Faire Stonehenge

Moss over styrofoam balls wrapped in gold thread in a lamb’s ear basket

I am deeply drawn to circles and round shapes. When doodling, the writing instrument always draws loop-de-loops both large and small, squiggles with rounded edges. I have made balls out of hypertufa, grapevine, moss and old rusty metal barrel hoops. Quilt patterns and embroidery projects include circles, always, and often scallops. The circular shape inhabits in my DNA.

I am also attracted to rocks and stones, collecting those with interesting shapes and colors throughout a lifetime of nature study. So it was that when this article from the New York Times appeared in the online Home and Garden section last week and was read and reread several times, the idea of a mystical circle at Fairegarden began to foment.

Research was done to better understand the Tao of stone circles, to see what their paradigm of construction need include, especially if there was innate meaning to the number of stones used to form the enclosure. Twelve was mentioned as a minimum, and that was the number I was hoping to use for this was to be a miniature henge with stones as part of the newly formed area now called the Fairy Village, click here to read about that creation.

August 20, 2009 048 (2)
There was some finishing up of concrete step stones and walkways that needed doing, and general cleanup of the area before this new assemblage of a very old concept could begin. Credit must be given to my husband The Financier for the speedy completion under duress of heat, fatigue and mosquito attacks. This is the final concrete project for us as a team, it is hoped. The years are beginning to take their toll!

Appropriately shaped stones were rounded up and brought to the site. Weeding, grading and soil sifting were done in preparation. The selected stones were placed in a circle in the chosen location under a hemlock bough. A shovel and the claw end of an old hammer dug out the requisite trench that is to be the henge, defined as a ring earthwork with an internal ditch portion inside of the circle of upright stones.

The business end of the same hammer was used to pack the clay soil tightly around each stone as it was set in place. The soil in the center was mounded up slightly and smoothed, then covered in moss that was gathered from under some nearby evergreen shrubs.

In the very center a native rock that was selected to hold the focal point of enchantment and power was half buried. The crystal that has been in my possession so long that I don’t even remember its provenance has finally found the function that was its destiny.

The Elysian Gravel Garden

There will be some additional landscaping done around the new Fairy Stonehenge. Future family gatherings might ignite some ideas about what would be the perfect elysian design to enhance the Fairy Village total experience.


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18 Responses to Faire Stonehenge

  1. I love different shapes of rocks, also. I have a lot of native stone on my property and have landscaped with it exclusively. I always take a small backpack when I take a hike and it is usually full of unusual rocks by the time I get back. Love the stonehenge garden!

    Thanks Blonde Gardener. You are lucky to have nice large rocks on your property. We have lots of them, too, but they are all small and sort of roundish, not good for building walls, etc. We went to a local stone yard up in the Cumberland mountains and bought 8 tons of dry stack rocks for our house and garden, there was lots left over. It is local to our area and fits in beautifully. I have been collecting interesting rocks since I was a youngster, they just call out to me!

  2. Sunita says:

    What a beautiful brainwave Frances! And that native rock (is that some kind of quartz?) is just perfect for that spot.

    Hi Sunita, thanks so much. The crystal is most likely quartz of some type, is my guess. I never knew what to do with it, but this seems perfect.

  3. Barbara H. says:

    Oh Frances, I love this! I was also drawn to the idea of a personal stonehenge but dismissed it by thinking too large! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Thanks Barbara. I was thinking how cool it would be to have one made with large stones, but this one was so much easier! HA

  4. SharonMc says:

    what fun! I cannot wait to get my own fairy ring and energy circle placed in my gardens. There is bound to be a whole network of faire rings in the works after your blog post – yet another connection between garden lovers.

    Thanks Sharon. Do make a sweet henge of your own, it was easy and very fun! I hope there are lots of people out there who decide to stand a few rocks on end in a circle. It was very easy and makes me smile.

  5. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Round is also in my DNA Frances. Most of the flower beds in my garden are round, rounded or oblong. It is a pleasing form to me. Your Fairy Stonehenge is PERFECTly enchanting. The crystal will draw the fairies to this spot. A person couldn’t do much with rocks that I wouldn’t like. Rocks are marvelous.

    I am with you, Lisa. A pile of rocks is a thing of beauty! HA Thanks for the support, I hope you make a little circle for yourself, too.

  6. My Kids Mom says:

    My family went to VA this summer to FairyStone State Park. There are tiny crosses formed in the rocks there and they can be dug out and kept. I think you need some!

    I need to go to FairyStone State Park!!!!

  7. How fun…your posts never fail to charm and delight. When it comes to successfully transplanting moss, is it important to dig up a clump deep enough to get a lots of root or can one just skim ?

    Thanks Michaele, you are sweet, as always. I am very careless with the moss here, just sort of scraping it up when moving it. I suppose getting some of the dirt with it is important, but from what I have read, keeping it moist and in shade is the most important thing to remember.

  8. Donna B. says:

    Alright, seeing that crystal pretty much set this post skyward. That is a beautiful final touch! Such simplicity… and the moss. Oh I love moss. ♥

    Thanks Donna, I appreciate your upwards thinking! Moss is divine, no doubt about it.

  9. Lynn Hunt says:

    After seeing the real thing while living in the UK (and being underwhelmed) I like this better. Very clever!

    Oh my, underwhelmed? Thanks for the high praise then! It was easy, unlike the Herculean undertaking to make the real one.

  10. Frances, your leaf steps were exactly what I was hoping we could do with our new front steps — wrong consistency of concrete for us, unfortunately. Yours are Faire-ly fantastic!

    Thanks Helen. Your new steps are fabulous! Ours are not nearly as professional. Let’s just say they have a lot of *character*. HA

  11. What is it about miniature things that is so appealing? I love your Fairy Village.

    Thanks Kathy. It takes me back to childhood, playing with dollhouses and such, as I construct these fairy things. Still a little girl who likes to play in the dirt!

  12. Jane Gladden says:

    What a great idea. I have been enchanted by the fairy village all summer ( I think I will be building one before frost.) and now a Fairy Stonehenge! I can’t wait. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas.

    Thanks Jane. I hope you make a place for your garden fairies to hang out. It is fun and can be anything you want it to be. The Stonehenge was extremely easy to put together.

  13. Skeeter says:

    The Saint says I have a Rock Fetish! LOL, I just find them awesome and am always collecting them. You have made a wonderful little Stonehenge with perfect center piece. Love it…

    Thanks Skeeter. Rock fetish, oh yes to that! HA

  14. ryan says:

    It’s great.


  15. indygardener says:

    Love the fairy ring idea, Faire. You really did your homework!

    Thanks Carol. It was fun to learn more about the stone circles in the UK and all over the world. I find them intriguing.

  16. Diana says:

    That’s wonderful. You are so creative — it’s perfect in your garden of fairies and sprites.

    Hi Diana, thanks so much. The little stone circle does fit in well. So easy to do, too.

  17. sharon says:

    what stunning maples!!!..I envy


  18. Rose says:

    Frances, you never cease to amaze me with all your creative ideas! A fairy Stonehenge is a delightful addition to your village, and the crystal in the center is the perfect touch. You’re creating the ultimate gathering place for all fairies in the area!
    P.S., I thought it was rather ironic that the artist/builder’s name was Macbeth; the original Macbeth would have been much better off listening to the Druids and fairies than witches:)

    Thanks, Rose. Rocks, a circle, why didn’t I think of that sooner? HA I liked that his name was McBeth, too, wonder if that is his real name. He seemed quite a character!

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