Faire Hallowe’en Fun

If you go down in the woods today
You’re sure of a big surprise

If you go down to the woods today
You’d better go in disguise

For ev’ry bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic

Ev’ry teddy bear who’s been good
Is sure of a treat today
There’s lots of marvelous things to eat
And wonderful games to play

Beneath the trees
Where nobody sees
They’ll hide and seek as long as they please
That’s the way the teddy bears have their picnic

Picnic time for teddy bears
The little teddy bears are having a lovely time today
Watch then, catch them unawares
And see them picnic on their holiday

See them gaily gad about
They love to play and shout
They never have any cares

At six o’ clock
Their mummies and daddies
Will take them home to bed
‘Cause they’re tired little teddy bears

If you go down in the woods today
You’d better not go alone
It’s lovely down in the woods today
But safer to stay at home

For ev’ry bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic*

*”Teddy Bears’ Picnic” is a song consisting of a melody composed by John Walter Bratton in 1907 and lyrics added by Irish songwriter Jimmy Kennedy in 1932. It remains popular as a children’s song, having been recorded by numerous artists over the decades. The first vocal version was recorded in 1932 by Henry Hall and His Orchestra (EMI SH 172), with Val Rosing singing Kennedy’s lyrics. We have used the precise transcription of the lyrics from the Henry Hall 1932 rendition.

To hear it click here. Better yet, listen whilst viewing the photos once again, to get into the proper mood for the upcoming holiday.

The photos:

1. The Knot Garden in predawn
2. Spider on a lily bud
3. Bear skeletons on display at the Ocoee,Tennessee Whitewater Visitors Center
4. Mushroom in the Black Garden
5. Fungus growing on the remains of Ferngully
6. Metal sculpture in the outdoor studio of Christopher Mellon in Asheville, North Carolina, aka The Gardening Welder Guy
7. Locust on Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’
8. A surprise…
9. …Revealed. New metal sculpture commissioned by offspring Brokenbeat, displayed on his car, now christened The Hopmobile for The Hop Ice Cream Cafe in Asheville, North Carolina. (see sidebar for more infor.)
10. The scariest thing of all, cosmetic surgery performed by an incompetent, namely me, on hapless Alas Poor Yorick. Click here to see him in happier times.

Happy Hallowe’en to you all!


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21 Responses to Faire Hallowe’en Fun

  1. That put a big smile on my face! Fun post, love the ice cream cone sculpture, and I think Yorick looks in great shape. Happy Halloween!

    Thanks Janet and a happy Hallowe’en to you too. Alas poor Yorick, my heart bleeds for him. He looked better without a chin! Now he looks like a misshapen clown. HA 🙂

  2. Eileen says:

    Frances, how great! We used this song every year when we did “Teddy Bear Math,” with the children. They all brought their teddy bears, lined them up on a graph by color, then height, clothes or no clothes, etc. We then had our picnic on a big blanket with Teddy Grahams with the song playing in the background.

    Thanks for the history of the song.


    Hi Eileen, thanks. That sounds like such a fun lesson for the kids, well done! I remember skipping in a circle to this song in Kindergarten. The teacher would stop the music and we would all fall down. Sort of a less competitive musical chairs game. A pleasant memory. 🙂

  3. Les says:

    That rolling pin torture device looks vicious.

    It does, Les! The gardening welder guy has a macabre sense of artistic style, for sure.

  4. Layanee says:

    It looks as though you are prepared for Halloween. I may go down to the woods today….

    Hi Layanee, thanks. We do love this season. You had better take the puppies with you, in case you meet any teddy bears! 🙂

  5. commonweeder says:

    I’m very familiar with the Teddy Bears Picnic. I think it must have been the theme song for some children’s program on the radio. You are certainly ready for Halloween. I can’t even think of something to wear to Gourmet Club on saturday.

    Hi Pat, thanks for visiting. The song rings in my memory as well. I am thinking you need to go as a vegetable, or maybe a salad for your party. With cherry tomatoes on top! 🙂

  6. Those sculptures are great! The fungi are fun too.

    You would love the gardener guy’s outdoor studio, MMD. Maybe you will get to see it in person some day. 🙂

  7. This was such a great selection of Halloween images. Poor Yorick. You must have been sad to see him broken. The song was so cute to hear along with the printed words.

    I was going to post a 14 second clip of Donovan’s song, “Must be the Season of the Witch” to accompany my graphics, but changed my mind. Being new, I do not know the regulations on music on blogs. Many have players, but I was looking just for the chorus of the song. Does anyone know the rules? Has anyone posted music?

    I did click to hear the You Tube song, but it would have been nice in the blog itself. I know you can post You Tube videos in a post, but was not sure on music, sans video.

