Wait Nancy!*

february-2-2009-snow-012-2It started like any other day. The lazyboy had been turned around to view the outdoors from the wall of glass sliders in the addition while doing some blogging. The chair is turned away from the doors at night to view the television. It was raining. Sigh. No work outside today.february-2-2009-snow-020-2But those were sure some weird looking raindrops. Are there leaves falling off the trees still? No, the branches are bare. Could it be snowflakes? That is not what the weather man said to expect today, when I got up this morning it was 51F. But this is definitely snow.february-2-2009-snow-030-2It is really coming down too. My mother used to say it was raining, or snowing, or whatever, to beat the band. I never understood what that meant until now as those are the words that come to mind to describe what is happening outside. Beating the band meant dancing faster than the tempo of the music. Speed, fast, hurrying, ahead of the metronome. That is the way it is snowing.february-2-2009-snow-014-2Let’s check out the front door. Ooh, the winterberry hollies look good still. Look at those big discs falling from the sky.february-2-2009-snow-018-2It is sticking to the road. There will be no fun trip to the grocer’s today it seems. Good thing we are well stocked with milk, bread and toilet paper, the big three that fill the carts when bad weather is forecast.february-2-2009-snow-035-2There are tire tracks on the street now. It must be my neighbor across the way, he has a big four wheel drive truck and it is not in the driveway now.february-2-2009-snow-029-3Poor Athena. The snow is up to her nostrils. She will not be able to breathe.february-2-2009-snow-023-2And poor Mister Cardinal. Seeking shelter under the dreadful television satellite dishes, he looks forlorn and cold. And beautiful.
* The charming Nancy Bond of Soliloquy was hosting a meme of the first snowfall of the season. Just today in a comment on her February muse day post I told her we are often quite late in the winter before our first real snow. Then it started snowing. But she has taken down her link. Maybe she will see this and put it back up for us better late than never southerners. Looks like there were some UK bloggers in the same situation, Nancy. 🙂

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47 Responses to Wait Nancy!*

  1. Brrr! It looks so very cold. I hope you’re bundled up warm and toasty while enjoying the pretty snow fall.


    Hi Karrita, thanks. It was warm before daybreak but the temperature dropped very quickly and is supposed to be in the 20s tonight. That will mean ice on the roads tomorrow morning. I don’t drive in those conditions, the public is better off for that too. 🙂

  2. HelenJ says:

    I really love the series you have taken on your garden, you can actually watch the snow layer is getting thicker….

    Hi Helen, thanks and welcome. We only get one or two snows like this a year and this time the camera was ready, if surprised! 🙂

  3. Robin says:

    That was a nice surprise! Your snow covered garden is beautiful!

    I actually love to watch it snow, I just hate when it stays on the ground for days melting and refreezing. Lilly had trouble walking on it today. I was concerned she would get hurt.

    Hi Robin, thanks so much. Our snow will not last too long, but I hope there are no icy patches on the road, that is the worst around here. Do take care of yourself and sweet Lilly.

  4. Gail says:

    Dear Frances, Wonderfully beautiful! The garden always lovely, looks especially delightful. The red holly berries and the cardinal are made to be back dropped with snow. This was the post I was hoping to write but you got the moisture;-) It is brisk out there with blue skies….Have you the awful forecast for 18 degree temps for the next two nights? The snowfall will be good to have insulating the plants. gail

    Hi Gail, thanks. Our snow was not expected for a couple of days and iffy then. It was pouring rain as the day began and while I was sitting there typing the rain started looking bigger, and slower and then it was snow. I don’t know how it was possible because it was so warm, but the temps dropped very rapidly. The low for tonight is forecast at 26F on the computer here. There can be great variation from Chattanooga to Knoxville though, so who knows. This is our first real snow this season and it is a pretty one. It is supposed to be quite cold this weekend. Boo.

  5. Weeping Sore says:

    I love comparison before/after pics. Looks like you picked a good day to stay inside. The road in front of your house looks delightfully non-suburban. I knew you had a lovely garden, and now I realize you inhabit a lovely country too.

