Winters Of Spring

march-30-2009-062-22Redbud winter, dogwood winter, black berry winter, locust winter,*…(above Narcissus bulbocodium ‘Golden Bells’)
march-30-2009-117-2…are (mainly Southern) terms used to describe a brief period of cold weather that coincides with the time certain trees and shrubs are in bloom, typically in early to mid April into May here. (Above Fritillaria meleagris bud)march-30-2009-086-2 This frosty morning must be Redbud Winter. The temperature was hovering right at freezing. Certain of the more open places in the garden were showing the frozen droplets of dew when the camera and I went out to catch the morning rays glancing over the earth.march-30-2009-039-2 Tulips in the knot garden, one of the coldest spots on our property at the top of the slope were frosted but unharmed.march-30-2009-013-2Labeled as orange tulips potted for sale over a month ago with the tips just peeking out of the soilless mix, there is no damage from the cold snap apparent.march-30-2009-103-2Tulipa clusiana ‘Lady Jane’ is bowed but not broken by the glittery frozen crystals. She should right herself in the warming sunshine and near seventy degree temps today.march-30-2009-136-2The colors of this vignette suggest frost even when not brushed with ice. Muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’, lamb’s ear, Stachys byzantina, and blue fescue, Festuca glauca, among others share cool shades.march-30-2009-118-2Perched on a stone in a bit of moss a heuchera seed decided to be born. Let this be a lesson about drainage and heucheras, there is no soil here. We wonder how long this baby will survive once the dry hot summer winds cause the moss to brown up. Cold rains are to its liking for the moment. It may have to be rescued and planted in real soil.march-30-2009-052-2The next weather singularity, as these winters are called will be Dogwood winter, for pink and red buds are swelling on the slope. We do seem to be a bit ahead of last year when a post about Pink Dogwood Winter was written mid April. You may click here to read that story if you so desire.march-30-2009-095-2Around our older neighborhood, native dogwoods are only a day or two away from full open bloom. Some that were growing around here when we first bought the house have been lost to the anthracnose disease that spread through this area about ten years ago. Some of the trees, including several on our property escaped that scourge. The University Of Tennessee has been working on developing clones of Cornus florida from the hardy survivors in Catoctin Mountain Park, Maryland. C. ‘Appalachian Spring’ is a cultivar available now as a result of this research.march-30-2009-114-3Spring with cold dips is a roller coaster ride here. The flora and fauna have learned to take the ups and downs in stride. The humans have learned to be thrilled and ride the big drop down with hands up in the air sitting in the front car and yelling all the way.
*Some old timers add linsey-woolsey or cotton britches winter as the last one, meaning the day you can stop wearing the long underwear. Linsey-woolsey is a plain woven fabric with linen or cotton warp and woolen weft used in early America for warmth.

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50 Responses to Winters Of Spring

  1. Joy says:

    You have such perfect lighting in these photos Frances .. I’m still trial and error with that. Those orange labeled tulips are really red ? right ? or is it me ? LOL
    I’m always wowed by the Fritillaria, that pattern is amazing . The bent lady Jane .. I hope she recovers : )
    I can’t wait to see some colour in my garden .. if it weren’t for last years pictures to take comfort in .. BIG sigh ! LOL

    Hi Joy, thanks. It is ALL about the light conditions to get good photos. I try and go out as soon as the sunlight is hitting the flowers. Some of the ones I took were too bright, I waited too long but since I took 141 pictures, the sun was rising faster than I could snap. HA So far, none of the tulips labeled as orange have been anything but what I would call red. I remember a month ago hanging on to the viewing of photos from last year to help me get through that last little bit of winter. Now spring is really here, even with cold snaps. Yours will be well worth the wait, I promise!

  2. Darla says:

    Love the photos with the frost on them, beautiful. Our Dogwoods are now shedding their blooms and filling out with a lushness of green leaves, don’t know which I prefer best. We have had about 4 inches of rain this past week and they (whoever they are that run our lives) are predicting between 6 to 12 inches more starting today through Thursday. We have a sunk pump in the basement crawl space because we are at the bottom of the neighbor hills and apparently on a spring as well. Pray the pump can keep up! Lovely post as always Frances, love your gardens.