    Hi Donna, thanks. I was crushed when Yorick got knocked off the wall and broke. I may try to make another one sometime and make the jaw thicker. It is very thick now, but he looks like a clown to me. Oh well. As for the music, I don’t know of any rules about it, but always just give a youtube link. Some people don’t want to hear music when they click on a blog post, it can be jarring.

    Thanks Francis. I also do not like music unless I click for it. That is what I wanted on my site, a click if you want button. I did that for my bird calls, then I thought it would be cute with the subtitle. Next thought, was the trouble I could get into if this was not allowed by the very powerful music industry. Fourteen seconds may have been too much. I really did like the teddy bear song. I was not familiar with it, so it was nice to hear.

    I am not sure about the sharing of music. I believe the industry is still hammering that out. It would have been cute.

  8. gail says:

    Happy Halloween my dear! I hope you are going to see Little LTB in his costumed wonderfulness! I love the Hop’s ice cream sculpture~marvelous! Makes me want to chant~I scream, You scream, We all Scream for Hop Ice cream on Halloween! xxoogail

    Hi Gail, thanks so much. I will be seeing little LTB in his Ben Ten get up. He wears it everyday since we bought it a few weeks ago. I have been eating The Hop’s honey candy corn ice cream that we brought home with us to get into the proper Hallowe’en spirit. 🙂

  9. I sang this children to my children when they were little. Our favorite line was always: “At six o’clock their Mommies and Daddies would come and take them home, because they’re tired little Teddy Bears.”
    Your pictures are delightful!

    Hi Meredehuit, thanks. It is a great song for kids and adults alike. It transports me to another place and time. 🙂

  10. Rose says:

    What a fun post this morning, Frances! I thought perhaps you had a new sculpture in your garden, before I saw the “Hopmobile”–for some reason, I now have a craving for ice cream with sprinkles:) Yorick is looking so much better after his breakdown and going to pieces. You’ve put me in the Halloween spirit!

    Hi Rose, thanks. That metal ice cream cone is perfect for his car. He says people wave and smile when he drives by, what a nice thought. Alas poor Yorick, he has turned into a caricature of his former self. I need to make a new one. Happy Hallowe’en! 🙂

  11. Frances, I adored this. You’re right, listening to the song while looking at the pics is the best. I remember the song though. I used to sing it to Bear long ago.

    Hi Dee, thanks. That is such a sweet, if slightly askew song. That is what I love about it. I bet Bear loved it! 🙂

  12. easygardener says:

    Poor Yorick looks like he needs a Halloween mask of his very own 🙂
    The Hop sculpture looks very impressive – advertising at its very best!

    Hi EG, thanks. The metal ice cream cone is wonderful atop the car. Just the right size, commissioned by a friend. Alas Poor Yorick, is the victim here. He needs a total makeover! 🙂

  13. Lola says:

    Happy Halloween.
    Great post. I felt like a kid again reading the lyrics & listening to the music. I think the pics went with the lyrics very well.
    Loved it.

    Hi Lola, thanks. The music was such a blast from the past, the tune that came to mind as I was writing this light hearted post. 🙂

  14. Sandra Jonas says:

    Brought me right back to my childhood! This was the song that opened the children’s RADIO program Sat. mornings.

    Hi Sandra, thanks. It is a lovely harmlessly sinister childhood memory tune that has been used in many ways over the years. 🙂

  15. Carol says:

    I better not go down to your garden today, what with those teddy bears having a picnic, and all those mean looking skeleton heads to scare me! Boo! Happy Halloween!

    Hi Carol, thanks for stopping by here, even if you are too skeered to come down to the garden. Alas Poor Yorick is the friendliest face around these parts, with that big goofy smile. He wishes you a Happy Hallowe’en anyway! 🙂

  16. joey says:

    My favorite song as a child. Happy Halloween 🙂

    Happy Hallowe’en to you as well, dear Joey. The song wafts through my memory with sweet visions.

  17. Spooky!

    Thanks Monica. Happy Hallowe’en! :-0

  18. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I hope you have a great weekend Frances. This is a fun post. I had never heard this song before. I like the ghoul at the end. He looks friendly. The ice cream cone is great too.

    Hi Lisa, thanks and the same back at ya! Hope you had lots of treats and no tricks! Alas Poor Yorick is supposed to be sort of scary. Maybe Carol is the only one who thinks that he is! HA 🙂

  19. debsgarden says:

    Your knot garden is so lovely, and colors shine in the pre dawn. Great post!

    Hi Deb, thanks so much. The garden pre dawn is a fascinating place to the human eye. The camera has a difficult time capturing it without a little photo program help. 🙂

  20. Pingback: Ravin’ Faire Hallowe’en « Fairegarden

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