Blue Snow

It starts the descent from high in the sky, swirling softly in a spiral going round and round until it gently touches the earth and spreads like batter in a pan.

The flakes are large, the size of a quarter or a tiddly wink token, floating gracefully and covering every surface in a white bridal veil.

It could, and should be considered beautiful, a wonder of nature, following a twisting, turning path steered by the wind ever downward.

The evergreens become drooping sentinels, icing sweetly attached to the once dark green tips as the flakes accumulate to weigh down the boughs.

I am inside, going from one room to another, looking out the glass, with camera at the ready to try and capture what the eye is seeing.

Birds and beasts stand out against the ever more pale background, spotlighted by the stark contrast of feathers against frozen white felt.

But there is no joy in this scene for me, it has played and repeated too many times this year for there to be wonderment and awe. Astonishment and gladness at the sight are gone, replaced by sullen, sober sighing.

There is not enough chocolate in the world to make this feeling of melancholy go away. Only the sun can save me from these depths, with warming rays that will open the budded daffodils.


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56 Responses to Blue Snow

  1. Sylvia (England) says:

    Frances, the snow is beautiful but we want spring weather now! I hope it will be gone as quickly as it came and doesn’t do any damage to the delicate spring flowers. Enjoy the chocolate!

    Best wishes Sylvia
    PS picks are back in Blotanical!

    Dear Sylvia, thanks so much. The snow melted, but froze to ice overnight. They are calling for a big warm up soon, it can’t be soon enough! Good news about Blotanical too, could that have been adding to my ennui? We long to see the daff buds open! 🙂 Oh I have done a bit of picking and it felt so good!!! You never miss your water ’til the well runs dry. HA

  2. gittan says:

    Frances my dear friend, I know exactly how you feel. We’ve had our share of winter and snow. Now we want sun and blue skies, temperatures that are rising and spring flowers opening their buds. Snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, tulips… we want it all. But no more snow! Warm dubbelkram gittan

    Dear Gittan, thank you. You have explained the feelings perfectly, the sun and blue skies, the flowers with their colors, it is time! I do hope you will get to see those things soon as well. 🙂
    Triple kram,

  3. Edith Hope says:

    Dear Frances, How wonderfully descriptive this posting is of the snow. I loved your expression of ‘white felt’ and wished that I had written it.

    I was amazed to see Cadbury’s chocolate eggs amongst your selection. I did not realise that Cadbury’s chocolate was available with you. However, given the choice, I should so much prefer the Godiva truffles – sheer bliss!

    Thank you dear Edith, a high compliment from such a fine writer and turner of phrases as yourself. We can get the Cadbury eggs only around Easter time, but can get that brand and others at the better stores. I agree, the Godiva truffle is a thing of wonder. We have a Godiva store in the mall that gives a free truffle per month to members of their club. As you might guess, I am a card carrying member! 🙂

  4. James A-S says:

    For goodness sake Frances, you’ve got two Creme Eggs. Surely that is enough?
    You can’t expect sunshine as well:that would just be greedy!

    Whilst the egg IS a mood enhancer, and one is all that can be eaten in one 24 hour period, we are required by conscience to share with the Financier. That cuts the stash account in half. And I am in my heart of hearts quite greedy when it comes to both sunshine and chocolate.

  5. Yes – enough with the snow – bring on Spring!

    Hi Ho, Karen! Silent no longer! HA All of us are more than ready for spring. I will be donning all the necessary gear to go out today, no matter the weather, it is required for mental health reasons. 🙂

  6. Liisa says:

    Good Morning, Frances. It is this time of year that I begin to grow weary of the gray days and snowy blankets. It seems that winter is trying very hard to remind me of her beauty. Last week we enjoyed snowflakes the size of silver dollars, and then a sunrise which lit up the snow-covered branches creating the most magical scene. It was lovely, though I can’t help but feel ready for the transition to spring.
    I hope that spring reaches your part of the world very soon, and that you soon enjoy warmer days with your hands in the dirt and the sun on your back. 🙂

    Oh Liisa, I must read your last sentence over and over, I feel the warmth from the words! Thanks!~ There is so much beauty in the snow, and of course all sunrises are beyond the pale, but we want to see the dirt! And dig in it. 🙂

  7. gardeningasylum says:

    How nice to see your post this morning – yesterday in Connecticut we touched a heartening 50 degrees, and this morning fat fluffy flakes are falling yet again. We know it’s lovely, but we are done!

