As It Should Be

November 29, 2012 012 (2)
There is less color everyday.

November 29, 2012 017 (2)
The once pink muhly grass, Muhlenbergia capillaris is fading faire.

November 28, 2012 023 (2)Without their leaves, the trunks and branches of trees, like the native river birch, Betula nigra step to the forefront.

November 28, 2012 030 (2)
Shades of grey….

November 28, 2012 027 (2)
….And brown become the dominant hues. Bronze fennel, Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’ and Rudbeckia maxima seedheads against a late fall blue sky with the silver maple towering.

November 25, 2012 014 (2)
The sun plays peekaboo, appearing momentarily until hidden by a veil of clouds. Above are Prunella vulgaris seedheads in the sometimes sunny gravel garden.

November 29, 2012 022 (2)
It is as it should be as winter descends upon the land.


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10 Responses to As It Should Be

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Looking forward to that first snow too. Have a great weekend.

    Hi Lisa, thanks and you too, have a great weekend. No snow in the forecast for us until well after 2013. But they have been wrong before. Many times, actually!

  2. Your picture of the Prunella vugaris piqued my interest since I was unfamiliar with the name and it displayed such a sturdy and interesting architectural form . This particular link contained lots of info and great detailed photos. However, I’m still not sure if I’ve ever seen the plant in person. The article made it seem like it was a common wildflower. What is your story on it?
    Love your photos where you capture the drama of the seedheads against the sky. Of course, that meant that you probably went to extra physical effort to get that angle. Thanks for the visual treat!

    Hi Michaele, thanks for the kind words. I like to take photos from different angles, while I can still contort myself! HA The Prunella is a sweetheart that came with the property, a non-native weed to some. Here is more about it: August Wildflower Wednesday. I often showcase the dried seedheads because they remain nearly forever and the bloom period is quite short. The rosette is evergreen.

  3. gail says:

    Frances, I do believe that winter is going to stop by for a visit next week. A dusting of Christmas snow would be a good treat. We can hope and dream. I love winter browns at this time of year, they’re still tinged with gold, reds and lovely beiges. Your photo of Prunella in the sun is a delight! Such a wonderful wildflower…xoxogail

    I think so, too, Gail. It would be lovely to have some snow for Christmas, but the weather person here thinks that is unlikely, but what do they know? HA I love the colors at this time of year, too, subtle beauty. The Prunella is a wonderful non-native winter interest plant.

  4. Lola says:

    It looks fantastic even with the winter approaching.

    Thanks Lola. It looks lovely to my eyes, and as it should.

  5. Randy says:

    We haven’t had a REALLY heavy frost yet. I’m ready for it to send everything dormant so I can get to cleaning! LOL

    Hi Randy, thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean about waiting for things to die down before we clean up. We usually wait until after the holidays to begin the once a year major cut down, but can’t wait too long since the tips of some bulbs are already showing.

  6. Cindy says:

    Winter weather will supposedly arrive here on my corner of Katy in the wee hours of Monday. Having lived in Texas, you know what a mixed bag winter can be here. When summer flowers continue to bloom alongside plants shedding leaves or dying back, we can call the the latter winter interest but it still looks just plain ugly alongside all that’s still lush and green!

    Hi Cindy, thanks for joining in here. I remember well the incongruity of winter there in Texas and never really adjusted to it. But it was nice to be able to enjoy being outside without a jillion coats and such.

  7. I love the peeling bark on that river birch.

    Hi Garden IAC, thanks for visiting. As they have matured, the row of birches have produced some fantastic bark. I always wonder what craft could be made to use it?

  8. I think it’s snowing outside here–I’m pulling myself away from my computer now to go look. I’m getting a little excited! As long as we don’t have a huge snowstorm. A light snow makes everything look fresh, doesn’t it?!

    Hi PP, thanks for telling us about your magical dusting! It does, indeed, give everything a clean and fresh look. We sometimes get some snow, sometimes not, but it rarely lasts long. It is exciting!

  9. Sandy & Richard says:

    Absolutely love the River Birch, the peeling bark is spectacular, a great photograph.
    We have here in Australia a tree called ‘Melaleuca quinquenervia’ or ‘Broad leaf Paperbark’ it has a similar habit all the time, whatever the season, it’s white papery bark is reminiscent of fine sheets of paper, and was used for exactly that purpose by the aboriginals, it was also used by them for painting on…..their beautiful dot paintings, so widely sort after today….world wide. regards Sandy

    Hi Sandy and Richard, thanks for adding to the conversation here. I love hearing about your gardening down under. I greatly admire those Maori paintings with dots but did not know it was done on tree bark! Thank you for that information.

    Hi Frances, Maybe I was a bit remiss in not saying that the aboriginals that paint on bark, are Australian…and not New Zealand Maori. Maori paintings are quite different, though patterend, but in a stylised figurative way, they also make Totems similar to American Indians. kindest regards Sandy. ( glad you enjoy my imput, I just love Fairegarden, and all it involves, loved that brute of a rock you put in to your garden)

    Thanks for making that clear, Sandy and Richard. I appreciate your readership and comments very much. Rocky is a handsome brute, weighing in at 1400 pounds.

  10. indygardener says:

    It is as it should be, but soon enough we’ll start looking for the color again. I hope we have a cold winter, by the way.

    Hi Carol, thanks for stopping by. Bulbs tips are already showing up here, but we have not really had much cold weather and need more to kill those nasty buggies, or at least set them back a bit. Spring, just the thought of it…

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