    Hi WS, thanks. I would much rather be outside, but pouring rain that turns to snow will keep me in. We are in a unique situation with our street. It is not a dead end, but there are so few houses, and very little traffic. We look out the front to our dear neighbors’ yard with a huge park like garden on five city lots. We have three lots ourselves, one of the reasons there are so few homes on the street. It is why we bought the property. The houses are very modest, we like it like that.

  6. I consider this a lovely surprise Frances. Your garden looks like it was dusted with powdered sugar. It looks sweet.

    Hi Lisa, thanks so much. It was certainly a prettier view out today. And the birds really were so much easier to spot too, even the little brown jobs. 🙂

  7. Catherine says:

    Sometimes unexpected snow can be a fun surprise. You have some beautiful views out your window! Stay warm.

    Hi Catherine, thanks. The snow does wonders for the browns and grays out there. The birds show up so well too.

  8. Brenda Kula says:

    Those are indeed the big three to stay stocked up on! I know when I visit my daughter in Oklahoma, she always says, “And Mother, we have lots of toilet paper in the cabinet. Just the kind you like.” Because I seem to have this history of always (when they were kids I guess) being rather panicked when we got down to one or two rolls of toilet paper. Hence, they stock up when I’m coming.

    Hi Brenda, it sounds like you have your priorities straight! HA How thoughtful of daughter to get the kind you like too. Running out of that item is unacceptable!

  9. nancybond says:

    Pure magic, Frances! Your property has been transformed. I’m so sorry about the link, but I took that page down on the 31st. 😦 Next year, I’ll leave it up until the first day of Spring, perhaps? Thanks for playing along! We’re expecting a major storm tomorrow…ugh.

    Hi Nancy, thanks. No way to persuade you to put it back up? Oh well, maybe next year we can convince the snow to come sooner. But it is more likely to be later here, if at all. Our biggest snow ever was in March, about two feet! Sorry you will be getting yet more, I know it has lost the romance that ours still has for us. It is already melting.

  10. Shirl says:

    Hi there Frances, yep we had the same stuff covering our garden today too. Love your series of photos! I didn’t take any pics of the garden as it was coming down too hard and blowing against the window most of the day. I got a small series of bird shots through the window when it was clear (posted on my birdphotos blog). Our birds were taking cover today too at times. Then they were seen frantically trying to find the food before it got covered in snow again. Yes, do keep warm 😀

    Hi Shirl, thanks. The birds were quite active here in the snow. It was so easy to spot them with the white background too. There were even some first timers for this season under the feeders. Maybe their food was covered in snow and the sunflower seed was in abundance on the ground. You too stay warm!

  11. easygardener says:

    So you got snow too. Isn’t it great (particularly when we know it won’t last). Poor Mr Cardinal looks very out of place. Those bright red feathers deserve a party in the sun!

    Hi EG, thanks. Yours was so pretty, I love the hats on your feeders. Ours has already started to melt, one has to be quick with the camera when it does snow her. The cardinal shows up better than the other birds even against the normal grays and browns but against the white snow they shine like a flame! It reminds me that more red flowers need to be added to the garden. HA

  12. Racquel says:

    Isn’t that how it always is in our neck of the woods Frances. It just takes so long for it to get cold enough here to snow. Your garden is very pretty with the nice frosting of snow. 🙂

    Hi Racquel,thanks. And yep, it always comes later in winter for some reason. We have had some really cold temps too, but this snow is a day early! I am amazed at how the snow dresses up the dreary garden, especially the evergreens. But I am glad it melts quickly too.

  13. Pam/Digging says:

    That snowfall is so fresh and lovely. What a pleasant surprise–especially if it disappears as quickly, eh, Frances? We Southerners don’t enjoy being snowed under for long, do we?

