Here, There And Everywhere

march-9-2009-042-2We would like to introduce you to our little friend, at one time thought to be Narcissus ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’, now believed to be Narcissus pseudonarcissus. He was growing along the foundation of the house next door that was purchased then demolished to build the garage. But not before every single little bulb was dug up and replanted along the fence line for safekeeping. There must have been hundreds of them, so tiny from many years of growing, blooming and naturalizing with no dividing. Each and every bulb, no matter how small, was transplanted to a nice row while the garden was taking shape. Once the trees and shrubs were in, the paths laid and perennials planted, these bulbs were placed in open spots to brighten the February into March scene. It was only last year after careful study of photos and descriptions that this little daff’s name was discovered. The very early bloom time, at least two weeks before any others here, and there are many other varieties, plus the lighter slightly twisted outer petals led us to Rijnveld, Narcissus pseudonarcissus. If anyone knows the correct pronunciation of this name, we would appreciate them letting us know. Right now we say it ridge-N-veld. Added: Thanks to Our Friend Ben for setting us straight with the correction, it should be RINE-veld. Thanks!march-11-2009-034-3He leads us up the path from the deck.march-11-2009-005-3Around the curve along the wall behind the main house.march-9-2009-028-2Past the hillside that is home to the shed.march-4-2009-046-2To the end of the first terrace in front of the pond.march-9-2009-031-2On the other side of the garage deck at the feet of new addition Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’. More needed here.march-9-2009-030-2Along the Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Mops’ hedge clustered at the feet of H.’Diane’. But wait a minute. There are none in the newly unheathered heather bed just off the garage deck.march-10-2009-001-2This must be remedied post haste. A large clump under a shrub over by the fence was dug up and will be spread about with the handy dandy English poacher’s spade, a tool so necessary to our gardening that a spare was recently ordered just in case something were to happen to this one.march-11-2009-daffs-004-2Among the Stipa tenuissima clumps seemed the best place for the daffs. The grass will hide the dying foliage that must not be cut back in order to build up the bulb for next year’s flowers. They won’t be accidentally dug into as the planting of this newly bare bed proceeds either. That is if I can remember they are there when suddenly possessed to move the Stipa. It could happen. It does all the time, the impulse to move something that is fine just where it is. But I digress. This daff is so much earlier than the other ones that planting at least one single bulb next to each of the other daff clumps would help extend the season by several weeks. There are more spots that could use some, many are too small to be blooming yet, but one day they will be a carpet of spring cheer. Like the Beatles song, ”Here, There And Everywhere”.march-11-2009-daffs-002-2Along with showing all the scatterings of this beloved daffodil, the truest sign of spring here, we have tried to give a vision of what the gardens look like in real life, not macro life. What is seen is a steep slope behind the main house, and a more gentle but still sloping garden behind the garage. The quality of the photos is less than good, and for that we do apologize. But for those who crave the close up……march-11-2009-031-2A little color.

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54 Responses to Here, There And Everywhere

  1. Phillip (UK) says:

    It is so good to see life springing up all over your garden.

    Hi Phillip, thanks for visiting. These early daffs are the beginning of the show for us, and there bloom never fails to thrill.

  2. Darla says:

    Just beautiful Frances! Oh, I can’t imagine the photos you will share when it’s all filled in and in full bloom. I just mentioned you in my post this morning!

    Hi Darla, thanks, and thanks for the link love and for letting me know about it. I really really appreciate that. Sometimes I miss the links. WordPress used to have a feature that showed them, but now it shows every single blog that has me on their sidebar too, not enough hours in the day to find which ones are in a post. I am so glad you found some good grasses. I love the carex, your container looks great! The hillside is at its peak late April. There will be lots of photos of that, rest assured. 🙂

  3. ourfriendben says:

    Glorious photos, Frances!!! I believe that’s supposed to be “RINE-veld.” And I love my poacher’s spade, too! It’s the only one I use unless I’m confronting tree roots.