    Thank you, Cyndy. 50 degrees sounds heavenly, how is it that you can be so much warmer than us in the south? Things are topsy turvy this year and I don’t much care for the change. We want our warmer winters back, please. And Mister Winter, your days are numbered, the calender says so! 🙂

  8. Darla says:

    You poor dear….like a child being trapped inside with the chicken pox looking out the window at the neighborhood kids playing!! Soon my friend the sunshine ball will warm your world!

    Dear Darla, thanks so much. That is a fine analogy, daughter Semi had the chicken pox and we have a photo of her looking sadly out the window at the other kids playing outside on a Mother’s Day long ago. The saddest sight in the world, that red dotted face. The ball of sun will make me so glad, do toss it our way! 🙂

  9. Nice stash Frances, I do not think that I could wait for a snowy day to eat them, because that is all the time! It is supposed to be a lovely warm week here, hopefully some snow will melt.

    Thanks Deborah. To be honest, I don’t know how you survive with so much snow for so long. I remember living in PA and having the same conditions, it must be a matter of acclimation. We are not acclimated to it! And don’t want to be either, it’s why we live in the south, for the fine climate. I hope we both see plenty of sunshine this weekend and beyond, we need it! 🙂

  10. Les says:

    It may have been lovely and welcome around Christmas, but now it is only depressing. It is snowing here today, but not enough to close schools, they should, because what child will have his or her mind on school?

    I agree, Les, the snow when it shouldn’t be and lack of sun are joining forces to make this the worst winter in memory. They didn’t close our schools yesterday, it was supposed to be rain not snow, then when it started snowing they sent everyone home. The parents had to scramble and they were running the buses in the worst of it too. Glad to not have to deal with that anymore.

  11. Randy says:

    Me too, I’ll take the chocolate over the snow. We have a dusting of it this morning. We are going to the open house on Saturday at Pine Knot Farms the hellebore specialists in southern VA. Can’t wait for warmer weather.

    Thanks Randy, that trip to see hellebores sounds great. The nurseries here are not open yet, except by appointment. It is saving me money, anyway. I believe we will be making up for lost time soon. I hope. 🙂

  12. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    They are calling for warmer weather this weekend and it can’t come fast enough for me. I feel your pain…it won’t be long now…will it?? A little sunshine would be so much appreciated. Even the crocus here won’t open. They are staying in tight little buds. Sunshine is needed everywhere for everyone. sigh

    I hear ya, Lisa. Our crocus are exactly the same, I can see the color. It is such a tease. Soon, Lisa, soon. We must hang on! 🙂

  13. Joy says:

    Frances girl .. I think you have what we suffer from in the Great White North .. CABIN FEVER .. and actually chocolate can help so don’t give up on that medication girl ? LOL
    I have to say I like the thought (I’m not being mean truly !) that southerners are realizing what we go through each winter .. how long and “blue” it can get for us .. but saying that I have to also add that extreme weather can instigate extreme HAPPINESS when Spring arrives .. which is wonderful .. I guess I am a dyed in the wool “four seasons” type of gal ? LOL
    Better weather ahead and you will be in the garden well befoe me ? wink wink
    Joy : )

    That’s it, Joy, Cabin Fever! And chocolate does help? Thanks for that. Honestly, I don’t know how you can stand it, the long winter. It is not what we are used to. I too need four seasons, but not of equal length! Long spring and fall, short summer and winter the shortest of all. Our summer is actually long, and winter normally shorter and less frigid than this year. I will use as my mantra….Chocolate and sunshine….Ommmmmm 🙂