    Hi Darla, thanks so much. Whoooeee, 6 to 12 inches of rain is way too much. I do wish your sump pump well! As for figuring out which time is best for the garden, I have decided that whatever is happening at the moment has to be considered the best, as with everything in life. 🙂

  3. Janet says:

    I love the photos with the tiny bit of frost on the blooms. Makes for great photos. Similar to your heuchera I have a columbine that reseeded in the crack between the sidewalk and the house. I thought it would not survive…three years ago! I should have pulled it up when the root structure was small, now I can’t make it release…even after a rain.
    What a wonderful variety of blooms you have in your garden. Beautiful spring.

    Hi Janet, thanks. Those seeds are so powerful. Columbines seed like crazy here too, and I leave all of them unless they are in the middle of the walkways and only remove those to avoid a bee sting when the blooms attract the buzzers. I have been stung many times while wearing a skirt. Those little seeds can even crack the rocks, it is just incredible the power of plants. 🙂

  4. Beautiful colors! So glad the frost didn’t damage your beautiful spring display!

    The Musician and I went out and bought annuals yesterday at one of the greenhouses that will be sold out by mid-April (local grower). We’re keeping those on the porch for a week or so. Out in the garden, but I need to blog, don’t I? 🙂


    Hi Cameron, thanks. If it weren’t raining here, I would not be sitting at this computer! I know what you mean about things selling out quickly. Another problem for us is that it will heat up and dry up very fast, even though it has been cool and rainy so far. The annuals need to get settled in before the rains dry up. The danger of frost is still here for a few more days. I am watching the calender and the weather reports with a keen eye. 🙂

  5. layanee says:

    I love that muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’. Such a baby blue and you are right. Frosty without frost.

    Hi Layanee, thanks. Valerie is a unique color in the garden. She was originally planted with the pink muhly grass to give some spring interest with the cut to the ground grass. It just disappeared with that small stature and light color. It was moved to several places and this spot with the lamb’s ear is the best siting.

  6. Your frosty photos are great Frances. I should have gotten out yesterday morning to take pictures but was a slug and stayed in until the frost melted away in the sun. Beautiful flowers blooming. I always get a bad case of the “I wants” when I look at your flower photos.

    Hi Lisa, thanks. Your flower shots from yesterday are wonderful, frost or no. So glad you have spring color there. Hooray!

  7. ourfriendben says:

    Oh my gosh, Frances! Your garden’s in full spring glory. It looks fabulous! I’m specially jealous of your magnificent redbud. I have two (one with gold leaves), but there’s miles away from bloom. It was so cold here today that when we collected the eggs they were frozen! Sigh.

    Hi OFB, I am so sorry for frozen eggs. That is just disheartening. I envy your gold leaf redbud though, Forest Pansy just doesn’t show up that well in the shade of the large pine trees. Thanks for being jealous though. 🙂

  8. Gail says:

    Good Morning Frances…Thank you for the winter names…I hope this is the last one we have this year! A little chill is fine, but none of that frost thank you Mother Nature! Your photos are perfect and the sun’s angle was just right! I scrolled back to chose a favorite…I love them all! It’s raining again at C&L! How about at fairegareden….gail

    Good morning Gail, I wanted to look up the real deal on the winter names and found my own comments and posts, now this one will be up there too! HA It is raining, but I ran and cut the grass before it started, it wasn’t even light yet but needed doing. Thank goodness that small patch doesn’t take long.

  9. Sheila says:

    I love your ‘frosty blue’ bed!

    Hi Sheila, thanks. That is a new planting and it has worked out well. Loved your euphorbias! 🙂

  10. lzyjo says:

    I’ve never heard those phrases before, just proves I’m a damn Yankee. Stunning frost kissed photos, Frances.

