Before They Are Gone

After returning from but one week away from the garden, it was noticed that the plants have jumped forward into hyperspace during that short time span. The temperatures were still winter like when we left, and the flowers were well behind schedule. Coming home found record breaking highs in the ninety degree range that had made quite a change here.

Newly planted in the Fairelurie last fall on the recommendation of comments in this post, many thanks to all who offered such wonderful ideas!, Fritillaria meleagris has happily proven to be a mixture of white and purples.

Just to be on the safe side, the fritts were planted at the edge of the Fairelurie rather than in the lawn. It seems they are tall enough to show above the ever rising height of the lawn grass that will be allowed to meet its full potential and even flower. More will be added to the fan shapes in the fall, but this little grouping looks good where it is, so will stay there.

But these mid summer type of temperatures are hard on the early spring blooming bulbs. The flower petals are already showing signs of dehydration, spent before their time. The foliage of the Anemone blanda ‘Blue Shades’ was barely showing on the day we left Tennessee for the sunshine state of Florida.

They are now in full bloom and barely able to keep their heads above the zooming to the sky grasses in the fan shapes of the lawn. It appears that only the first fan was planted with these. We must add more, or spread these, they are a success.

Like this sunrise that greeted us on the first morning back in our own home, one barely has time to run for the camera before it has disappeared in a puff of sunlit blue skies, the flowers too are sublimely ephemeral.

Planted in late March, straight from the big box store, the hyacinths and lettuce look promising. (Carex testacea ‘New Zealand Orange Sedge’ in the red pot has been a soldier of winter interest. We shall see how it performs in the heat of a Tennessee summer.)

Promise fulfilled, these will be popped into the garden in a deserving spot after they pass their prime, which won’t be long unless there is a cooling trend on the horizon soon. The lettuce seems big enough to be transplanted right to a salad plate.

The fragrant winter blooms of Edgeworthia chrysantha exceeded expectations in its first blooming year. It was in full frontal all out open flower when we left…

…and is now a mere shadow of its former self. The ivory calyces are falling gently to the earth as the leaves emerge from the branch tips. The naked flower stems, shown on the right, are still otherwordly, as is everything about this small fascinating tree.

The latest of the crocus to bloom here, Pickwick was at peak when we left the garden. Now there is nothing left but the fading foliage. At least there are photos by which to remember it until another year passes.

But consolation is offered by the beginning bloom of this bright and cheery yellow fellow peeking out amongst the white Phlox subulata, scattered hither and yon over the Fairegarden, to the dismay of some and the delight of others.

There are several other short time bloomers that are featured in a simulcast posting. Click to view it here-The Short Lived Among Us, they were way too numerous to squeeze into just one story.


This entry was posted in before and after, Seasonal Chores, weather. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to Before They Are Gone

  1. Steve says:

    I’m seeing similar weather here in Louisville, Francis. How incredibly weird – everything took so long to finally get to a growth and blooming stage then – whap! – Summer weather, lol. But it sure makes one stunning week, eh?

    Thanks Steve. I think this weather pattern covered a wide area. After waiting soooo long for stuff to bloom and grow, we returned from our trip to another world, and a hot one at that. Getting back to normal now, it seems, but many things simply fried. Still stunning, as you say. 🙂

  2. gardeningasylum says:

    Hi Frances, Spring’s short lived bloomers make leaving home risky, I agree. I’ve got anemonella, virginia bluebells and bleeding hearts blooming at least 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Especially love your anything but blanda’s!

    Good one, Cyndy, blanda! lol It seems we need to throw those schedules out the window and just enjoy the show. Especially this year. 🙂

  3. Darla says:

    The first plant featured here looks like those paper lanterns..very nice. The early summer temps should be gone starting today, at least for a week or so. I have the Orange Sedge and it’s beginning to green up some.

