Fairies Part One

We are coming up on the longest day of the year. The celebration of Midsummer’s Eve was from ancient times linked to the summer solstice, falling this year on June 21. This is a very active time for fairies all over the world. We are preparing the garden to attract the most fairies possible. We are collecting the plants they love and trying to make the Faire Garden as hospitable to them as we are able. Lucky for us, the plants that the fairies love are also plants that the humans here love as well. Like primroses, all primroses. We have been on a mission to collect as many different varieties of this magical plant as possible. Shown above is primula vialii.


We have posted before about the fairies. You can read about the Fairy Gazebo
here. You can read about Planting For Fairies

The elfin thyme planted in the little pots at the entrance to the fairy gazebo has spread nicely. It may cover the entire pot and cascade over the edges. Hope so. The little piece of shiny glass is something the fairies like also. Having thyme in the garden sends the message that fairies are welcome here. If you lay down in a bed of thyme on midsummer night’s eve, at midnight the fairies may reveal themselves to you, in your dreams.

Inside the gazebo, the moss is soft and cool. We need to do a little housekeeping in preparation for the big celebration coming up. Earlier this spring a large hosta that we had forgotten about showed itself in the middle of the gazebo. That explains why there was an empty space there when a good spot to locate a fairy structure in late winter was being hunted, the dormant hosta had become invisible. Since the structure is held in the ground by the chamaecyparis posts, we had to dig up the giant plant without harming the gazebo. A difficult but not impossible task. There were some epimediums and a columbine that sprouted in there also. The removal of these plants has upset the carpet like look of the moss, but we are working to achieve a smooth seamless bed of spongey green for the fairies’ enjoyment on their big night.
On to the plants that are said to be favored by the wee folk. Ferns are high on that list, for the fronds offer cushy bedding to tired dancing feet. This autumn fern, dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’ is looking colorful and fresh. To the left is a seed grown Japanese maple, now three years old and a foot tall, amid a bed of yellow creeping jenny. A baby tree is prized among the fae, like the young of all living things.
There are many uses for the fine filaments of spider spinnings by the little ones. Lassos for catching a ride on sailing butterflies, twine for bundling belongings when going on a long journey, or sailing like Tarzan through the boughs are among the ways this silken thread is put to work.

Not true primroses, but a clear true yellow color, a fairy favorite, this oenothera, cultivar unknown, has flowers that stay open during the day, unlike some evening primroses. The oil extracted from the flowers is said to have great power revered by the fairies. It is an ingredient in many spells.

Calendula, or pot marigold, is said to be a strong love charm used when the wee folk are looking for their soul mates. We offer these two colors, and wish them harmony of the heart.

No fairy garden should be without foxgloves, digitalis. This seed grown specimen of Candy Mountain has flowers that face up or out, rather than down. Little footprints of the fairies are visible inside this one, some are even larger in size, maybe a sliding cha cha cha was done in here. If you follow the footprints like in a learn to dance illustration, you may find yourself doing the very same dance!

White clover, trifolium repens, is a must for anyone wishing to make contact with the fairies. Search for the four leaf stem to be able to get the x ray vision that will penetrate the fairie’s cloak of invisibility.

Columbine, aquilegia ‘Magpie’ resembles an elaborate bonnet to be worn on special occasions for the more fashion forward among the fae. The root of this plant is said to give courage. Wear an amulet with a bit of the root to keep you fearless when meeting the fairies face to face for some of them have a reputation that is less that stellar.

Fog is mentioned as something the fairies take delight in. We are also delighted when the misty moisty morning graces us with liquid air.

When unearthed in the digging of the veggie garden, this rusted truck brought a squeal of joy, perfect as it is for the fairies to get that load of manure for their magical gardens. The style suggests that this is an older model, favored by motor head fairies who appreciate a well built vehicle.


This is the first in a series of plants and paraphernalia for the pixies among us. Stay tuned for the next installment.


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35 Responses to Fairies Part One

  1. tina says:

    My motorhead hubby would love this old truck! Of course it would be me filling it with manure for the garden. Sigh.

  2. walk2write says:

    You know what digitalis is famous for, don’t you? Stimulating the heart. How fitting that the fairies should be dancing a rhythmic pattern in the blossoms! I can almost hear them tapping away… :>)

  3. Rose says:

    What a delightful post, Frances! As I read this, lines from the famous “Queen Mab” speech in Romeo and Juliet started popping in my bed.
    I’m sure the fairies have gotten wind of all the preparations you have made for them. I’d love to sneak into your garden on June 21 to see them. I do hope you’ll take pictures that night!

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    What an enchanting post Frances. I can just see and hear the fairies cha cha chaing in the foxgloves and professing their love for one another with Calendula in hand in the fairy gazebo. I will certainly be looking forward to more installments of fairy enchantment.

  5. kate smudges says:

    The fairies inhabiting your garden will have much to occupy them and to fill their senses. Lovely post … and I quite like the truck.

  6. Frances, says:

    Hi Tina, that is pretty funny HA. You know who does the hardest work! Thanks for stopping by.

    Walk2write, thanks, yes it is famous for that, but not as well known for the fairy connection. We hope to remedy that!

    Hi Rose, I am a bit of an early to bed, and so on, type of gal, but an exception will have to be made for that night! Thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Lisa, glad to hear you enjoyed part one. They are quite fun to put together. Thanks for visiting.

    Hi Kate, glad to see you. The truck was such a buried treasure, it will be kept always. The fairies have a lot to flit around in here, we like to keep them happy.

  7. Mr. McGregor's Daughter says:

    I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who forgets about where the Hostas are over the winter. Your fairies will be having quite a party come Midsummer’s Eve. The Shakespeare I prefer at this time of year is not Romeo & Juliet, but A Midsummer’s Night Dream.