    HA Izyjo, thanks. You just need to hang around with some old timers who garden or farm and you will be surprised at what they will tell you. Or go to the farmer’s market, anywhere there are the older generation, they LOVE to talk about stuff like that. All they need is a good listener with a rapt smile who nods. 🙂

  11. gittan says:

    Your pictures are great as allways. Those cold nights aren’t welcome anymore! I really hope we don’t get any more of them. But the plants seems to make it allright anyway / gittan

    Hi Gittan, thanks so much. You are so right, no more Cold! But we are likely to have more anyway, it happens every year. Your Orange Dream is a dream!!! 🙂

  12. TC says:

    I’ve heard all those terms, but don’t hear them much in Yankee territory. I still miss My Old Kentucky Home, where spring is in full swing as I endure another month’s wait.

    Hi TC, you have my sympathy. I spent 11 years in PA and never got used to the length and depth of winter there. April is supposed to be warm, period.

  13. Brenda Kula says:

    I too like the frosty silverish bed. Shines in the moonlight. And adds such contrast to the greens and other colors. Your gardens are coming along nicely. I can barely get Heuchera to grow in soil. Our summers are just too hot.

    Hi Brenda, thanks. That was a lucky bit of planting. I love silver leaf plants of all kinds. Most heucheras don’t like it here either. I have killed too many to count. H. villosa and its offspring are native and do best. Carmel, or Caramel, I have seen it both ways, and Citronelle are the best newer ones. Summer Storm, or Stormy Seas, not sure of the name has been good too. And Brownie, which is nearly the species but quite tolerant of drought and heat. The seedlings are by far the toughest heucheras here, even if they are less showy.

  14. Monica says:

    Oh, I love redbuds… can’t wait for them to bloom here. The frosted tulip is so artful. I hope some of my groundhog-etaen tulips will still bloom… and I’m eagerly awaiting my fritillaria… a lot of my new old (heirloom) bulbs are coming up, but i can’t tell what’s what except for the three heirloom hyacinths that have just come up (a lot later than my other hyacinths, but none is blooming yet). Also, heuchera is always cut and I like the lamb’s ears in between the grape hyacinths. My lamb’s ears are much more moundy–about a foot or larger across. I like your little ones! 🙂

    Hi Monica, thanks. Those are little baby lamb’s ears taken from the outside of the huge plants out front by the street. I will have to keep them small by division, replanting the smaller outer growth or they will take over the whole bed. But it will be worth the effort. I have hesitated to plant lamb’s ear for that reason, but now know that the silver color, shape and size of the leaf will help to cure the little leaf syndrome happening in the back gardens. I just have to keep them smaller. The same thing happens to the blue fescue.

  15. Dave says:

    Beautiful picture Frances! That redbud is awesome. I would definitely save that heuchera!

    Hi Dave, thanks. That is an old native redbud that lives by the street under the pine trees. The city keeps cutting the branches that overhang too low is an awful manner, but the tree just keeps on growing. I try and go out there to give them some cutting directions but they completely ignore me. I do save all the seedling heucheras and plant them together. I love when they crop up in odd places. They are always in the hypertufa troughs.

  16. Randy says:

    Just look at that hillside coming to life! I can’t believe you are still getting frost!

    Hi Randy, thanks, it is coming along nicely. I can’t wait for the azaleas to bloom, that is my favorite time. The silly weather always treats us this way, not deciding if it wants to be winter or spring. I think spring will win out in the end. 🙂

  17. Phillip says:

    The redbud tree is so lovely. Do you have to treat your tulips like annuals or do they return for you?

    Hi Phillip, thanks. The tulips are always the best the first year, but sometimes failures even then. The species types do the best, like Lady Jane. The ones in the knot garden are all the viridiflora types, white with green markings. They have been in those beds for nine years. When some spots seem sparse, I have divided the larger patches to fill in while the leaf spikes are still short. They are the best of the returners for me. This year I bought several pots from Walmart with the bulb tips just peeking out, like the ones in my garden were, and planted them in the ground. They were cheap and have been great. Hyacinths were done that way too. We’ll see what happens next year. And see if I can keep from buying and planting them in the fall. The spring pots were just too easy.