    Hi OFB, thanks for the kind words and a great big hug for the RINE-veld. I had a feeling that wasn’t the right way to say it with the J sound. Much appreciated. My other favorite digging tool is a pick axe! But the spade can do nearly everything around here now that the privet hedge is gone, but those roots will live forever! Loved your Zen of Linus tale! 🙂

  4. tina says:

    A timely post indeed. Fairegarden is popping out everywhere and I also like the quince? It shines. They are digging up the road out front, as such they dug several clumps of daffys from a house two houses down. Guess who got them? There must be 2000 bulbs, very very tiny but still blooming. I wonder if these are the same? these have been here for many years, though they bloomed the same time as the Ice Follies, maybe not the early type. I have been replanting them all in the sleet. The neighbors must think I’m nuts. The work! But all worth it. You know, as it looks stunning on that beautiful hill. Have a great day today Frances.

    Hi Tina, what a woman! I wish I was there to help you, saving bulbs in the blowing sleet would be a fun and worthwhile endeavor! Look at the outer petals to see if they are just slightly lighter in color and twisted to ID them as Rijnveld. My Ice Follies are open also, and Jetfire and a couple of others, but Rijnveld has been open for several weeks. The cool temps will help those flowers last too. Even as they droop a little, from afar the yellow color still looks good. Then the other showier daffs will take over, but they are not as plentiful. I would guess your rescues are the same ones if there are so many little bulbs and they were planted long ago. The bulbs are never very large, even at blooming size. They seem more intent on making more babies, which is fine by me. Spread yours far and wide! 🙂 Yes, the coral flowers are the quince.

  5. Gail says:

    France, Thank you for the name of my sweet little early daffodil…They are delightfully lovely. Fairegarden looks absolutely wonderful…When the tulips open and the late dafs…it will be breath-taking beautiful! What are the evergreens in the stipa bed? Speaking of stipa…it’s lovely even in winter…I heard a rumor that we might get ice pellets…let’s hope not! Gail

    HA Gail, I am often called by this name! Thanks! So glad this is the same as what you have, for they can be divided to the tiniest pea sized bulb and bloom in just a couple of years. It’s the early that makes them so special, along with their numbers. I am still in the process of adding one bulb to each of the other clumps after noticing last year that the yellow was only in certain spots, why not have it all over, duh!!! Our temps are to be slightly higher, just rain this weekend, poor golfing Financier! I left the Callunas in the heather bed, the true heathers really. There are a couple of white Ericas, heaths, closer to the deck that will be kept smaller through pruning. The overgrown heaths were taken out to extend the interest beyond late winter/early spring. This is the experimental Semi Piet bed with grasses and prairie type plants. There are high hopes with this one, but of course it will take much moving and rethinking to get it right, that is the fun of it.

  6. Gail says:

    ps I hope you don’t mind your new shortened name! gail

    HA, see above reply!

  7. Frances,
    Your gardens are so well planned! It’s great to see photos of the “backbones” and paths in winter. The daffs are just beautiful.


    HA Cameron, thanks, but if by well planned you mean moving everything ten times to get it right, then yes it is! The paths sort of made themselves and the rest is constantly tweeked. Two of the pink dogwoods were moved by the backhoe from the back of the main house when we added the addition there and planted on the hillside. Thank goodness the contractor’s men dug the holes, for the root ball was huge. Besides the trees every plant has been moved at least twice. So hard to get that right, then the plants grow and hide the thing behind it, more moving. I believe that is called gardening? 🙂

  8. Dave says:

    It’s a beautiful little daffodil! It’s amazing how many plants the passage of time will bring.

    Hi Dave, it is. This daffodil mulitplies much much faster than any other. At first I thought it was a species, and may be very close to one. It grows quickly to blooming size from the tiniest bulb, very unlike the ones you buy in packs at the big box or elsewhere with the fist sized bulbs, well my fist size anyway. The sight of these blooming all over the hillside thrills me with each glance. The photos do not portray the reality of that view.