  8. Frances, says:

    Hi MMD, right you are, Old Bill Shakespeare had the fairies figured out with their big night. I should have known that a patch of earth with nothing planted in it was not normal around here. There is no such thing, we plant wherever there is an inch open. HA

  9. Linda Lunda says:

    Thank you for at outstanding!!!! blogging! I just love this part!!!!

  10. Zoë says:

    I shall look forward to reading all about the wee folk. Love the truck, what a perfect find.


  11. Gail says:


    Faire Garden and these musings have utterly charmed me! Who couldn’t love a garden that welcomed the nature spirits!

    Lovely photos Frances, I love the Foxglove freckles and the Evening Primrose best.


  12. chey says:

    Oh, I love it. What a magical theme! You certainly sound like a fairy expert Frances, and quite tuned in to meeting their needs:).I’m sure they will be most appreciative. I love the moss covered area, as well as all of the wonderful photos of your blooms.

  13. Frances, says:

    Hi Linda, thanks for visiting. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Hi Zoe, thanks for the support. This is a topic close to my heart. The truck was an exciting find for sure.

    Hi Gail, Thanks. Do you have any of the evening primrose? We have spread it all over and it is blooming now along with the Husker red, a good combo. It can be yours also….

    Hi Chey, thanks for stopping by. There is a lot of info on the fairies online, lots of fun stuff. Glad you enjoyed the post, it was fun to do, and there is more to come.

  14. Pam/Digging says:

    For a few days at least, this blog will perhaps be renamed Fairy Garden, eh? All this reminds me of a book about fairy flowers that I used to read to my daughter.

  15. Frances, says:

    Hi Pam, I have several of those Cicely Mary Barker books and love them still. Yes, we are in full on fairy mode right now. Something about the air, maybe? All that honeysuckle and privet fragrance is making me giddy. The financier was working back behind the fence cutting some down and was drenched in the oils from those two shrubs. The whole house smelled like that, he changed his shirt, it still lingered. Today I washed the shirt, it STILL is a honeysuckle sachet! HA. So glad the feed is working, I had to change it for blotanical, which is still not working right, and was worried that it was not done right. Whew. Thanks for visiting.

  16. Blackswamp_Girl says:

    All of your plants are beautiful, as always… but I LOVE the fairy truck! What a fun find. 🙂

  17. Frances, says:

    Hi Kim, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I had a feeling the truck would be the star, even with all the lovely flowers. It is unique!

  18. Gail says:

    Frances, thank you I do indeed have it…it also looks good with some of the blue flowered Salvias.


  19. Frances, says:

    Hi Gail, ah yes, yellow with the blue. I originally purchased it to go with the purple cotinus’ new dark leaves. It spread freely so the extra pieces have been tried out in many places, adding great color at kind of a down time of the season.

  20. Linda Lunda says:

    Hi Frances! could you please tell me about the Greenman? I dont know the storys about them… bur I do love there faces!!! And now I have gott one!!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    I love the newly homed old truck. A perfect addition for your fairy metropolis. You know word spreads pretty quick about “the place to be”. Hope you catch some macro fairy footprints. Much Love, CP

  22. Frances, says:

    Hi Linda, thanks for stopping by. I have left some info as a comment on your latest post.

    Hi Chickenpoet, I do hope the fairies think this is a hot spot, especially on June 20. love.

  23. DP Nguyen says:

    The photographs are simply beautiful! It seems your fairy garden is full of all different colors. It’s just amazing!

  24. Frances, says:

    Hi DP, welcome and thanks for visiting. We are pretty colorful in the garden right now, hope the fairies like color! Thanks for the kind words and good luck with your new garden.

  25. The Garden Faerie says:

    No wonder I haven’t seen any faeries in my own garden–yours is too nice for them to leave!
    ~ Monica

  26. Lisa in CA says:

    What a lovely post, Frances. And the photos are wonderful. I bet you already have many fairies living in your garden already.

  27. Frances, says:

    Hi Monica, thanks for stopping by. Surely there are fairies in your garden, they may be the kind that like to stay below the radar!

    Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting. There are signs of fairy dust about and they may be the responsible parties for my tools being moved around when I go to look for them. Trickster fairies!

  28. Yolanda Elizabet says:

    What a fun post at Faire Garden about Fairies, Frances (and what a lot of F’s in this sentense)! If there is one thing we can say about Faire Garden it is that it’s most certainly very FF (Fairy Friendly).

    Love the little truck, the Fairies will have lots of fun driving it around Faire Garden.

  29. Frances, says:

    Hi YE, thanks for stopping by. The truck was the star of this post it seems. It is unusual in its age and appearance. Perfect for a fairy hot rod!

  30. Kylee says:

    Francis, what a charming post! I just planted Primula vialii for the first time this year and I am loving it! Your garden is indeed a magical place!

  31. Frances, says:

    Hi Kylee, thanks for stopping by. We are excited about that primula and have been given it extra care to ensure its survival. We shall see how it endures the summer heat.

  32. Kylee says:

    Well, as you know, your blog is on my list of favorites, but we’ve been so incredibly busy here in the garden, that I’ve not had much time to be spent on the computer. Even writing for my own blog has fallen behind! And that’s why the daffodil pictures are just now being shared!

    For sure, I’ll be back again soon. I’ve missed just reading other blogs!

  33. Pingback: Fairies Part Two « Fairegarden

  34. Pingback: Beefing Up The Fairy Gazebo « Fairegarden

  35. Pingback: How To Make A Fairy Broom When The Need Arises « Fairegarden

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