  18. I don’t like rollercoasters, so I keep my hands on the bar & just try not to scream while I wait for it to be over. Which is about the way I handle the weather rollercoaster of early spring.
    Your Redbud is what my Redbud wants to be when it grows up, just loaded with blooms.

    Hi MMD, HA, you don’t want to ride with me then. Funny thing too, since I am afraid of heights. The slow tick up the hill is the part I hate, the fast zoom down is too thrilling to resist. My daughter Semi hates roller coasters too. That redbud is an oldie growing under the large pine trees by the street, here when we bought the property. It is one of the biggest ones I have ever seen. We cut down several others under there to have more light and air. I think that is a factor in the pines surviving the pine beetle infestation that took out all the other pine stands in our neighborhood, including some right across the street from us. Air, light and me watering newly planted shrubs, plus all the privet taken out under there too.

  19. Catherine says:

    Oh it looks so pretty there. Our tulips are just starting to come up and the dogwoods will be a good month still. Isn’t it amazing where seeds will try to grow? That’s part of what I love about nature.

    Hi Catherine, thanks. Funny how some things we are together on, like the lilacs, while your dogwoods are not yet there. Finding volunteer seedlings around here, especially in the gravel paths, is great. Free plants!

  20. Sue Ellen says:

    My grandmother taught me to watch for the winters of spring here in Central Kentucky. Our redbuds are not in bloom but there are signs of spring around. I love your photos and as a beginner I hope that I can master the art of photography. I’ve heard that early in the morning is the best time to be out in the garden to take pictures. I leave for work before daylight so that only leaves me the weekends for those morning shots.
    I love the combination of the lambs ears and blue fescue. I have both in my garden but not together.

    Hi Sue Ellen, thanks. Your grandmother taught you well. I think our climates and terrain are very similar. I do like to take photos early in the morning, the light is good then and I am up early anyway. What you want is backlighting of the flowers and leaves. There is a good time in the late afternoon too, but I am usually busy making dinner and miss that opportunity. Both the lamb’s ear and fescue can get large quickly. I keep mine divided to smaller sizes. More work, but a better look. Now all you need is some Valerie Finnis. 🙂

  21. Hi Frances

    I like that expression (winters of spring).

    So it looks like the frost has failed to scorch anything. I’m really looking forward to seeing your garden as spring advances.


    Hi Rob, thanks. We are still in danger of frost for a few more days. We are checking off each day that gets us close to the last frost date of April 10 on the calender. When the azaleas bloom mid to late April is my favorite time in this garden. I noticed today some of the deciduous azalea buds are beginning to swell!!! Hooray!

  22. Dawn says:

    Hi Frances,
    You always have beautiful gardens, glad the frost didn’t get to them

    Hi Dawn, thanks so much. Loved your spiky wreath. We are not to our last frost date yet, but it is getting closer. Spring can be very mean to us sometimes, like in 2007.

  23. annetanne says:

    Your garden looks beautiful!
    Here, the tulips aren’t blooming yet, and my Fritillaria meleagris still have much smaller buds.
    I have a Narcissus bulbucodium in my garden, but it had only flowers in its first year. Since then, year after year I see more leafs, but no flowers anymore. Maybe I should transplant them to another spot in the garden..

    Hi Anne, thanks so much. Spring is unfurling here, it’s true. This is only the second year for my little bulbos. Only one is open so far, and I don’t see any buds, but they are so small and it seems a little early. Maybe they need to be divided due to overcrowding. I have other Narcissus species get too crowded after only one year in the ground and stop blooming until they were divided. More sun maybe as well?

  24. Oh, Frances! Just beautiful! I love the Fritillaria. I wanted to get those for my garden- how do they hold up with pounding rain?

    Hi Tessa, thanks. I only have a couple, that is literally TWO of the F. meleagris so I don’t really know how well they hold up. I have a kajillion of the F. uva vulpis and they hold up very well and mulitply very nicely too.

  25. Racquel says:

    Your garden just takes my breath away no matter the season Frances. You have such a great eye for color combinations and texture. Valerie Finnis looks like a winner to me, another one to add to the wishlist. lol I’ll let hubby know it’s all your fault again. Just kidding, ha ha!