  9. LindaLunda says:

    Your garden are… is… are… AMAZING!

    Hi Linda, thanks so much. So glad you like them. Stay tuned for the peak show about the end of April. I will try and show that same long view and all the colors of mid spring, my favorite time in this garden.

  10. Sylvia (England) says:

    Frances, I really must get this daffodil, though it flowers in early February here (in a mild year even in January). I do enjoy the views of your garden, it is lovely.

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

    Hi Sylvia, thanks. Sometimes all those macro shots, while pretty, do not begin to convey what the garden really looks like. Sometimes that is a good thing, like through the winter, and that lull in August before the leaves change color. Spring is its time to shine, and it is just beginning the show. I hope you can get some of the Rijnveld, it deserves a place in every garden where daffs will grow. Spread them far and wide! 🙂

  11. janet says:

    Frances, the daffodils are so bright and cheery. I really like the garden wall and garden above it. Very nice. I too like to see the ‘bare bones’ of the garden. Just lovely.

    Hi Janet, thanks. Glad you liked the view of that half of the garden. We can’t get the whole thing in one shot, but that shows the original planting half. The other side is still being worked and reworked. That is the fun part.

  12. joey says:

    You must be delighted, Frances ~ I know I am simply visiting 🙂 The overall shots give a thoughtful view of your well-planed garden … I’m a bit envious, waiting patiently to dig into the soil.

    Hi Joey, thanks, I am. It brings joy to the heart to look out and see those daffs. They are most concentrated in the area that I view from the sliders in the addition where my days are mostly spent when not outside in the garden. You will be able to dig soon!

  13. cindee says:

    Thanks for sharing your photos I loved seeing your garden Springing to life!!!(-:

    Hi Cindee, thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed the early bird tour. 🙂

  14. tina says:

    I wish you were here too! I thought about offering them out on the blogs, but wound up giving many to some local gardening friends, who will also be busy. I need to make sure Tiger Gardens is good to go for many years too. I will look to see if these are the early ones. I am thinking not since they just began blooming, but it would be neat if they were the same as yours!

    Hi Tina, thinking about the long term makes sense for those of us no longer spring chickens, like you are. I can feel the limitations that will get worse as time goes on and am trying to plan for them. Hope those are our little friend! 🙂

  15. gittan says:

    Frances it’s magnificent! If I’ve got it right, the hole garden is a slope, or? I like the views you show much more than the micro =) I can hardly wait to see it later in the bloming season… It must be great! I’m complaining about my flat garden you know. That’s the reason why we are building a gardenwall, to get some variation from all that flat area. Have a nice day / gittan

    Hi Gittan, thanks. The entire garden and property is on a steep slope, beginning a couple of street above ours and continuing on down for several blocks below. We are kind of in the middle of the sloping land. It has pros and cons, but does not lack for interest! Your garden wall will be wonderful. That is an excellent way to get some change of elevation. And your artichokes are looking fine! 🙂

  16. Catherine says:

    They look so pretty, little bright spots of yellow everywhere. I love your gardens and the hillside area above your home.

    Hi Catherine, thanks so much. So glad you enjoyed the long view. 🙂

  17. Brenda Kula says:

    One thing you don’t have to worry about is having too much flat boring landscape! You have so many slopes and hills, it leads the eye naturally from spot to spot. It’s rained for two days here. And it’s cold to boot. No telling what I’ll find out in the garden once I can actually get out there. There was a nice series of photos in Martha Stewart (last nights reading) about what to do with slopes. Thought of you.

    Hi Brenda, why thank you for thinking of me! If it was that mag pictured on your bed, I have that one too and will look for the slope article, thanks for the tip! No rain here yet, but a cold north wind has us inside today. Hope my seedlings are okay in the cold frame.

  18. Amazing Frances! Congrats on the hard work and vision for the garden. You have blessed a lot of people along the way. Me especially.

    Hi Anna, thanks so much, what a kind and thoughtful thing to say. The garden has been a labor of love that will never be finished, as it should be, or not be I guess is better. 🙂

  19. michelle says:

    such an amazing garden! you have created a piece of paradise!