    Hi Pam, thanks. Yes, one of the best things about it is that it doesn’t hang around and wear out its welcome. I will need to get out tomorrow and hope the streets will be cleared. They don’t even have snowplows here but they have salt. Don’t know if our little street will get any, sometimes we don’t. Once I get out of our neighborhood it should be okay.

  14. Joy says:

    Frances ! Athena needs the snorkel QUICKLY !
    This is really cute because I see that mass panic idea happening to people thinking a storm is going to shut down everything (in your area it could be true !) but here where we should know better ? .. it still happens .. Now I feel guilty for letting Dave and the Benchwarmers smother under the snow drift they are in … LOL

    Hi Joy, snorkel, that’s the ticket! You will need a fellowship air mask for your guys, one bag, several tubes! Our snow is a day and a half earlier than what was predicted. The grocery must be in a tizzy! Just so we don’t run out of fudge.

  15. tina says:

    Ha! Bread, milk and TP are the big three huh? Too funny. I totally agree with you on those winterberries they sure are pretty. And to beat the band, I still like that saying and now I know what it means. I too went to Nancy’s and actually left a comment on the snowfall post as we just had ours two weeks ago. When I went back to post it all the comments were gone so I figured it was closed out. I see I am not the only one. We are late always every year here in Tennessee. I think only once in December did we get snow. I kind of like it like that. Well there is next year. I was wondering what the Wait Nancy was for, now I know:)

    Hi Tina, yes, those are the big three that will sell out first and are in every cart. Nancy did close it out, she said, but that she would keep it open longer next year. We got way more snow, nearly three inches, than anywhere else around us, for some reason. Hope that means we will get more rain this summer.

  16. Isn’t it interesting how quickly the world goes from full color to black & white? It all looks lovely under the snow. And Mr. Cardinal should toughen up, his cousins here in IL put up with that all the time.

    Hi MMD, it really did make the garden look so magical. And our birds are wusses, I agree. So are the humans, our schools are closed tomorrow.

  17. Lythrum says:

    We had a forecast for snow today at the end of last week. Over the weekend it got modified to rain. I can’t say that I’m that disappointed because I *hate* having to go to work when the roads are bad. But it would be so nice to get a really good snow, even if it was only here for a few hours. 😉 Nice pictures!

    Hi Lythrum, thanks. Our forecast was for rain! I hate driving in it too, but need to go to the store today, again and there is ice on the roads. Yuck, but the snow was pretty. It is still there in places, but clumpy, not drifty like it was in the beginning.

  18. Dear Frances,
    Your snow is heading over the mountains tonight and our forecast is for anywhere from “a dusting to 3 inches” for morning.

    We drove 6 hours round-trip day for a writing assignment of mine, but we saw daffodils and camellias in bloom. A bright spot! Since I don’t have to use those for my assignment, I’ll post photos.

    Stay warm! Glad you’ve got all the necessities! 🙂


    Hi Cameron, thanks, we are set with the big three but now need a few other things so I have to go out and there is ice out front and the schools are closed today. Yuck. I am so thrilled about your daffodil, it shouts out the spring is coming soon!

  19. Apparently here in the UK we have had the heaviest snowfall in 18 years. (Although we did not have it too bad in Wales … yet!)
    Last year we had snow in April – so there is no rhyme nor reason some years. Nice to see your snow pictures.

    Hi Karen, thanks. Your snow was fantastic and even made the TV news here. I do hope all the lore is spot on! 🙂

  20. Lola says:

    Frances, what lovely pix. It’s very pretty to watch the difference in the amount of snow that has fallen. Poor Mr. Cardinal looks so forlorn. It’s a shame he couldn’t find a warmer place. Maybe it won’t stay long on the ground.
    Hope you are well & stay warm.

    Hi Lola, thanks. It was fun watching the snow pile up so fast from the warm and comfy lazyboy. I do hope the birds found cover. There are many good spots for them, large brush piles all around the property edges and many evergreens. It is still here, although not nearly as pretty and the schools are closed. We got way more than any of the surrounding areas and more is forecast.

