usual winter and that bud should not be out in the open like that just yet. That is my opinion anyway.

  36. Jon says:

    Frances, As an old country friend of mine out in the country loves to say: “Ain’t it just wonderful?” when he sees something he really likes. So I’ll borrow his expression and ditto it for this lovely post you shared with us interspersed with your great photos as usual. Isn’t it exciting to see that spring is just around the corner?!

    Jon at Mississippi Garden

    Hi Jon, thanks. It certainly is wonderful to see the beginnings of spring here and there at your place too. I love those old sayings, Tennessee has their share also. 🙂

  37. Monica says:

    Why didn’t I know you’re an accountant? Oh, well. I’m a writer and I still hate paper. I haven’t found my order, but I browsed the company’s website to jog my memory and YES! I did buy (and therefore plant) a Fritillaria–Fritillaria meleagris, snake’s head fritallary to be exact. Man, those are cute! No wonder I ordered them (plus I had a sweet half off dealie bobber thing!).

    HA Monica, I can’t remember the last time I even heard someone say dealie bobber, let alone see it in writing! My husband and I are both accountants, we met at the office, accounting department! Those are cute little fritts, I planted some for the first time fall before last. I only had a few so the show wasn’t much since they are so tiny little things. I am hoping they will multiply, masses are always better than few.

  38. Cinj says:

    Hmm, maybe I’ve got some growth too under all of that snow out there. You’re making me wish for spring even more. Those tulips have devine foliage!

    Hi Cinj, thanks for stopping by. You might have something going on under the snow. In fact there might be a whole lot of stuff going on under there! We all are wishing for spring to hurry up, no matter our location. 🙂

  39. Dee says:

    It won’t be long now. I anxiously await it all. I’m diggin’ that Euphorbia. I find they do extremely well here. However, I’ve sworn off buying any more plants during Lent. Don’t feel bad for me though. Several were ordered and will be delivered before Easter.~~Dee

    Hi Dee, thanks for visiting. Lent would be the prime plant buying season too, wouldn’t it? Good thinking on ordering early. I loved reading about your watching the British gardening shows. They are such a resource for winter weary eyes. But spring is coming soon for us all!

  40. Semi says:

    Ahhhh spring is so close. All your pics are fantastic I am glad we had a couple nice days. When it gets warmer I am laying out of work 4 a day in the garden. C-ya 2morrow if weather is not too bad love semi

    Dear Semi, thanks for visiting. I have missed you and the other kids. I won’t tell your boss about laying out for gardening, there is no better reason to do so. Now all we need is a warm sunny day!
    Love, Frances

  41. Beautiful!!! I am joining the line to add Sedum ‘Matrona” on top of my Lycoris–wonderful combination, and if you say it was by accident I think it was an inspired accident!

    Hi DP, thanks. It was an accident for all the plantings in that border. I needed a filler and Matrona, like sister Autumn Joy can be divided ad finitum so it was spread throughout for a cheap thrill. When the Lycoris came up it made for a big smile.
    ps, website up for The Hop

  42. Lola says:

    Aawww Frances, such beauty for this time of yr. It sure is spirit lifting. I wish I could grow tulips here. My daffies open one at a time.
    I’m hoping that we don’t get anymore freezes. So much to do in the garden. It has been very nice out the last couple days. I have managed to clean up one little bed. Lots more to do.

    Hi Lola, thanks. Don’t work too hard trying to get it all done at once. I do so hope your freezes are done. We will have several more, that is certain. We are at the southern edge of being able to grow tulips and most don’t return very well here. The species ones are best for us about come back year after year.

  43. Wow, Frances…that Chinese Tree Peony is incredible! It’s bud is gigantic! It must be gorgeous in full bloom!
    The tulips w/the lovely foliage are very interesting. I hope they’ll all come up for you and give a beautiful & amazing spring show!