    Hi Michelle, thanks so much. It looks a little better every year as the trees and shrubs fill out and someone spreads the bulbs more and more. 🙂

  20. Sweet Bay says:

    Your yard is so hilly! You’ve done a beautiful job with it. I love all of the curvy paths.

    Rijnveld’s Early Sensation has been on my to-get list for a while. That and N. pseudonarcissus. I’ve read reports of Early Sensation blooming in December and January in NC.

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks. Hill is the name of the game here, and my legs get quite a work out going up and down so often. Daffs in December would be amazing! Hope you get some and show us the blooms. I love the little species too and have a couple of patches of the Golden Bells and a lot of patches of N. canaliculatus, that one naturalizes rapidly.

  21. Jean says:

    I LOVE where you’ve planted all those daffs. So cheerful! I love the non-macro views because it gives me such a good idea of your garden. It looks great now but I can tell it’s going to look stunning pretty soon!

    Hi Jean, thanks so much. The non macro shots are not nearly as pretty as the garden looks in real life. I couldn’t quite find the right light conditions, either it was too sunny and washed out or cloudy with not enough light. The cloudy is what I ended up using but it really is brighter than that with the yellow blooms all over. It will look pretty good in another month, but for now is plenty pleasing. 🙂

  22. Phillip says:

    Your garden is really greening up. I can’t wait to see it in it’s full glory.

    Hi Phillip, thanks. It’s getting there. The cold may put the greening on hold for the next few days, but when the temps soar again more things should pop open. Typical TN spring.

  23. Rusty says:

    Nice tour, I am glad to see your garden waking up for spring.

    Hi Rusty, thanks. It does look like your garden is awakening too, love the plumeria.

  24. Beautiful – it’s so exciting to see the daily changes in the garden at this time of year. And sights like your daffodils make the heart sing!

    Hi Happy, thanks so much. To think of your heart singing does bring a happy smile to me too. Love your little N. cyclaminius. 🙂

  25. Barbara says:

    It’s all just percolating wonderfully. I bet that chair has never been sat upon, you’ve been very hard at work. RINE-veld (thanks Ben too) is one of my favourites. The first year it bloomed, several folks knocked on my door to ask which grocery store I’d picked up the blooming daffs at and how I was able to hide the pot so successfully. They truly do bloom before anything else.

    Hi Barbara, thanks. Oh, the chair does get plenty of sitting time, mostly during the winter, especially this year. Normal winters here allow for some digging and puttering with coats, hats and gloves. This year the ground was frozen for so much of the time, there was nothing to do. Not even weeding. I loved your Rine story! So glad to hear you have some of the old timers that fool Mother Nature by blooming so early too. HA

  26. Rose says:

    Oh, I think I am in RINE-veld heaven! I’ll have to look for some of these early bloomers this fall…I am so anxious for something blooming now that I keep coaxing my daffodils shoots to hurry up:) I always enjoy seeing the whole garden, not just your beautiful close-ups, Frances.

    Hi Rose, HA, that’s a good one. This daff will bring spring to your place much sooner than others. I have some other varieties that are barely up out of the ground. They may be fancy and prettier, but they are nearly as welcome. Rine is what I would have if only allowed one. How horrible is that thought!!! Glad you liked the long views, even before the trees leaf out. It’s more like being here in person, but not as nice. 🙂

  27. jeff-nhn says:

    One of my very favorite flowers the daffadil. We are getting close to our starting to appear. Your garden is simply amazing!

    Hi Jeff, thanks for stopping by.

  28. Pam/Digging says:

    Ooh, just look at that hillside nodding with daffodils. Thanks for the long shots again, Frances. I’ll remember your tip about planting them amid the Stipa.

    BTW, did you build your many walls yourselves or hire it out? They are very nice, but they look like they would have been a real job to build.