  14. Gail says:

    So very well said ~~I feel the same melancholy and looking outside at the gray, cold day reinforces it. Chocolate hasn’t helped one bit, but maybe the sun this weekend will lift all our spirits. What a winter. It does look good on Fairegarden I must say! Lovely photos. gail

    Thanks for the sympathy, Gail. We both are feeling blue, I am blaming the weather. I hope the weekend turns out to be as forecast. 🙂

  15. donna says:

    My goodness, these are wonderful photos. The entire post was a pleasure to read and thanks for using the words tiddly wink. The thought of tiddly winks makes me smile.


    Thanks Donna, I am glad you enjoyed it. I don’t know what made me think of tiddly wink, but it is a happy thought, I agree. 🙂

  16. Dear Frances, I am sorry the snow is making you blue though it is inspiring to your muse. Maybe when you see my new post … hopefully I will be up to it… you will feel better. In any case it will not be long now for all of us to truly enjoy our gardens. We do so need the light to make us feel bright inside. Hopefully the sun will shine down on you in these next days and help your spirit soar again. I love your second and third photos! Your garden looks enchanting! Carol

    Thanks Carol, and I do hope you are feeling better. The snow was inspiring, but made me mad at it at the same time. I love your phrase of feeling bright inside, that is exactly what we need now. The garden holds so much promise as the bulbs emerge, I don’t want to see it covered up with white stuff. Unless it is cherry blossom petals. 🙂

  17. Frances – we, too have snow. I’ve also lost the delight of seeing the beauty of it. Charm ran around in it this morning like a young puppy. That’s about the most fun we get out of it now.

    It WILL be in the sixties on Sunday here. THAT MUST BE SPRING COMING! There is sunshine at the end of the winter tunnel!

    I am sorry to hear that, Cameron. At least Charm is having fun in it, that brings a smile to me just thinking of her romping. I like your positive attitude about the weather forecast. They are not too good at more than a day or so out, but I do hope you are right about 60s, that would be fabulous. 😉

  18. Janet says:

    I too have a couple inches of snow this morning. It is very wet and slushy…will freeze tonight, making roads dangerous. Enough already!!! I was looking through some of my older photos and came across a picture of Easter weekend (2006??) where we got a dusting of snow…the first weekend of April. When it does finally warm up (and dry out) being outdoors will be so welcoming.
    For today I am just waiting to see if ballet is cancelled. My side of the water (from Les) there are schools that are closed. Seems to have been pretty localized accumulation.

    I am sorry for your snow, Janet. It has lost all romance for me and ice never had any. It was Easter when we got not only snow but single digit temps after everything had leafed out. It was the worst event for the garden here since we have been back in TN. I am not sure if it was 2007 or 2006, we were in Asheville at the time and couldn’t even cover stuff. Not that was whine worthy!

  19. GloriaBonde says:

    I too keep looking at the morning ice. The ground is so slushy. This has been an odd year. I went out and worked in my little pink and yellow garden house. At least It was sunny in there. I am painting the inside of the poor thing. I’ve done the chocolate and still make sure I have a stash. G

    Thanks for visiting, Gloria. I am glad you found so sunshine in your cute space. I have been spending quality time in the greenhouse, even though there is nothing for me to do in there while waiting for seeds to germinate. We don’t let the chocolate run out here, either. 🙂

  20. The sun is coming, very soon! Just a few more days of this gray colored sky and spring will be giving us a prelude. At least that’s what the forecasters say!