    Thanks Darla. The cool returned, and welcome rain, so we will see how the garden reacts after those blazing temps. I think the rain was really needed after the heat. Glad to hear the sedge is coming around. I spread it around quite a bit besides the big clump in the container because it was marked way down at the big box store last fall. All look pretty lifeless at the moment, but there seems to be color down at the base. Like many things in the garden, best just to step back and give it time. 🙂

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    My garden is in the same rhythm. The short lived are gone. Just a few late daffs hanging on. The weather has cooled. Ihave a little patch of those blue anemones. They are so sweet I want more. Let’s hear a big cheer for the early arrivals. Yay!!!!!

    Yay!!! I join in your cheer, Lisa. I am surprised at the blandas, and will definitely add more, and spread those. Spring marches on. 🙂

  5. Randy says:

    Blanda has lived in the neighbors yard for 20 years with no care what so ever. We will have to get some too!

    Thanks Randy, that is good to know. We already have decided to get more of those, now the decision is cast in stone! 🙂

  6. Hi Frances – these fleeting beauties are so short lived – especially with a summer-like spring. Love the edgeworthia! It’s magnificent.

    Thanks Heather. We have to be quick with the camera or miss some of these entirely. Makes one wonder why we even plant them, until we return to those pictures. 🙂

  7. Jenny B says:

    Exciting times in the garden right now–especially in Fairegarden. I especially love the Fritillaria meleagris. The purple and white combination is very appealing to me. Nothing can compare to the sunrise you managed to capture before it disappeared. I wonder if being fleeting makes it more beautiful?

    Thanks Jenny. We were thrilled to see those brilliant colors on the morning after returning from the grueling drive from Florida to Tennessee. In just seconds it was gone. The flowers of some plants seem to vanish just as quickly. Must be quick like a bunny with the camera. I do think the short bloom period makes us appreciate them more, if worrying about missing them.

  8. Steve says:

    The Crocus is too big. 😉

    Oh you silly boy! Pickwick is the largest one we grow, we just love those stripes. 🙂

  9. Edith Hope says:

    Dear Frances, Your F. meleagris are so pretty and do deserve to be widely grown. I have a friend in Warwickshire who grows them on a grassy bank where, over the years, they have multiplied considerably. Do extend yours into the grass where I believe they will seed themselves freely.

    The lettuce and hyacinths in the container together are an absolute winner for presenting such an attractive picture, but then all your spring flowers, despite what you say of high temperatures, are looking lovely.

    Thanks, Edith. I will be adding the fritts to the lawn, after seeing how big they are, rest assured. And more anemone blandas. There are 250 species tulips that are in the lawn that have not yet bloomed. We will need to see how they do, then mark the placement for the fall planted bulbs. The hyacinths are in the ground and the lettuce is in our bellies. 🙂

  10. Gail says:

    Frances, it’s hard to leave the garden during the blooming season….so much can happen in a few days. Edgeworthia chrysantha flower is absolutely wonderful…I had no idea it was so lovely and its buds were pretty terrific, too. Off to see the other post! It’s going to be a perfect garden weekend. gail

    Thanks Gail, it is, and don’t you over do it in the garden, you need to be in prime health for an upcoming excursion! The Edgeworthia has been a delight, worth the expense and the wait. 🙂

  11. Frances, the ‘fritts’ are pretty. I’ve not tried those, but your color choices are inspiring to me. I’m seeing some toasted points on the allium foliage from the heat. Carex is a big “go to” plant for me. I have planted two flats of the ‘Evergold’ and have ‘Frosted Curls’ that are tiny plugs to go into containers with cast iron plant. My orange carex testacea (3 years old) troopers were moved to my orange and purple bed. I don’t know yet how they will do in the new location.

    Thanks, Cameron. You should give the fritts a try, they are so sweet, and taller than I had thought, happily. We have lots of carex as well, great for winter interest. I love Frosted Curls but killed mine early on here by cutting it back. A note to self was written in caps, DO NOT CUT CAREX! lol 🙂

  12. Barbara says:

    Am having a lovely morning – Just came from the Fritts of an English garden to yours in TN. So many beautiful blossoms here Frances – so absolutely glorious. I’d never seen an Edgworthia before – I tried to guess and thought it looked a little like the blossoms of a Hoya. Wonder if it would work here… Your sunny photos are just a tonic.