    Hi Pam, thanks. They are nodding, aren’t they? Daylilies make excellent neighbors for daffs and tulips too. We hired the large block wall behind the main house built. It took machines to excavate and pound the gravel base and several very large men to build it in one day. Each of those blocks weighs 80 lbs! I can’t even lift the one we have as a little bench that was left over. I built the stacked stone walls and pond. The Financier built the block walls behind the garage. There were steps and block walls already built with the house next door that are still standing to the left of the garage deck. The main wall is a thing of beauty with the curve and moss.

  29. Love the Daffodils all over, like little spots of sunshine.

    Hi MMD, thanks. All that bulb spreading is paying off. Too many is not enough. 🙂

  30. It is fun to see the overall pictures of your garden at this time of year Frances. All of those daffodils are so cheery. I bet you can’t help but smile every day you look upon your garden while the Mr Rhineveld is blooming.

    Hi Lisa, thanks. There is nothing earlier that makes as much impact as the large numbers of Mr. Rine on the hillside. There are more spread about that are not large enough to be seen, and more to plant, but one can begin to see that sea of daffodils Wordsworth spoke of. 🙂 A worthy goal.

  31. Teza says:

    No sense beating around the bush….. do you need a relatively cheap gardener for the season…one who would substitute monetary rewards for a meagre roof over his head???
    Your propery is beyond words and my wildest dreams. Another gorgeous post my friend!

    HA Teza, thank you for that kind offer. Someday I may actually need some gardening help, but for now I am managing. You are certainly welcome to visit anytime you want though. 🙂

  32. I got my first Rijnvelds this year and while they didn’t bloom ahead of everything else on their first year, they are charming. It’s great to see how yours have spread, and how two-tone they are. In my post on mine, I noted that they didn’t go two-tone except for the green stars on their backs. In yours, I can definitely see the two-tone thing. Soil? Climate? The catalogue I got them from says they’re two-tone, so I don’t think it’s varietal differences.

    Add me to the list of poacher’s spade fans, and fans of your garden.

    Hi Pomona, that’s great. I think the outer petals become later after the bloom has been open a while. See what time of year they bloom next time, you are right in that the first year is usually off by a couple of weeks, if not more. Loved Sylvia’s cardoon post. I must give that another go in a better spot perhaps, for I love that form.

  33. Frances~
    What a treat to have spring daffodils blooming so early. I love the bursts of color they provide in your garden.

    Hi Karrita, thanks. Your garden is a delight!

  34. Lola says:

    OMW FRANCES, your garden is fantastic, marvelous, gorgeous & simply out of this world in beauty. I love all those daff’s placed in just the right place. No wonder you have that laid back chair facing the windows looking out over all this gorgeousness. Spring is definitely at your garden.

    Hi Lola, thanks. Spring is getting here, that’s for sure. More daffs need to be spread among the later bloomers, I see. A good task for a cool day like today.

  35. Kathleen says:

    FaireGarden is really looking sensational Frances. I already think the daffodils are here, there and everywhere. Many, many more than I have here. Like little spots of yellow sunshine all over your fabulous garden. You know how that last macro fed my soul, but I do appreciate your overviews. I need to work on that in my own garden photos. Thanks for the beautiful visions of spring (you are much further along than we are in zone 5).

    Hi Kathleen, thanks. I am so glad you enjoyed the long shots too. Someday maybe I can figure out the best setting to take a prettier shot from that view. It really is brighter in real life. Spreading the daffs is very satisfying work, especially the next spring when one can reap what has been sown! 🙂

  36. Monica says:

    Wow, Frances, your garden is just so beautiful! I love all the little touches and of course all the plants. I have a fairly large lot for living in city limits and even after six and a half years, I struggle to be able to fill in so much plant material, especially spring bloomers. Your garden is indeed both faire and fairy-tastic!