    Hi Jan, thanks. I hope the bud will survive to bloom normally for it is quite early to be showing like that. The tree peonies are such a thrill and last for a very short time but are worth the space that occupy in the garden for that brief show. The tulips are looking good in this their second year. The foliage is a delight for so much longer than the flowers bloom period, worth looking for the greiggii types.

  44. MrBrownThumb says:

    I’m am drooling over here looking at your fritts. I wish I had planted some of those instead of the ones I bought a couple of years ago.

    Nice pics, as always!

    Hi Mr. Brown Thumb, thanks. The F. raddeana were a lucky buy, I had never heard of them but thought what the heck! 🙂 That same year mucho dinero was spent on ten F. persicarias that never even came up, let alone bloom! Lesson learned the hard way. I seem to remember the third bulb being late to show last year also, maybe it is planted deeper or something, like a rock in the way, that happens a lot.

  45. I “see” all sorts of promises of spring.

    Hi Lisa, yes, there are signs all over, even though the weather is forecasting snow for us tomorrow. Typical Tn spring.

  46. I love your idea of growing the Lycoris with the Matrona Sedum (both of which I have). If only I could get the stupid Lycoris to bloom. Spring is sprung at Fairegarden – woohoo!

    Hi MMD, thanks. I have trouble with the Lycoris too. Of five clumps only two bloomed last year. Maybe they need more sun for it has gotten much shadier since they were first planted there. That might have to go on the to do list. Thanks for the reminder.

  47. Racquel says:

    All those little shoots & buds really are exciting at this time of the year when the garden shows much promise for the season ahead.

    Hi Racquel, thanks for visiting. It is starting to get more interesting out in the garden now. With lots more to come. Hooray!

  48. Barbara says:

    What a fun post – like the todays and befores. Made sure my mum (she’s a real fan)checked out your cedar waxwings posting – so glad you’ve made them has a header. I’m over the moon to see one or two in my garden – seeing a whole flock is beyond wonderful.

    Hi Barbara, thanks so much. And thanks to your mum too, Hi there Barbara’s mum! Seeing just one of the elegant birds excites us too, but they seem to travel in large groups as they come through our area twice a year. Maybe coming and going to Canada? They are here a few days then gone. We were lucky this time with the camera and I like to see their photo and had one that would work for the header. It has to be wide and short to fit right and there was one photo that worked well enough to use.

  49. Hi Frances, You are enjoying Spring… and it will be here before too long!! 🙂 Your post is so exciting!

    Hi Shady, thanks. I am so glad you enjoyed the excitement mounting here as the bloom parade begins. 🙂

  50. Frances, Didn’t you post on making concrete birdbaths? I was impressed with your thorough explanation. I made them last year, but I wanted to re-read what YOU did! 🙂 Can you help me?

    Hi Shady, I’ll try. I think it was Marnie who posted about the birdbaths, but my post about troughs links to her post and other info type sites. You can view that here



  51. marmee says:

    so many lovely things to look forward too. happy march to you frances.

    Hi Marmee, thanks for visiting. I enjoyed your family photos and agree your little blue eye is quite grand. 🙂

  52. Genevieve says:

    I’m totally inspired now to plant some fritillaries! They are so pricy that I haven’t wanted to take the plunge, but seeing how gorgeous they are in your garden – I can’t resist! I also love the red-striped tulip foliage. I did Red Riding Hood one year and it has really great foliage too. Tulips don’t last too long in my warm climate, though.

    Thanks so much for the link about troughs and birdbaths. I’m going to go check that out now.

    Hi Genevieve, thanks for visiting, that’s great you are inspired. 🙂 Those large fritts are expensive, that is why I was so bummed about the F. persicaria failure. I am still waiting for the third shoot to push up of the F. raddeana, but two out of three ain’t bad. (Credit to Meatloaf, there. ) I have heard of Red Riding Hood, great name, and will check it out. The flowers don’t last long here either, depending on the weather. Another good reason to grow the pretty foliage ones. Enjoy the trough posts.

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