  21. Dave says:

    Wow. We had a nice sunny day here in Mid TN today! It was supposed to snow tonight here according to the forecasts several days ago. Those hollies look great out there in the snow!

    Hi Dave, thanks. The holly berries just jump out with all that white. The photo did not do the scene justice. Snow was not forecast here for today, just rain and it was super warm. This was quite a surprise.

  22. marmee says:

    hey glad to see you using the witchhazel on your header.
    we have been expecting snow but no such thing just ucky, cold, and rainy off and on.
    snow makes everything look so beautiful in the winter.

    Hi Marmee, yes, thanks for that idea. It took about a hundred photos to get one that was low and wide and showed the flowers properly. The snow transformed the garden.

  23. chuck b. says:

    Quite remarkable to see your colorful front yard converted to black and white like that. Everyone says it’s lovely, but I think it’s depressing. Sorry, that’s me.

    Hi Chuck, you are so funny. If you could see the gardens in real life, the photos do not begin to convey the beauty, you would not be depressed. There is much color out there from the blue star junipers, many greens and the gold chamaecyparis, but the light was so low from the clouds that it just looks black and white in the photo.
    Frances, medicine woman

  24. A beautiful series of photos, Frances! It looks so pretty when it first snows…until it’s been there for a few days, then it’s not so white and fluffy anymore! Enjoy it while it lasts.

    I am in the same situation as you. I didn’t send my link to Nancy because there was only 1 more day left when I posted my snow photos, but I did tell her about it. She took it down, though, anyway:(

    My excitement came from having it snow at all…I was just so excited to finally get some snow. I thought I was one of the last. I guess not-based on what you just showed us! We’re getting some more tomorrow!!!

    Hi Jan, thanks. It was the prettiest I can remember and is still there, but not so pretty now. More is in the forecast. I think Nancy is going to leave her link up longer next year for us late bloomers! 🙂

  25. andré says:

    Beating-the-band-snowing… that’s a good expression to know! Though I guess you weren’t hoping for snow now, your garden still looks really nice.

    Hi Andre, thanks. We were not hoping for snow, we are hoping for an early spring, but this was pretty. It is still out there today, though, and not as enchanting. 🙂

  26. gittan says:

    Poor Athena! I surely hope she makes it! Purhaps she could use a straw to breath thrue??? Beating the band, such a good expression. We had snow during a feew days but it’s gone again. Winter is late in my part of the country as well, so we’ll probably get our share some day. I hope it doesn’t stay for long – we want spring not winter / hugs gittan

    Hi dear Gittan, thanks, a straw is a great idea! I too am hoping, dreaming, waiting for spring. There are so many signs of its approach with bulbs out of the ground and buds swelling. Daffodils will begin to bloom this month, snow or not!

  27. It’s official, you had snow! We had snow here too yesterday, only a light dusting of snow in the morning, but snow nevertheless. In the afternoon it started to rain so it’s all gone now. How about yours?

    Hi YE, happy 2nd blogaversary, my dear! We ended up with three inches of snow here, much more than any other place in our region, and it is still there with more in the forecast. It is not nearly as pretty as it was yestereday and the street in front of my house is full of large chunks of ice. It is quite cold and will be very cold tonight and tomorrow, so it will not melt. Time for a large pot of soup!

  28. Darla says:

    Oh my goodness Frances. Glad you have that chair you can just swivel around according to the weather.

    Hi Darla, thanks for visiting. It was startling to see the rain turn to snow. More is in the forecast too and it is very cold so it won’t be melting soon. I wish my chair swiveled, I have to physically turn it around every day. Well, I don’t HAVE to but want to look out at the garden during the daylight hours. We close the shades at night so I might as well face the TV even if I am not really watching it.

  29. Jan says:

    The weather certainly has been strange this year. Your late snowfall, however, certainly made everything look so peaceful and quiet, even it it was snowing “to beat the band”

    Always Growing

    Hi Jan, thanks. I agree completely. It has been so much colder and for longer stretches here than other winters. We normally have more warm days interspersed with the cold dreary ones, and more sun. The snow is welcome for the change of the view out the window, if nothing else.