    HA Monica, thanks so much. I am the queen of dividing, and bulbs are just too easy to not do it. They grow better, your garden is all filled in and think of the exercise! Spring is the best time too, not matter what the books say. You can see where the gaps are that need some color. I especially like to get those pots of preplanted bulbs on sale at the big boxes and grocers, anything but tulips will return nicely and they just about give them away after the blooms are finished. Just a tip there. 🙂

  37. Carol says:

    Charming! Frances I am so happy to have found your garden and look forward to leaf and blossom unfolding! I envy you so … not one site of bishops weed that has overtaken my perennials. An enchanting garden that is an amazing accomplishment. Just how large is it ? … seems endless and magical.

    Hi Carol, thanks and welcome! No bishops weed here, but plenty of others, the worst offenders are henbit, oxalis, wild onions, wild strawberries (not the good tasting ones) and violets. Not to forget honeysuckle, privet, poison ivy, let’s see, who am I leaving out? 🙂 Our property is three city lots, about 1/3 acre. Your vixen sighting was incredibly beautiful.

  38. Becky says:

    What beautiful photos…your garden will be beautiful soon…so happy to find another Tennesseean out here…

    Hi Becky, thanks and welcome. It is nice to know another TN blogger also. I look forward to getting to know you better! 🙂

  39. Racquel says:

    It really is here, there & everywhere in your garden. Looks like a wonderful early blooming Daffodil to me. Your garden is really looking great right now. I love the different levels of your garden. It must be a spectacular view from your home when it’s in full glory! 🙂

    Hi Racquel, thanks. The hill has pros and cons, but we might as well concentrate on the pros since we are stuck with NO level ground anywhere. One of the pros is being able to see the hillside well. Originally there were larger shrubs, oak leaf hydrangeas, planted on the hill. They grew too large and blocked the smaller things. Now I know better. The quinces are kept pruned small and the only big things are the dogwoods which have been limbed up. Behind the garage is a different arrangement. That garden is viewed from outdoors on the decks rather than inside the house so has the larger stuff, like the deciduous azaleas, witch hazels, viburnums, tall grasses, things like that. Our best moment is in mid to late April, but we are working on having it look good all year. That is harder than it sounds. 🙂

  40. easygardener says:

    I was looking at a Poacher’s spade in a catalogue and was quite taken with it. I could do with a shiny, new gardening tool!
    I like what you have done with the hillside bit of your garden. I could do with something like that so I could look up into the faces of my Hellebores.

    Hi EG, thanks. That spade is the go to tool here. I am not large, and it just fits my size and strength. It does need sharpening at the moment, and I am careful not to leave it out in the wet for fear of the wooden handle rotting, but the back up seemed like money well spent. That size is hard to come by. Most tools seem made for large men rather than small women. About the hellebores, one still has to get on the ground to look up, or chuck them under the chin for a peek inside. The inside of a hellebore is the most mysterious of flowers, freckles or no? And thanks for that info about the bog container! It is going on my to do list. 🙂

  41. Lareine says:

    you must have a lot of patience digging up and planting again all those daffodils!… and you have a very lovely garden — i like the idea of terraces! you can view all the beautiful blooms from the center, like a “flower amphitheater” :)… the panorama must be spectacular when the warm season comes!

    Hi Lareine, thanks. I am very detail oriented, the more minute and intricate the task, the more I love doing it. With the daffodil spreading, it a labor of love, for the sight of these all over the hillside is worth all the seperating and replanting. I just did a bunch more today. Too many is not enough! Walking the garden paths, something I try to do several times a day, is a great joy, it’s true. Sometimes I hold a chair to my backside to be able to sit and ponder a certain spot, then get up and move to another spot. It works for me. 🙂

  42. I would love to be able to come and spend time waling through your garden Frances .. it is absolutely wonderful.

    Hi Crafty, I would love that too, thanks. 🙂

  43. Alice Joyce says:

    Delectable visit to your early spring garden Tennessee, AND I didn’t have to deal with the airport!!

    Hi Alice, thanks so much. Ah, the joy of the internet. What did we do before this was available? Books, perhaps? Think of the time spent to get those travelogues from writer to the reader’s hands. We are indeed spoiled. 🙂

  44. TC says:

    Ever hear of a “March lily?”