    Hi Racquel, thanks so much. You will like Valerie Finnis, she is just as vigorous as the species. I did have to move her to show up that lighter color better. She got lost mixed in with the muhly grass, with the straw color and her light bloom, it had no impact at all. Go ahead and blame me, my gardening friends have always done that. There was one husband that didn’t want his wife to visit when the garden was in full spring bloom, he knew it was going to cost him money! HA We just laugh about it. 🙂

  26. Beautiful!

    Hi Happy, thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

  27. Robin says:

    The clump of tulips is gorgeous! I don’t like to get the frost, but it is quite pretty on the buds and flowers. Your garden in the spring is so beautiful!

    Hi Robin, thanks. This was just a very light frost, luckily. The glass shower door on the cold frame protected everything in there and the frost cloth did its job on the tomatoes and peppers. Nothing was damaged this time around. Only a few more days until we are safe, maybe. We are ready with sheets, pots and blankets just in case another freeze comes our way though. 🙂

  28. ourfriendben says:

    You’re so right, Frances, most of our yard is shady which is why we’ve never planted ‘Forest Pansy’ (or any purple-leaved tree or shrub). It looks amazing in our friend Delilah’s yard, though! And no worries about the frozen eggs. As long as we gather them before they crack, we just put them in the fridge and let them thaw out and they’re fine. We do feel sorry for the chickens themselves and the outdoor cats in cold weather, though!

    Hi OFB, thanks for letting me know about the eggs. Even though my daughter Chickenpoet raises chickens, I don’t know much about it myself. My neighbors have several Forest Pansy redbuds out in the open and they are gorgeous. They gave me mine, in fact. I thought under the pines would be a good place, and it has been, they just don’t show up well. We had lost a couple of those FPs out in the yard, they are a little iffy sometimes. Maybe those late frosts after the leaves are out do them in. The native species are indestructible though.

  29. teza says:

    A wee bit of frost creates magic in your garden! I love the Cercis…. wish they were harider and more successful here. I love the Cornus as well…. I am tempted to try C kousa ‘Samaritan’ this year. Variegated foliage that turns pink in fall, but so elegantly mint green and cream outlined in the spring and summer. Your garden is a dream.

    Hi Teza, thanks so much. I think the variegated Cornus would be great for your garden if you have room for it.

  30. Lythrum says:

    I was worried when I saw all of the frost on my car yesterday morning but my plants all seem to be okay. Nice pictures!

    Hi Lythrum, thanks so much. Frost this late with so many things open and leafing out is scary. So glad you had no losses either.

  31. Les says:

    I really like your blue and gray vignette, especially with a kiss of frost. I just received 5 Appalachian Spring Dogwoods today to sell at work. They were in #7 pots, not terribly tall, but well budded. We don’t suffer so much from Anthracnose on the coast, but I know it is a scourge in the piedmont and montains.

    Hi Les, thanks. #7 pots are a good sized tree. The damage is done and so many dogwoods are gone. There are seedlings all over that may one day replace what was lost. In Knoxville, the Dogwood Festival, a very big deal, has hardly any left. There are a few in the older neighborhoods, like there are in mine, but it used to be a curtain of pink and white as you drove along the streets, magical. Now they are just scattered about. But the redbuds have taken over.

  32. Lola says:

    Your spring garden is looking lovely, Frances. I wish I could grow tulips here but it is too hot. I really miss the flowers that we had in Tn & N.C. Seems anything you put in the ground in Tn. grows beautifully. Too hot, too humid, to sandy, not good to grow much of anything here in Fl.
    Thundering as I type. Guess we’re gonna get it again. I’m too wet now.

    Hi Lola, thanks so much. In Houston they sold tulip bulbs in the fall that had been refrigerated. They were grown as annuals. The species tulips are better at returning here, but they still dwindle. I should fertilize them more. I do think there is much that can be grown in FL, after seeing Meems blog, Hoe And Shovel. Check it out.