  30. Randy says:

    *sigh!* I don’t guess we are even going to see a snowflake this year! Oh well, Maybe next year.

    Hi Randy, so sorry you didn’t get this batch of snow, but there is more in the forecast and it is supposed to dip down pretty far south. Too bad with the snow comes the cold too, we wouldn’t want to see your flowers get damaged, especially Jane! 🙂

  31. Hi Frances,
    Gosh, we didn’t get any snow but they’re calling for it today. Not a flake yet! Our trip to the store for m/b/&tp is planned for today! great photos as always. I like the way you respond in each comment box. Can’t figure out how to do that on blogger.

    hi Kathy, I am surprised you didn’t get any and we did. This was a weird bit of weather. It remains snowy and icy here with more snow in the forecast and much colder temps to come. Must go to the store! About the comment box, as far as I know, blogger does not have it, but they should. It makes it so easy to see if there has been a reply to a comment. I just figured out how to make my reply stand apart from the comment by using the blockquote function. I am a bit of a novice in the techie department, but will click on things just to see what happens. If you are a techie, or even if you are more like me, wordpress offers way more control over those types of things.

  32. Rose says:

    Your garden looks beautiful with all the snow, Frances. It started snowing again here during the night, and I’m not sure I can make it out my driveway today. The thrill of the first snow is gone for me:) This has been a strange year for weather–I’ve seen all the snow on some UK posts as well.

    Hi Rose, thanks. I am going to be trying to get out too. There is not a big pile of snow, but the driveway is steep and covered in icy hard snow. If I can get beyond our street the main roads are probably salted. That UK snow was even on the news on TV. Really unusual. Stay safe and warm, Rose.

  33. commonweeder says:

    Frances, I loved the series of photographs, and I am making a note to try and do something similar. I also appreciated your explication of ‘beat the band’. The fine snow that is falling here this morning is just lazing along.

    Hi Pat, thanks. It was raining like mad then there were these large discs falling from the sky. I couldn’t believe they were snowflakes for it was still raining too. Then it all changed over and I wondered if the camera could capture how fast it was coming down. It was only an hour or two that the series of photos was taken, just standing on the porches so as to not get wet. We are supposed to get more too. I must go to the store. Again. I made that up about the beating the band, didn’t check it on wiki, but that explanation makes sense to me so I am sticking with it! 🙂

  34. skeeter says:

    It is so much fun to watch the ground turning white before your eyes verses waking up to a white blanket! Beautiful pics of the missing snow in my life…

    Hi Skeeter,thanks. And here I was just telling you how it doesn’t snow much anymore in TN, HA!

  35. RobinL says:

    My goodness Frances, I had no idea that your first snow would arrive so late, after all, Tennessee is not that far south from here! It’s lovely, but so very cold. I’m trying to enjoy it, really I am. I’m not always successful.

    Hi Robin, thanks for visiting. We usually get one good snow, and it is usually late winter. There may be more with the crazy weather we are experiencing. I agree that it is hard to enjoy cold. 🙂 Soup and hot chocolate sound good about now.

  36. Liz says:

    I love your photos – we’ve finally had snow here in the UK, the worst for 18 years, and we’ve had a snow day today – can’t remember the last time that happened! A good old English (or maybe just Yorkshire) expression is “snowing like the clappers” – from bells ringing out a rapid peel, and it’s certainly done that here. I love it!

    Hi Liz, thanks and welcome. Your snowy post filled me with joy and all the fun you and your family were having on the rare snow day. I love your enthusiasm! Snowing like the clappers is choice! 🙂

  37. It snowing here today. Well…not really snowing as it isn’t sticking. They are big fat beautiful flakes. We were always told it wasn’t going to snow long since it was big fat flakes. Your pictures capture it perfectly.