    Thanks for that Dave, you seem so sure of it! I hope you’re right. 🙂

  21. Sweet Bay says:

    I know what you mean Frances. It’s the mud that’s getting to me. It makes taking care of the horses difficult. The horses look how I feel — disgusted. lol

    I am so sorry for your horses, and you!, Sweet Bay. The mud is a nuisance and cold mud is the worst kind! 🙂

  22. Hi Frances, firstly, I have to say blue snow is WAAAAY better than yellow snow (trust me, we Michiganders know snow!). Oddly, I still love the snowfall, even now and even later, but it’s what we’re used to. I hate not being in the garden, I hate seeing what everyone else already has blooming, but I love snow. Always have. In fact, the winter I spent in Stuttgart, with rain every day for 4 months, was the most depressing winter of my life. The problem is, of course, we don’t have snow cover all winter. 😦

    I am glad you love snow, Monica. You wouldn’t like it down here much, even though we have had way more this year than anyone can remember. It is not the constant blanket like the kind you can get and that does the garden so much good. I am hoping to make your life miserable with blooming flowers very soon! Sorry, but it how things should be here. We are bummed because there were no daffs in February, no crocus in January like there should be. 🙂

  23. Sorry about the snow. I’m sick of it too. I’m not like Monica, I loved being in Rome for the winter when the only way I saw snow was to go visit it in the Dolomites or in Switzerland. Cheer up – the stronger March sun will melt it all away before you know it.

    Thanks for that, MMD. Rome sounds delightful, I know Italy is a most beautiful place from friends who have traveled there. If the sun would come out, I am sure it would warm things up and bring some blooms out of their hidey holes.

  24. TC Conner says:

    The sun’s natural vitamin D
    is what’ll cure it for me,
    take me outta this snow,
    I cain’t shovel no mo!

    (I’ll have to post a couple of pictures Felder Rushing sent me of his garden with “blue” snow.)

    Great poem, TC! We too need the vitamin that the sun gives. The Financier even had to shovel snow here so I could get to the mailbox. Good thing we kept our snow shovels through all the moves after living in PA. I will check out the blue snow. 🙂

  25. Catherine says:

    Snow into March does lose it’s novelty. I hope Spring finds you there soon!

    Thanks, Catherine. Yes, the novelty has worn off. We used to actually get excited about the snowfall and always took photos of it because it would melt so quickly. This snow did melt finally, but there is no warm in Mudville, yet. 🙂

  26. Benjamin says:

    Oh, if it’s Godiva, then there IS enough chocolate. That stuff is manna from heaven. And better blue snow than yellow snow!

    I agree about the Godiva, Benjamin. There is nothing like it. We have to go to Knoxville to get any, which is probably a good thing, for it is my weakness. I know about the yellow snow as well. Yuck!

  27. Are you sure that the chocolate won’t help? Just think forward to next month and a garden full of blooming flowers :^)

    I look at the chocolate and worry about eating it all and not having any left! LOL We should have flowers blooming now, but they are holding back because of the cold. Next month should be a riot of color, it better be!!! 🙂

  28. mew says:

    Frances, I feel your pain and your melancholy. I do not understand why we have to suffer through such a lingering, unpleasant winter here in the SE this year. Yuck! (Altho lovely shots, nonetheless.)

    Hi M. E., thanks for the support. It has been tough and I am not normally such a whiner, really. It must be a confluence of things to make this winter so bad, but I am blaming the weather! 🙂

  29. Laurie says:

    Surely that stash ‘o chocolate would lift my spirits…I see someone referred to Felder
    Rushing in your comments. He’s coming to SAPS in September…(at great cost, I might add!)
    Do come.

    Hi Laurie, so nice to see you here! I look at the chocolates and think, It Is Not Enough! Felder Rushing is a big name, I will have to consider it. Thanks for asking. 🙂

  30. I’m SO with you on this, Frances! We’re into day I don’t know how many of dreariness, and neither chocolate nor indoor flowers are helping right now. Happily, I’m really busy so I can’t really go outside anyway, but it’s very draining to look out at grey grey grey. I love the blue blue blue, however. Hang in there, dear heart, and know that spring will come sooner for you than it does for me. xx

    You are beyond sweet, dear Jodi, to wish me spring knowing it will be a while before yours shows up. I am glad you are busy, that certainly helps. The lack of sun is part of what is getting to me as well. There are coats and boots and scarves and gloves to combat the cold, but without the sun to spark the desire to go out, and knowing the frigid wind is blowing, and the crocus can’t open when the sun isn’t shining, well I could go on but won’t. There is not enough chocolate in the world, I keep thinking over and over. It is bound to change sooner or later. 🙂

  31. Lona says:

    Hi Frances.
    It is a beautiful snow but like you is not very welcome or as beautiful as the first one.
    They have long lost their appeal this winter. 😉 And with so many daffodils ready to bloom in your bed. Their golden heads will be so welcome.