  33. walk2write says:

    I love all the photos but especially the one of Lady Jane, “bowed but not broken.” You do have a way with words as well as the camera, Frances. Is there any chance you could see about getting yourself cloned and setting up a garden next door to us? The neighbors are nice and all but not too keen on gardening or imparting interesting lore.

    Hi W2W, first let me say what a pleasure it was to read SAM’s post. He is a good writer too. 🙂 HA to being cloned, after reading Gail’s post about cloning too. Anyone who lives near me would never have to buy another plant, I am a dividing maniac. As my neighbor says, who gave me so many wonderful plants, you get back in fives what you give away.

  34. Genevieve says:

    I could not be more jealous of your Fritillary! Gorgeous! I also love the frosty tulip photos. We don’t get much of a frost display here so it’s lovely to see your pics and be transported into your garden. I got a little chill thinking about it!

    Hi Genevieve, thanks. Would you be less jealous if you knew there are only TWO of those here? A light frost is not a problem here, the tomatoes and peppers are safely under frost cloth and the orchids are still in the greenhouse. We will have another frost warning next week before those can safely be brought out. We usually wait a little while longer just to be safe.

  35. kerri says:

    Frances, that beautiful redbud has me sighing longingly. What a glorious photo! Your spring garden is looking wonderful. I love the shot looking up the hill to the shed. Aren’t the plants and blooms gorgeous with the frosty drops on them?
    We had ‘arctic winter’ here yesterday brought to us by a frigid wind. Today was a gift, with sunshine and mild temps. How we appreciate days like this!
    We’ll have some long-john weather for a while yet though 🙂

    Hi Kerri, thanks. The position looking up to the shed from that corner is one of my favorites too. It sounds like you have the same ups and downs we do. I still have the long johns, cuddle duds brand, out too. We have a couple more frosty times ahead before we are done with it.

  36. Katarina says:

    Frances, your photos are so very beautiful – I do love coming over to your blog! And the header with all those sweet little birds is amazing!

    Hi Katarina, thanks so much. The cedar waxwings still cheer me when I see the header too. It might have to stay for a while.

  37. James says:

    I like the idea of a Linsey-woolsey winter. Perhaps the modern equivalent is a Goretex or Fleecey spring.

    Hi James, me too, although it sounds a little scratchy. Our equivalent is the wondrous Cuddle Duds brand.

  38. tina says:

    I hope we don’t have any more winters either. It has been a bit nippy lately but like you, I am wringing my hands and hoping for the best with a good eye on the 10 day forecast. No freeze yet! Oops-wait a minute Yahoo says on the 7th there is a freeze coming-winter! Yikes!! Naw, just April Fool’s Day. Happy Gardening;)

    Hi Tina, I believe there really is a frost coming next week. Or that is what the weather person just forecast. It always happens. Just so it doesn’t hang around for long, we’ll be okay.

  39. Winter in Spring! You’re soooo lucky… Spring here is a precursor of the scorching summer! Seeing so many bulbs blooming in your garden, I’m curious – do Tulips grow in hot climate? and Crocus? I’ve had my crocus in the pots for almost a month now with no sign of buds. The leaves would sprout, grow about 2 inches, turn brown and fall off! Confused…

    Hi Chandramouli, thanks for visiting. These last throes of winter are interesting if not welcome. Crocus grow easily here, planted in the fall. Tulips do well the first year but often dwindle after that. We have the required chill periods for both. The species tulips do best about returning. I have better luck with crocus in the ground than in pots. Might be a drainae issue.

  40. lynn says:

    Frances, I came home from work yesterday and the sunlight hitting the crocuses were so pretty that I laid down on the ground and tried to capture those blooms right then and there…of course, it took like 30 shots to get three good one! A neighbor walked by and I didn’t move so he wouldn’t see what a nut I photos really take me breath usual..Love that fritillaria bloom. I almost bought some blue fescue this weekend at Home Depot (and can you believe they have geraniums out already!). The pink tulips are beautiful as well as the last photo of the pond and maples in bud. I’m home sick today and should be doing chores but here it is 3 hours later, and I’m still blogging…lol. Hope the garden faries found their home in the frosty night.