    Hi Anna, how beautiful. I love the kind of snow with big fat flakes. My son in Asheville just called to tell me it is snowing there also. Stay safe and warm. 🙂

  38. Cheryl says:

    It’s amazing to see this when I just came in from 4 hours of gardening downtown at the Botanical Gardens here in Austin…today it hit 72, the sun is still shining but I’m too tired to garden more. Stay warm!

    Hi Cheryl, thanks. The wind is howling at the moment and the temps are supposed to dip into the teens tonight. The snow is still on the ground in my garden. It is predicted to be near 60 in a day or two. So glad you have that nice warmth, somebody needs to! 🙂

  39. Sweet Bay says:

    We got our first snow a couple of weeks ago. It’s a lovely change from the usual.

    Your winterberries still look fantastic. I need to see if mine still have berries — the Cedar Waxwings may have stripped them by now, or they may be blackened by the cold temps we had a little while back.

    What is that at the base of the steps in the first picture — looks like a lollipop — stained glass?

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks. It is nearly time for the berries to soften enough for the birds to devour them. That is how we know spring is here. The berries will be gone in one day. We missed the cedar waxwings this year. I think because we put netting over the pond to keep out the leaves that they could not get to the water for their rest stop here. So sad, but the fish are safe and the pond water will not have to be emptied. The birdbaths have been frozen so much of the time this winter too, not our normal. There are two stands on each side of the steps that lead to the knot garden that each have a round piece of stained glass. Originally the stands held glass hurricanes and candles, but they broke. I had the stained glass pieces and they just fit inside the circle. I love them.

  40. Liisa says:

    I love the red of the winterberry holly and the cardinal. They look beautiful against the fluffy white snow.

    Hi Liisa, thanks and welcome. The reds really pop against the snow, even more than they do backed by the grays and browns of winter. Your photos of the orchids at the Montreal Botanical garden will stay with me for days, and when they fade I will return and gaze upon them some more, thanks!

  41. Yep. That is exactly what happened here yesterday. Strange how it could happen like that for you and be raining in Waynesville in the mountains and only snowing up top on me.

    Hi Christopher, it was so strange for our temps were quite warm at the time. But they dropped rapidly and the snow finally started sticking to everything. It is still there are it is now 14F. Glad you got your propane tank filled, just in time!

  42. patsi says:

    Didn’t realize you garden goes right up to the street. I like that !
    Enjoy the snow.

    Hi Patsi, thanks. We are not big fans of lawns, although we do have a small patch over by the garage for the grandkids to play on when they visit. The snow has lost its enchantment already. We are ready for spring now, thank you.

  43. kanak says:

    I find posts on snow so fascinating coming as I do, from a hot country. Yours is so beautiful–the garden, the light snow, and then everything blanketed by it. The reds and the greens (fast) disappearing… Loved the shot of the cardinal too.

    Hi Kank, thanks so much. The snow transformed the garden into a magical place, full of hidden treasures.

  44. walk2write says:

    Now that you mention it, more red is needed in our garden too. If it weren’t for green right now, there wouldn’t be much color at all here. It’s nice to see a little bit of that white stuff. I hope you don’t get too tired of it in the next few weeks!

    Hi W2W, thanks. The white stuff will not last long here, although it is still here. The temps are to get into the 50s in a couple of days, thank goodness. The color red really draws the eye, doesn’t it? And thanks for that prana fix! 🙂

  45. Monica says:

    Yah, you finally have snow! Our first snow came before Nov. 15 — I don’t recall what day, but I know it was before my birthday, and that’s very rare.

    Hi Monica, yes we have snow, and it is still even on the ground! It is always late here.

  46. Dreamybee says:

    I don’t miss the cold, but it sure is pretty watching all that snow come down.

    Hi Dreamybee, thanks for visiting. Yes, it is best appreciated from inside a heated house.

  47. The world is always so enchanting in snow!

    Hi Kim, thanks for stopping by. The snow can beautify any scene.

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