    Hi Lona, thanks. It was a beautiful type of snow, so soft and fluffy, like balls of cotton swirling in the air. But it was supposed to be rain, the weather people were fooled, again. The early Rijnveld’s Early Sensation usually begin mid February to show those golden colors that are so cheering. They are late, not early this year, but will still be the first to bloom among the many daffs growing here. I can’t wait, but the thought is a warming one. 🙂

  32. Rose says:

    Your photos are beautiful, Frances, and some of them remind me so much of a scene I saw at last year’s Chicago Flower and Garden Show, a beautiful demonstration of a garden with four season interest. (Did I say that here before? Sorry, but the winter has affected my brain as well.) But I understand how tired of it you are…after mid-January, the snow lost its novelty for me, too. Meanwhile, I’ve eaten far too much chocolate; I probably can’t fit into last year’s gardening clothes anymore:)

    You are so sweet, Rose, thank you. I just saw on the news that chocolate should be eaten for those with weather issued depression, it releases endorphins! Also good were eggs and turkey! After a few sessions out in the garden, we both will be able to fit into those gardening togs, even with a winter’s worth of chocolate under our belts. 🙂

  33. Frances I am so glad you told us about pictures of the end of the month in different gardeners yards. I have been looking at them and they have really helped to raise my spirits. It’s so nice to be reminded of the things to come.

  34. Phillip says:

    Your garden is beautiful in the snow but, like you, I’m ready for spring to get here.

    It might begin today, or a short preview anyway, Phillip. I WILL be outside. Those peas need planting! 🙂

  35. The sun will return Frances, and the snow will vanish. I speak from experience. Last Thursday and Friday we had bout 30 cm. of snow, after not having hardly any all winter. But 2 days later the temperature rose above 0 Celsius, the sun came out and the melting began. As each day passess it is getting a bit warmer and I’m dreaming of sitting on the deck and soaking up the warmth.

    Oh I hope so, Crafty Linda. I am glad you had some melting. Those dreams of the deck and sunshine do bring a smile and happy place to think about. 🙂

  36. Kathleen says:

    Now you know what my problem is every winter!! lol
    But take heart, I see lots of spring in your photos ~ like those daffodils almost ready to bloom. I hope the next post is full of sunshine and spring flowers. 🙂

    Hi Kathleen, thanks for the support. I don’t know how you can stand it. This is not what our winters have ever been like before, we are wusses! I am hoping the warmth in the forecast brings the daffs out, they are the most cheering of flowers. I can’t wait! 🙂

  37. Cindy, MCOK says:

    MORE snow? Dang, will it never cease? Well, yes, it will … but it doesn’t feel like it will! Spring has finally come to my corner of Katy and now I have to deal with winter’s aftermath.

    Thanks, Cindy. I know that you have had a terrible winter as well. I hope there are few, if any losses to your lovely corner. Glad to hear spring has sprung there. Send its cousin on up to TN please! 🙂

  38. Town Mouse says:

    I hear you! Here in CA, people are getting tired of the rain already. Not me, though, let those reservoirs fill up first. But, as I always said when I was a kid, it would be best if it rained at night and were sunny during the day.

    Thanks Mouse, I have seen the storms that keep battering you guys in the west. Rain is good, I suppose, but I agree, if it would fall at night only that would be perfect.

  39. Grace says:

    Frances ~~ It just sucks how crappy the weather has been for you. Surely this has got to be the last burst of winter’s wrath. Enough already. Making this all about me, I’m feeling guilty having such great [albeit equally anomalous] weather. My fingers are crossed. I’m dying to see your gardens.