    Hi Lynn, that is too funny. That is one reason I pretty much stay in the back yard to take photos. And do much gardening really. Nobody needs to see me in action. It seems too early even here for geraniums, but they might be out soon at those types of stores. We are still within frost possibility for another week or two. The fairies thank you for thinking of them. 🙂

  41. joey says:

    Your garden is stunning, Frances … early spring captures my heart, you can almost hear the sound of new growth. Happy April gardening!

    Hi Joey, thanks. This is my favorite time of year also. Growing is happening by the second! 🙂

  42. Kathleen says:

    You are the best at getting out and capturing the frosty garden Frances. I remember you doing that same thing so well last fall. It’s good that spring blooming bulbs/trees/perennials are tough enough to take the cold, isn’t it? I grew up in Virginia/Maryland area and never heard of these “winter” terms! But I wasn’t so keen on gardening then so maybe they just slid over my head. They do make perfect sense. We were enjoying spring-like temperatures in early to mid March but are now back in what seems like the depths of winter. No 60 or 70 degree temperatures in the 10 day forecast but many days of snow. It’s very disheartening. I giggled at you going out to mow in the dark!

    Hi Kathleen, thanks. I am an early riser, always well before the sun comes up, at any time of the year, so getting out is easy. I am so glad to have gotten the grass cut, it rained like crazy right as I was finishing up, washing the mower off in the rain before putting it away. So sorry for your crazy snow thunder! They showed it on the news last night and I thought of you.

  43. You have beautiful blooms both overhead, and underneath. I particularly like the Muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’. I have a few other varieties of Muscari, but that light, icy blue is very eye-catching.The rose coloured tulips with the purple blue hyacinths are a great combination. It looks like your bulbs are shrugging off the cold, and going to enjoy the day’s warmth.

    Hi Northern Shade, thanks. That Muscari is a pale and lovely color. It looks best where it can be admired up close. Our weather is still up and down here, the flowers have to be tough, or I have to be quick to capture them with the camera before they collapse from rain, cold or whatever. 🙂

  44. Jenny B says:

    Your Dogwood is beautiful! I wish I could grown it here. Love the flowers with the frost on them. I hope it didn’t do too much damage.

    Hi Jenny, thanks and welcome. Dogwoods are a must have for me, they are native here and grow well, lots of seedlings, even in pavement! Sorry, I wasn’t trying to rub it in. 🙂 There was no damage with this frost, but there will be more of them for another week or two yet.

  45. Sweet Bay says:

    I love the Muscari ‘Valerie Finnis’. Such a lovely color, like blue pearls!

    Hi Sweetbay, thanks. I have so many of the darker Muscari, thinking why on earth buy more grape hyacinths? This color is unique, and they do seem to mulitply as fast as the old timey ones so can be spread around to find the place they look the best. I like them with the lamb’s ear and fescue, but they look good in other locales too.

  46. cheryl says:

    Doncha just love the Checkered Lily! I have it in the purple as in your photo and the white. Pity it will be another month before I see them unfurl. Always a treat to show them to visitors. Love your colour Frances 🙂

    Hi Cheryl, thanks. I do love them but after planting 48 tiny bulbs, have one flower showing with hopes of a couple more. I don’t want to be greedy, but would love to see more. On the other hand, your Twinkle Bottom makes me positively glow inside with happiness. 🙂

  47. Pingback: Cherry Tree* And A Little Help Please « Fairegarden

  48. Layanee says:

    I have never heard those terms before so thank you for the explanation. I hope it isn’t cold enough to burn the flowers of the dogwoods. Here, still winter/spring although this morning is warm, 56F I think we are over winter. I want it to be true.

    Thanks for visiting, Layanee. I hope your winter is over! 🙂

  49. It’s so interesting how some plants, such as that tulip and snowdrops, bend over in a frost, like they’re weeping from the cold, but pop back upright as soon as it warms up. They are a good lesson in learning not to panic when things look bad.

    Hi MMD, thanks for visiting. It is true, the plants have a toughness that their beauty belies. 🙂

  50. Pingback: Who Has Seen The Wind…* « Fairegarden

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