    Glad to hear it, Barbara, it is nice to sit back and view beautiful flowers, I agree. The Edgeworthia is shaped like a Hoya, not as waxy though, almost furry. It is hardy to zone 7, I am at the northern edge, but it seems to be fine here, so far, knock on wood.

  13. What I love about the fritillaria is that I can just picture a little fairy pausing underneath their downturned petals for a spot of shade or escape from the rain. I do think that dandelion flowers are pretty, but then I pull them 😉

    Hi Noelle, thanks for that. The little fritts are just the sweetest things. I had trouble growing them before, this spot by the lawn must be more to their liking. We have never had them do so well. I have mixed feelings about the dandelions too, years of pulling them is hard to unlearn. 🙂

  14. I have a number of those fritillaria blooming right now, too! Aren’t they so cute?? Like little mother hens. 😉 Happy Spring!!

    PS I have to laugh. It seems every time you post – Gail does, too! Often your comments coincide as well. ha.

    Hii Shady, thanks. The fritts are very cute, I am going to get more for the lawn. Gail and I do post on the same days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We like our weekends off. 🙂

  15. Eileen says:

    Your blooms are gorgeous. We are so far behind you, it is hard to believe we will soon catch up!


    Thanks Eileen and welcome. I have added both of your blogs to the blogroll, and think Reggie is adorable! Glad you liked the blooms. It does sound like you are catching up as never before this year. 🙂

  16. Kat says:

    Hi Francis. Love the Fritillaria. I’ve tried to grow them several times but they just don’t like my part of the world no matter how much I try to trick them. I’ll just have to check in here to see yours.

    Thanks Kat. My first attempts at this type of fritt were failures as well. Finding that well drained, sunny yet moist spot was key. Also better bulbs to start with, these came from Brent and Becky’s, who always send top notch large bulbs.

  17. Frances, those purple and white striped crocuses are my favorite color, but of course I don’t have them, LOL. They are on my fall list. My Fritillaria meleagris are just opening–it’s early for them this year. I love them.

    Thanks Monica. I agree about both. Do look for Pickwick, it is ravishing. The little fritts are early here as well, odd for newly planted bulbs. They are the cutest with those checkerboards! 🙂

  18. Hi Frances

    Love that sunset pic.

    The garden’s advancing at a pace. I’m a fan of the bronze carex. They can be tempermamental though, I cut two back last year as they looked a bit battered after winter,well one regrew nicely, the other simply stayed put. It’s not dead, just erm static!

    So you’re off to Malvern, I should have ‘twigged’ that from your comment. You’ll have a great time!!!

    I remember you mentioning not having success getting verbena hastata to germinate. Snap, I have the same problem. I put those seeds in a month ago and not a one has popped up. We can’t all be wrong. I wonder about the viability of said seed,

    Hi Rob, thanks. That was a sunrise shot, we do not see the sunsets with the way my house is situated, too many mature trees on that side. I tattooed that note on my forehead, do not cut the carex! Malvern is getting closer by the day, I am trying not to stress about the traveling too much, but know it will be marvelous. I don’t know the secret of the Verbena, but did get some V. stricta to germinate with the winter sowing method in milk jugs outdoors. Maybe we should try that with hastata?

  19. sequoiagardens says:

    Right. I’ve caught up – for now. Internet problems and an overfull schedule pushed up my list of unopened emails to 117 last week. They’ve all been read, filed unopened or trashed now. The last few posts from Fairegarden were a 4am fix. Why do we garden? And why do we photograph? Frances has the answers, and I must remember her inspiring ways…

    Hi Jack, you are too kind, thank you. It is easy to get behind with blog reading and email. Glad you are up to speed. 🙂

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