    You are sweet Grace, thanks. I am very happy that you have been having great weather, really. We just want our share of normally wonderful temps and sunshine too. The gardens are holding back with the cold, I am wondering if there will be more blooming all at once when it warms up. A nice thought. 🙂

  40. chuck b. says:

    Geez, when does it end.

    Any sign of Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid ‘Victorian-Goth’?

    Oooh, it has a name? I love it! Early last spring I moved it from a too shady location where it was originally planted because we were concerned about winter protection to a more open sunny well drained spot by the shed. I thought it was lost, but it regrew leaves in the fall and those leaves are still green, if small. I am happy it is alive, for we are unsure of what conditions it needs. We are not San Francisco with our hot summers and cold wet winters. But V-C lives! Also alive and looking a little better are the Dieramas. One plant has floppy leaves about two feet long and a few others are smaller but evergreen and alive. They are in the same shed bed, where the eryngiums, belamcandas and nasella live, sunny and dry. The Fuchsia is also looking pretty good, if small, in the greenhouse. I cannot figure out what it needs either. All suggestions are welcome.

  41. Frances I have glorious sunshine streaming through my window this morning, I’m bottling some up and sending it to you right now!

    RO xx

    Oh my goodness, RO, that is the best gift ever! It seems spring has sprung over there across the pond. Our time will come, we hope soon. 🙂

  42. Ceara says:

    Lingering winter gives us all Spring Fever. I know I certainly have it!

    Hi Ceara, thanks for visiting and welcome. Spring fever, cabin fever, SAD, it all leads to the need to be outdoors in the sunshine. 🙂

  43. Kiki says:

    Hi Frances..a beautiful and magical post as always! I love your words of charm and prose. Lovely pics..I love that blue stained glass window..what a treasure to have..gorgeous!I feel out of the loop..I dont think i am recieving anyone’s feeds or updates..I will have to fix I dont miss out on any more posts!Have a super lovely day..thanks for always sharing your magic.

    Hi Kiki, thanks so much. The stained glass came from an art show in Pennsylvania many years ago. It has some broken pieces of glass, but we still cherish it. The sun came out today! Now that is magical. 🙂

  44. Kyna Adams says:

    That stained glass is amazing!!

    Thanks Cyna. That piece is a favorite of mine, although it has some broken pieces. We have moved many times, but it was broken when it fell from those suction cup thingeys. I will never use those for anything, they don’t stick, we learned the hard way. We still love the piece, it is a magnolia flower. 🙂

  45. Balisha says:

    Hi Frances…I felt a bit of Spring yesterday.The temps are going up into the 40’s and the sun is out. Snow is receding in my yard. As I look out my window I see branches to be picked up from our River Birch. It won’t be such a job to pick them up this year…a joy to work in the yard.

    Hi Balisha, thank goodness for those warmer days. I know what you mean about picking up birch sticks, we have a row of them and I usually hate that job. We are happy to do anything outside now. 🙂

  46. Amen, sister! Chocolate does help, doesn’t it? I checked out your post and thought to myself – boy, I really am tired of seeing snow covered gardens. Refreshing to know I am not the only one. But look at your daffodils – they’re well on there way. Can’t be long now!

    Thanks Kelly. Thank goodness for chocolate, although my stash is not nearly enough to cover the rest of this winter. The buds on the earliest daffs does bring a smile here. The flowers would bring a laugh out loud. 🙂

  47. Jean says:

    Yikes, sorry you’ve had so much snow Frances. Of course it looks beautiful to me. 🙂 I hope you get some of this nice weather that’s finally making an appearance down here. And soon! Meanwhile, chocolate sounds like a great experience.

    Thanks Jean. It is beautiful, but it means we are that much farther from spring. We are about a month behind, but hope to catch up soon. The chocolate does help. 🙂

  48. Robin says:

    I’m ready for spring too, Frances! Today we have gorgeous blue skies and it is finally sunny! We are even warming up to the 50’s this weekend. We are almost there!