    Hi TC, I had not. But dear Google to the rescue tells me it is the Amaryllis belladonna. Now that I do know, sort of. I planted several packs of those bulbs one year, hoping for growth, but a few leaves is all that we ever get. Just a little too cold here for them, but maybe one day…

  45. walk2write says:

    Frances, you make it look like gardening on a slope is a cake-walk. Thanks for showing us flat-landers what a little Yankee ingenuity, sweat, and true grit can do.

    Hi W2W, hoo boy, no Yankee here! Only my husband and kids are Yankees. Born and raised in Oklahoma I am not sure what that makes me, we were Indian territory at the time of the civil war, but my family was Southern and that term was not a compliment. But not to be a total snarky snot about it, thanks. 🙂 Maybe you mean Yankee in the European sense, as one from the US? HA The slope was no cake walk, but I did win a cake one time on a cake walk at my elementary school and it was the best cake I have ever eaten. 🙂

  46. lynn says:

    Frances, you call that “a little color”?? Your garden is already gung ho! Your daffs are beautiful and I love the bright pink primroses. Gardener’s Diary just did a show on a bulb farm this past week..I was salavating!

    Hi Lynn, thanks. The garden will have lots more going on soon, there is still a lot of brown leaf ground cover that I am not that happy with. Next year mulch will happen under the silver maple to make a neater presentation. Those primroses are the best and strongest of the grocery bought ones and the color is great with the yellow daffs too. Must look for more of those. That GD show sounds like heaven!

  47. Jen says:

    Francis, what a amazing garden. This is the garden of my dreams, those plants, those rocks……sigh. Beautiful.


    Hi Jen, thanks so much. The garden is in my dreams too, what I need to do to improve it! HA That is the fun of it, figuring out the next tweak to make it better. It can last a lifetime, that is my goal. 🙂

  48. I’ve saved a photo of your beautifully landscaped slope in my “Ideas” file. Our back hill is much steeper (and covered with Evil English Ivy) but I can picture doing something similar. We’ll have to tackle a small portion at a time.

    You are an inspiration!

    Why thank you, Jill, what a high compliment! I must say that the first plant I planted, yes myself, on the hill was English ivy!!!! I soon realized that error in a couple year’s time and worked like mad to dig every single piece of it out. You can do it, and digging is the way. Large clumps come out easily, it is those little pieces that will tortue you. But worth the effort! Vigilence is key too! Good luck.

  49. keewee says:

    What a beautiful garden you have. I would love to have a garden without fences, but we have way too many wild rabbits, and it would cost a fortune to fence all our yard.

    Hi Keewee, thanks and welcome. We are fenced on three sides and have plenty of wild rabbits, among other critters that dig and cause problems in the garden. What would work better is to fence the veggie bed. 🙂

  50. It’s lovely, all of it. All of the hard work and sweat was worth it when you see those gorgeous spring flowers coming into bloom. The stone walls add such a nice ambiance to it all.

    Hi Jan, thanks. We have worked hard on the garden, but love every minute of that. They did a great job on the long block wall. The curve is my favorite part. Stones really add a lot to any garden.

  51. Lisa says:

    Spring is really taking off at your place! BTW, I LOVE the new header picture-did you take it at your haouse? I’ve never seen so many waxwings on the ground like that!

    Hi Lisa, thanks. I did a post about the waxwings visiting called Thirsty Throngs.

    Thirsty Throngs


  52. Pingback: Rijnveld’s Early Sensation |

  53. Your garden is really beautiful. RES looks so much like the Lent lily (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). I love the way they nod.
    I’m going on a daffodil tour in Louisiana and Texas later this week. I am really psyched but hate to leave my own garden right now.
    What a dilemma!

    Thanks and welcome, Gail. You are going to have a great time on the daffodil tours. Your garden will wait for you, but might pout a day or two 🙂

  54. Pingback: Daffodils 2010 « Fairegarden

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