    Thanks Robin. That is great news about the blue skies, for it means sunshine. Oh how we have missed the sun. Our temps are to be in the 50s, maybe 60! this weekend too. It sounds wonderful. 🙂

  49. tina says:

    You are dying for the spring yet I am not looking forward to it. I’ve so enjoyed this winter as in not doing too much gardening. It’s been relaxing and I need that. Got a smile with the chocolate.

    I live to garden, Tina, there is no way around it. Relaxing is not something that appeals to me at all, especially when it is forced by the weather. I love the moving and pruning and fiddling around during the warmer days in the winter. None of that happened this year and it affected my mental outlook big time. Chocolate is great, but chocolate plus gardening is the best! 🙂

  50. Lola says:

    Dearest Frances, the view from you window is lovely. I remember the white stuff covering all & also how entrancing it was to watch it fall ever so gentle at night time. Fond memories for me now that I’m displaced.
    Spring is on it’s way faster than we know. I have Snow drops, forsythia, & 1 lone buttercup blooming but it’s so wet that I don’t dare tread upon the soil just yet.
    I did manage to get my potatoes planted {in a potato bag, I’ll try again this yr} Sunday while the sun shown. I’ve also managed to get some of my huge pots ready for the seed.
    I feel the need to get my hands dirty.

    Dear Lola, thanks so much for that cheer me up. I am so envious of your snowdrops, and other flowers. It just hasn’t happened here yet, although it should have. How exciting about the potatoes, mine were recently ordered and will be planted mid month here, the bed is ready. Getting our hands dirty is the thing, isn’t it? 🙂

  51. Chookie says:

    I am not yet tired of seeing snow on Northern Hemisphere blogs! Remember you’re indulging people like me who have to go somewhere to look for snow!

    Oh Chookie, thanks for reminding me of that! This snow was really the prettiest, with the flakes so large and the wind moving them into swirling dervishes. Glad you enjoyed seeing it. 🙂

  52. RobinL says:

    I know where you’re coming from Frances. Yes, the snow is lovely, blah, blah, blah. But it’s too much this year, and the melting is going way to slow for my liking. I had hoped to see snowdrops and crocus by now, but they are still buried. Where’s my chocolate when I need it?

    Thanks Robin. It has been a tough winter. But the sun is now shining and the chocolate is not quite so deperately needed, until the next snow. But we have turned the corner, I believe. Hooray! 🙂

  53. Hi Frances

    It’s dragged on over here in France too. I NEED spring. We’re forecast a week of frost.

    Sorry to hear it, Rob. NEED is the word. We NEED the sun to shine and bring the warmth that we know it can. I hope it sends some rays over your way as well. 🙂

  54. I can’t believe the numbers of comments you get:-) And how kind of you to find time to write back.
    I hope your melancholy is better today! I suffer a bit of m. myself when winters are too long and dark.
    But this winter we have had so much snow that it’s almost blinding with the snow to reflect the sunshine. And that’s a good thing in my book! If you can endure a bit chill, the days are just beautiful and white, like light therapy! But it will be nice to see some change soon….:-) Take care, H.

    Thanks so much, Hillevi. I am much better now, we had some warmer weather and I was able to get outside and dig in the dirt. That helps a mood lift. Your winters sound cold, but beautiful, light is always good! 🙂

  55. Anna says:

    Oh Frances what a dreadful state of affairs. I do hope that it has warmed up since you wrote this post. A girl can only eat so much chocolate 🙂

    Thanks for the sympathy, Anna, it is much appreciated. It has warmed up considerably, although shady parts are still frozen solid. I can hardly believe it, with the warmth we have had. No planting in frozen ground, sad to say. We keep adding to the chocolate stash, The Financier has even remarked on the growing pile. I am the Midas of chocolate, more is not enough! HA 🙂

  56. Pingback: Summertime Blues | Fairegarden

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